Search Results for "all"


The Plough Girl Squadron, part 1 - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 1
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The tosser - AUDIO

The tosser
Price: 5.00

I'm a tosser. It's a fairly new sport, derived from the older game of dwarf tossing, but this is the grown-up version. Man tossing. The man is 150 pounds, that's a standard. But it turns out that quite a few men are 150 or less (if they're less, then they can be made up with some weights) and it doesn't matter how tall they are. And it turns out that quite a few men volunteer to be tossed by a big strong amazon giantess. Like me. I'm six foot nine, 290 pounds, and most of those pounds are muscle. I love man tossing, it's a great sport. Picking up a man with his crash helmet on, and launching him over the sand pit to get a longer toss than my fellow athletes - there's nothing better. I hear that next year it's going to be an Olympic sport. We all have our preferred toss-pot. Mine is little Cecil. He's quite short, and struggles to make 150, so we often have to strap a few iron disks onto him to make up the weight. We practice regularly. I also practice with a dummy weighing a fair bit more, but that's not as satisfying as flinging a live man across the sand, so whenever I can get a volunteer, I'll practice with him instead. Cecil doesn't like that, but he doesn't get to say who I toss.

tosser sport dwarf tossing man tossing 150 pounds weights tall volunteer amazon giantess six foot nine 290 pounds muscle crash helmet sand pit Olympic sport toss-pot Cecil iron disks dummy live man practice.

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Pain nurse part one - AUDIO

Pain nurse part one
Price: 5.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. But sometimes, the pain sensation is inadequate, or is "referred". A referred pain is when you feel pain in the wrong place. For example, if you have a heart problem, you can't feel pain in your heart - the pain is felt in your left arm, elbow and shoulder. That's when the pain nurse comes in. If the pain is insufficient or referred, my job is to boost the pain. I have a number of different techniques that I can use, but rather than give a textbook exposition, I'll describe some case studies (the patient's names are, of course, anonymised). If you want a textbook, I'd suggest Wall & Melzack's "Textbook of Pain", available from many online bookshops.

pain nurse purposes alert damage nervous system referred pain sensation healing techniques case studies Wall & Melzack Textbook of Pain

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Pizza Girl part three - AUDIO

Pizza Girl part three
Price: 5.00

Today I was attacked again - the guy wanted the money I was carrying. He was waving a knife around, but it was a dinner knife and he looked really stupid with it. "OK, OK," I said, "My life isn't worth the cash I'm carrying, it's on the bicycle, I'll just get it." But also on the bicycle was my hockey stick, and that's a yard long. I unclipped it, and swung at his head, as one does. He ducked, of course, but I caught him a good one on the shoulder. He yelled "Bitch" and came at me with the knife, but I got him on the left ear with the second swipe of my stick, and he staggered. Why a hockey stick, you might be wondering. Because a baseball bat looks like a weapon, but a hockey stick looks like sports equipment. Which it is, and I've had plenty of practice with it. So he was still coming at me with his cutlery, so after I'd bounced my hockey stick off his left ear, I did a follow through, spun round and smashed my weapon into his right ear. Now he was dazed, but he still had his knife, so I lined up carefully and whacked his right hand, cracking his knuckles and causing him to drop the blade. Now he was disarmed, I suppose I could have just got on the pizza bike and rode off, but my blood was up and I wasn't going to stop now. The standard strike with a hockey stick is, of course, to the shins, followed by an "Oops, sorry about that!". So I took careful aim, raised the stick and brought it down as hard as I could. There was a satisfying "Crack!" and I knew that my assailant was finished. So I put my hockey stick back on its bracket, got on the pizza bike and rode off into the sunset. Or I would have, but it was night time so I rode off into the moonlight.

attacked money carrying waving knife dinner knife stupid life cash bicycle hockey stick yard long unclipped swung head ducked caught shoulder yelled bitch left ear second swipe stick staggered baseball bat sports equipment practice cutlery bounced follow through smashed weapon dazed right hand cracking knuckles drop blade disarmed pizza bike rode off blood standard strike shins oops sorry aim raised hard satisfying crack assailant finished bracket sunset night time moonlight

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Octavia part one - AUDIO

Octavia part one
Price: 5.00

I'm six feet tall in my bare feet, and two hundred pounds of hard muscle; I can bench three times my weight. And I don't hide my light under a bushel. Everything is on display, and a lot of guys like that. My impressive body drives men crazy, and crazy men do crazy things. And I encourage the crazy. My hobby is to find men who are nutty as fruitcake, or if they aren't, I push them that way. And when they're one squawk short of a cuckoo, I take a trophy and dump them. Would you like to hear about some of the absurd things I've done; or rather, the crazy things that men do with a bit of encouragement from a woman with massive muscles?

six feet tall bare feet two hundred pounds hard muscle bench weight display guys body drives crazy encourage hobby nutty fruitcake squawk cuckoo trophy dump absurd men encouragement woman massive muscles.

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The Black Burqa part one - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part one
Price: 5.00

My name is Ayesha. I am a pious Muslima, married to Raafid, my four off springs are Maryam, Gamali, Nasif and baby Kaadiha. I wear the veil, because I am a modest woman. I'm not smart like my friend Sfiyah. She seems to know everything. I read my Quran, and I'm still rather ignorant, unskilled and often I don't understand what people are saying. But I'm happy. At least, I was happy, until Raafid decided that he didn't like my cooking. To be honest, I don't blame him - cooking is one of the many skills I've never mastered. My food comes in two varieties, soggy or burned. So for the last two years, we've been at loggerheads. First, he spoke to me and told me to improve my cooking. I asked "How?" but he didn't have an answer. Then he tried to punish me by not joining me in bed. That's supposed to be a punishment? And when neither of those worked, he started beating me. They say that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. That seemed to be true for me - I noticed that I was thickening in the places where the blows landed. And it was hard muscle, protecting my body from Raafid's rod. He kept it hanging on a hook on the wall, and I knew that when he took it down, I was in for another beating. 15 minutes.

Ayesha Muslima Raafid Maryam Gamali Nasif Kaadiha veil modest Sfiyah Quran ignorant unskilled happy cooking soggy burned loggerheads punish bed beating muscle rod wall hook 15 minutes.

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Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie - AUDIO

Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie
Price: 5.00

When your beautiful, buff girlfriend sneakily joins you inside your sleeping bag during a friend-filled cabin holiday, you are clearly in Heaven! Her firm, solid, shapely body cuddling super snugly into you, her soft, sensual voice whispering erotically into your nearby ears! Clearly your cock throbs at such thoughts (which she can more than tell, it now being tightly inside her), though when her snuggling form gets tighter around yours, lusting arousal turns to fearful concern! Her words continue to coo breathily into you, as she reveals her recent discovery about your cheating ways - big mistake to do so to a girl who can deadlift your car! Her enveloping hold around you becomes more crushing, even her constrictive "inner most" muscles squooshing your entrapped shaft, as she decides to use you as her sexual plaything this night, for her pleasure only, nothing but punishing pain for you - and if your cries of agony wake up the friends sleeping around you, then it will get so much worse for You! JuicyPeach works her Super Sensual magic here, her whisper-like tone making this A MUST for female muscle and ASMR lovers alike! (17 1/2 minutes)

beautiful buff girlfriend sleeping bag friend-filled cabin holiday Heaven firm solid shapely body cuddling snugly soft sensual voice whispering erotically cock throbs tightly inside her snuggling form tighter lusting arousal fearful concern cheating ways big mistake deadlift car enveloping hold crushing constrictive inner most muscles squooshing entrapped shaft sexual plaything pleasure only punishing pain cries of agony wake up friends JuicyPeach Super Sensual magic female muscle ASMR lovers

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Tales Of A Buff Beauty - AUDIO

Tales Of A Buff Beauty
Price: 5.00

When a tall, muscular young woman awakens from a night of crushing muscle fun with her man (his bruised body laying still beside her), she tells you her tale about growing up a beautiful, buff Amazon girl! Sharing stories about how she and her equally muscular little sister (who loves demolishing her men) received their genetics from their bodybuilding mother, as well as their drive to become stronger than any man! Talking about how they built their bodies and learned to love overpowering the weaker male sex from their controlling Muscle Mom, about how they and some other statuesque supergirls routinely trick and dominate guys at the club, describing the events from the previous night with her man, showing him that with incredible strength also comes an amazing sexual drive! Even though she tries to be gentle, her unbridled arousal causes her to lose control and overwhlem her man more than she planned! Though when she finds that he's not quite as asleep next to her as he pretends, she decides to continue her previous night's fun, whether he wants to or not! Another super erotic audio story from the sultry voice of McKenzie Alex! (13 1/4 minutes)

tall muscular young woman awakens night crushing muscle fun man bruised body tells tale growing up beautiful buff Amazon girl sharing stories equally muscular little sister demolishing men genetics bodybuilding mother drive stronger weaker male sex controlling Muscle Mom statuesque supergirls routinely trick dominate guys club describing events previous night incredible strength amazing sexual drive gentle unbridled arousal lose control overwhelm planned finds asleep pretends continue fun super erotic audio story sultry voice McKenzie Alex

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Night Out At The Athena Club - AUDIO

Night Out At The Athena Club
Price: 5.00

You and your guy friends are sitting at a table in the famous Athena Club, greeted by one of their sexy, muscle packed young waitresses, who is eager to give you all free samples of her wares, before taking your order! Overpowering your largest friend in arm-wrestling (while sensually sitting on the lap of another of your group), challenging yet another to try and pry apart her thick, shapely legs, while daring others to punch her rock solid abs or full, hard pecs! Lusciously muscular as she is, this buff beauty is still smaller than anyone in your gathering, yet her strength is enough to easily (and sexily) overpower you all, handling you as if you were nothing but playthings to her! Getting you all (and she herself as well) riled up and ultra aroused, she is now ready to take your order - what will you request of your own personal Amazon girl, and could any of you handle it once you've made your order? As always, the ultra sensual sounds of McKenzie Alex truly brings YOU into this sexy muscle-packed story! (13 3/4 minutes)

guy friends table famous Athena Club greeted sexy muscle packed young waitresses free samples wares order largest friend arm-wrestling sensually lap group challenging pry apart thick shapely legs daring punch rock solid abs full hard pecs lusciously muscular buff beauty smaller gathering strength easily overpower playthings riled up ultra aroused ready take your order request personal Amazon girl handle made your order ultra sensual sounds McKenzie Alex sexy muscle-packed story

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Blind Date Bruising - AUDIO

Blind Date Bruising
Price: 5.00

It's never wise to be a crude, obnoxious jerk when you bring your beautiful, shapely blind date home from an evening out! Lord knows such tall, curvaceous women are hard to resist, though unless you're invited, it's downright foolish to even think about pressuring her into something she has no interest in! Imagine your surprise when she flexes out of her tight-fitting outfit, to reveal that all of her luscious shape is rock solid muscle! Locking yourself in with her previously now only seals your fate, as she joyfully uses her massive strength advantage to dominate and humiliate your pitiful male form! You wanted her all around you this night, well that's just what you're going to get - though with alot more Bone-Breaking pain than you were ever expecting! An "alternate take" of our previous Blind Date Blessing audio story, once again performed super sensually by JuicyPeach Audio! (20 1/2 minutes)

crude obnoxious jerk beautiful shapely blind date tall curvaceous resist pressure interest surprise tight-fitting outfit luscious muscle strength dominate humiliate male form bone-breaking pain audio story sensual JuicyPeach Audio.

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Blind Date Blessing - AUDIO

Blind Date Blessing
Price: 4.00

You return to the home of your blind date, a tall, shapely beauty, and things couldn't be going better - or could they! It's not long before she entices you further, quickly showing off much more of her voluptuous form, which you are Thrilled to see is filled with thick, hard, super strong female muscle! She loves your reaction to her Amazonian physique, as she gets more and more erotic with her words and displays of her superior power! It's not long before you are carried to her bedroom, where she then proceeds to introduce you to the Best Sex imaginable, that with a super sexy muscle girl! You will Absolutely Love the first of our upcoming series of audio clips (all of which putting YOU in the action), from some of The Best in the business of ASMR and audio erotica! This one performed by the Ultra Sensual voice and attitude of JuicyPeach Audio! (25 minutes)

blind date tall shapely beauty voluptuous female muscle Amazonian physique superior power bedroom Best Sex muscle girl audio clips ASMR audio erotica JuicyPeach Audio Ultra Sensual attitude.

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PocketMen2 - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: GyroFM)

By GyroFM A story about guys who lose control looking at muscular women in public settings. 'I eat people like you for breakfast!' she tells me in a strong and confident tone! She is driving me crazy; she has got me pinned against the wall; I can not move. Tatiana lifts her leg and rests her knee on my dick. 'You can not take it anymore, can you?' She tells me and starts rubbing her knee on my cock. She makes me have an orgasm in seconds! Tatiana leaves me, and I fall to the floor with strong spasms from the incredible orgasm! Then she gets dressed and goes out. I never thought that the ugly and insignificant girl that she was at the beginning would turn me on and make me lose my mind so much!

GyroFM story guys lose control muscular women public settings strong confident pinned wall knee dick orgasm spasms ugly insignificant turn on mind.

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Amy's Conquest 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 2
Price: 6.00

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica, an equally beautiful and muscular brunette, and they instantly become friends. The two decide to go to Mr. Scott house and ravish him together - along with posting pics and videos of their escapades all over the Internet!

amy meets year old jessica equally beautiful muscular brunette instantly

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Amy's Conquest 5 part 1 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 5 part 1
Price: 6.00

When Amy heads off to college, she seeks to join a Very Special Sorority (along with some equally Amazonian friends), one that specializes in hard, sexy female muscle. The first part of their trails is to create the best Female Muscle calendar around, something they do to a T - with the help of the football team's "all too willing" players, of course. - Awesome artwork by FemForteFan!

Amy college Very Special Sorority Amazonian friends hard sexy female muscle trails create best Female Muscle calendar T help football team all too willing players Awesome artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest 5 part 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 5 part 2
Price: 6.00

Watch as Amy, Annie and Rachel use their own personal Muscle Fucking styles on the hunky Captain of the USC Football team; first on their own, and then All Together! - Amazing artwork by FemForteFan!

Amy Annie Rachel Muscle Fucking styles hunky Captain USC Football team All Together Amazing artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest 7 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 7
Price: 6.00

When Amy and her Muscle Mom Elizabeth switch MO's in a contest to decide who is the Ultimate Amazon, it ends they only way it can, with them both joining forces against their helpless men, using them sexually as they see fit, until an unexpected family member pops in to voice her rather unhappy opinion! - Amy Icon FemForteFan illustrating this latest installment - with 49 Amazing Pictures!

Amy Muscle Mom Elizabeth switch MOs contest Ultimate Amazon joining forces helpless men using sexually unexpected family member unhappy opinion Amy Icon FemForteFan latest installment

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 3 - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 3
Price: 6.00

Super muscular high schoolers Caitlin and Jennifer issue a challenge to Amy and Jessica. They're taller than the famous duo themselves - and they ravish the tiniest boys in their school! Sexy art by artist Reddyheart!

muscular high schoolers challenge Amy Jessica taller famous duo ravish tiniest boys school sexy art artist Reddyheart

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Amy's Conquest 2 (Color) - PDF

Amy's Conquest 2 (Color)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica, an equally beautiful and muscular brunette, and they instantly become friends. The two decide to go to Mr. Scott house and ravish him together - along with posting pics and videos of their escapades all over the Internet! Another legendary tale of this Awesome Amazon has also been set to strikingly visual, COLOR as well. Rodrigo has also lent his artistic abilities to this Classic story, bringing Amy and Jessica to life like Never Before! (Original artwork by FemForteFan!)

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica equally beautiful muscular brunette instantly become friends decide go Mr. Scott house ravish together posting pics videos escapades Internet legendary tale Awesome Amazon strikingly visual COLOR Rodrigo artistic abilities Classic story bringing life Never Before Original artwork FemForteFan

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Sharon (Redux) - PDF

Sharon (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Allan)

An artistic re-telling of one of our oldest illustrated stories, where we follow the assorted exploits of Sharon, a 21 year old Amazonian beauty, who just loves showing off her thickly muscular physique, bodypart by bodypart, in a variety of ways; especially for tough macho men, relishing in making them cry and fear her ultra intimidating, yet sexily feminine, form! - The Awesome Allan returns to A.C. for this updated version of this classic tale!

artistic re-telling illustrated story Sharon Amazonian beauty muscular physique macho men intimidating feminine Awesome Allan classic tale

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One Lucky Man (Redux) - PDF

One Lucky Man (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Dave's Amazon fiancee Carmen has a birthday surprise for him. her equally buff and beautiful best friend Jen, who carries her foolishly cheating, soon-to-be ex-boyfriend into the room, to be used for their Dual Sexually Punishing Delights, all for the Pleasure of the adorable birthday boy, Dave! - Amazing artwork here by Max on this re-illustrating of one of our First illustrated stories!

Dave Amazon fiancee Carmen birthday surprise equally buff beautiful best friend Jen carries foolishly cheating soon-to-be ex-boyfriend room used Dual Sexually Punishing Delights Pleasure adorable birthday boy Amazing artwork Max re-illustrating First illustrated stories

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The Best of the Weaker Sex - Part 2 - PDF

The Best of the Weaker Sex - Part 2
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Yatz)

Another compilation story filled with smaller tales of female physical superiority, from an assortment of sexy young Amazons - Superb artwork by Yatz!

compilation story smaller tales female physical superiority sexy young Amazons artwork Yatz

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The Class Reunion - PDF

The Class Reunion
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Bambs)

When a muscle-loving man returns to High School for his 15th year Class Reunion, in the hopes to see his old, athletically buff, girlfriend, imagine his surprise when he gazes at her best friend, who had a Huge Crush on him growing up, and who has transformed herself into The Ultimate Amazon Woman, all for him! - A beautifully written Intenseman story with Incredible artwork by the awesome Bambs!

muscle-loving man High School 15th year Class Reunion athletically buff girlfriend best friend Huge Crush Ultimate Amazon Woman Intenseman Incredible artwork Bambs

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The Delivery Boy - PDF

The Delivery Boy
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

When a small pizza delivery boy arrives at the home of a gorgeously gigantic Glamazon, he gets a tip like no other in the form of her sexually dominating body, as she shows him the experiences of mixed sexual pain and pleasure (more on the Pain, for him that is) that her muscle packed physique can "deliver" his utterly helpless body - Truly Outstanding illustrations by R.M.G., who did an Incredible job bringing this Seldomlasts tale to life!!

small pizza delivery boy home gorgeously gigantic Glamazon tip sexually dominating body experiences mixed sexual pain and pleasure pain pleasure muscle packed physique deliver utterly helpless body Truly Outstanding illustrations R.M.G. Incredible job Seldomlasts tale life

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Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 1) - PDF

Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Greg)

When the sexy young girlfriends of two high school brothers discover their families hard-fought secret (namely that their Mother is a strong, muscular Amazon who just LOVES to sexually dominate men) things will never be the same for Stevenson boys - or their budding musclegirlfriends as well! - Very sexy artwork by Greg!

sexy young girlfriends high school brothers families hard-fought secret Mother strong muscular Amazon sexually dominate men Stevenson boys budding musclegirlfriends sexy artwork Greg

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Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 2) - PDF

Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rom)

Daniel and David's Muscle MILF Diana is back, and this time she has spent the several months building up their girlfriend's budding young bodies to Amazonian proportions, training them how to use their newfound power-packed physiques on her sons, as she sexually dominates their young male friends with her own sexily muscular body! - Truly Amazing COLOR illustrations by Rom on this one!

Daniel David Muscle MILF Diana several months building up girlfriend young bodies Amazonian proportions training power-packed physiques sons sexually dominates male friends sexily muscular body Amazing COLOR illustrations Rom.

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Three Muscle Sisters - PDF

Three Muscle Sisters
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: ReddyHeart)

When a trio of young college girls sign up for a ground-breaking experiment, they get more than the $10,000 they were promised, Much More, in the form of Tall, Thick, Sexy Amazonian Hardbodies! Much to their (and I'm sure, Your) ever increasing Delights! - artwork by the Always Amazing, ReddyHeart!

trio young college girls ground-breaking experiment $10 000 promised Tall Thick Sexy Amazonian Hardbodies delights artwork ReddyHeart

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The Separation - PDF

The Separation
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

When a woman finds her husband's secret stash of Amazon Erotica, she emotionally confronts him, concluding in their separation. One year later a surprise message for him to meet with her leads to a shocking revelation, and Lots of Female Muscle Fun! - Our latest story from Iconic DTV author, Intenseman!, with Fantastic artwork by FemForteFan!

woman husband secret stash Amazon Erotica emotionally confronts separation surprise message shocking revelation Female Muscle Fun Iconic DTV author Intenseman Fantastic artwork FemForteFan

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The Sorority Girl Next Door - PDF

The Sorority Girl Next Door
Price: 6.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Taclobanon)

When a man meets up with an old crush from his past, a spark of Love is rekindled between him and the tall, powerful girl (not to mention her gorgeous college friend), as they all enjoy one another's bodies in a variety of ways! - an Incredible story by the legendary SeldomLasts, with Amazing artwork by YET another NEW AC artist, Taclobanon

man old crush spark Love rekindled tall powerful girl gorgeous college friend bodies Incredible story legendary SeldomLasts Amazing artwork NEW AC artist Taclobanon

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Marshmallow - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos Henry & Marcio Correa)

Watch as a tall, shapely Amazon woman sexually plays with her latest (all too willing) boy-toy, teasing him with erotically spoken words of how Strong and Powerful she is, and that next to her, he is simply Soft As A Marshmallow! - An Incredible story by Plowjack, with Great artwork by Carlos Henry and Marcio Correa!

tall shapely Amazon woman sexually plays boy-toy teasing erotically spoken words Strong Powerful Soft As A Marshmallow Incredible story Plowjack Great artwork Carlos Henry Marcio Correa

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An Unexpectedly Strong Amazon - PDF

An Unexpectedly Strong Amazon
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rafael)

While Allison's sleek, fit, tight and toned body looks as Sexy as can be, it's true secret lies in the Vast Strength it contains, much to the punishment and humiliation of several rude, arrogant and violent brutes - much to the pleasure of one Very Lucky man! - Awesome artwork by Rafael!

Allison sleek fit tight toned body sexy secret vast strength punishment humiliation rude arrogant violent brutes pleasure lucky man artwork Rafael

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Lifeguard - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Lifeguard
Price: 6.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Greg)

When a powerfully built Amazonian lifeguard spots an adorably delicious looking swimmer finishing up his laps in her pool, she can't help but jump down and Claim Him for herself, sexually and lethally! - Incredible color illustrations by Greg, and an Amazing story by author extraordinaire, silentcrs!

Amazonian lifeguard swimmer pool Claim Him sexually lethally color illustrations Greg Amazing story author silentcrs

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Triplets - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Triplets
Price: 6.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Everton)

When a man is confronted by a trio of Titanic Temptresses, dressed like the sexy young girls they are, he finds out the Hard (and in the end, Lethally) Way how being the object of such Gigantic Girls desires isn't always what its CRACKED up to be! - Everton once again lends his Amazing artwork to this silentcrs written Classic!

man confronted trio Titanic Temptresses dressed sexy young girls Hard Lethally Way object Gigantic Girls desires CRACKED up Everton Amazing artwork silentcrs written Classic

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Mistaken Identity - PDF

Mistaken Identity
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

Watch as the boyfriend of a buff, beautiful young girl gets taught a very valuable lesson about NOT mixing her and her equally Amazonian twin sister up - a lesson that is re-opened when the sexy twin sister comes calling soon afterwards! - A fun short story with artwork by Carlos on this one!

boyfriend buff beautiful young girl taught valuable lesson mixing Amazonian twin sister re-opened sexy calling fun short story artwork Carlos

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Weaker Sex - PDF

Weaker Sex
Price: 6.00
(Story: Gianluca, Artwork: Plowjack)

Set in the 70's, a friend's moving day turns into the meeting of a lifetime for Jack, an tall cutie with a thing for strong, shapely, sexy young women, something fellow mover Lisa certainly is, and alot more, much to both of their upcoming Sexual Delights! - Very cool illustrations of this Classic Plowjack tale by Gianluca!

70s friend's moving day meeting of a lifetime Jack tall cutie strong shapely sexy young women fellow mover Lisa upcoming Sexual Delights cool illustrations Classic Plowjack tale Gianluca

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One Wild Night - PDF

One Wild Night
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Everton)

Stacy is a statuesque, muscular beauty, who helps make her living as an erotically powerful session Amazon, though when one such client and some hired thugs go too far by invading her home, dealing a devastating blow to her life - or more specifically, to that of her True Love, Ben - she unleashes her Full Power on her all too foolish invaders! - Amazing artwork by Everton on this one!

Stacy statuesque muscular beauty erotically powerful session Amazon hired thugs invading home devastating blow True Love Ben Full Power foolish invaders Amazing artwork Everton

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Virago - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Everton)

Watch some of the sexy Amazon women of Virago - a secret group of physically superior, incredible beautiful, young women, who use their varied talents and abilities to bring justice to unjust males in society - in action, showing such men through sensual seduction or superior strength, the error of their ways! - Amazing illustrations by Everton, on this AmazonFan Classic tale!

Amazon women Virago secret group physically superior beautiful young women talents abilities justice unjust males society action sensual seduction superior strength illustrations Everton AmazonFan Classic tale

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Real Life Adventures - PDF

Real Life Adventures
Price: 6.00
(Story: Plowjack, Artwork: Allan)

Witness the life of a normal, loving, married couple - one that contains a lush, strong, muscular Amazon, that is. A stunningly gorgeous Amazon who Loves to show off her strength for her man, with her man, on her man, dominating him with her thick, hard body, erotically controlling his every move with her superior strength and power, all the while bringing him to the heights of sexual pleasures and delights! - Awesome artwork from a new AC artist, Allan, on this Iconic Plowjack tale!

normal loving married couple lush strong muscular Amazon stunningly gorgeous show off strength dominating thick hard body erotically controlling superior strength power sexual pleasures delights artwork AC artist Allan Iconic Plowjack tale

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Nancy: An Amazon Girl's Blossoming - PDF

Nancy: An Amazon Girl's Blossoming
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: NeoBabylon )

When Nancy, a tall, lusciously shaped college girl/shy librarian, gets discovered and invited to join Amazon House on her college campus, a whole new world is opened up to her, and a new attitude about her own, clearly evident Amazon-hood is born! - Incredible illustrations by NeoBabylon on this one!

Nancy tall lusciously shaped college girl shy librarian discovered invited join Amazon House college campus whole new world opened up new attitude evident Amazon-hood Incredible illustrations NeoBabylon

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Monica, The Bouncer - PDF

Monica, The Bouncer
Price: 6.00
(Story: Roberto, Artwork: AmazonFan)

Watch as a beautiful, buxom and buff woman applies for a job as a bouncer in a bar, only to then have to prove herself by physically defeating another male applicant for the role; an act which gets her so aroused (not to mention the bar owner himself) that she can't help but take her new employer, her way, much to both of their delights! - Very cool artwork on another Awesome AmazonFan tale by Roberto!

beautiful buxom buff woman job bouncer bar physically defeating male applicant aroused bar owner employer artwork AmazonFan tale Roberto

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My New Neighbor (Part 1) - PDF

My New Neighbor (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Pac, Artwork: Rom)

James is a young, successful man, who one lucky day meets his new neighbor, who just happens to be tall, shapely, gorgeous blonde hardbody, Jill. Polite introductions turn to neighborly assistance then to sexual fantasies realized, as Jill uses her superior height and strength to take James completely and utterly, something he doesn't mind in the least! - Amazing COLOR illustrations once again by Rom, on this Erotically written story by one of our newest Incredible authors, Pac!

James young successful man lucky day new neighbor tall shapely gorgeous blonde hardbody Jill polite introductions neighborly assistance sexual fantasies realized superior height strength take completely utterly doesn't mind amazing color illustrations Rom erotically written story newest incredible authors Pac.

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Before He Cheats - PDF

Before He Cheats
Price: 6.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Allan)

When a towering, muscle packed, Amazon accuses you of cheating, there's only one thing to do - RUN! Unfortunately for Carrie's boyfriend, he just didn't figure that out in time, so she had to use her vast power and super strength to teach him (and his car) a very valuable, potentially fatal, lesson; claiming another unsuspecting male as her new lover in the end! - Awesome (Very Graphic) artwork by Allan on this SeldomLasts story!

towering muscle packed Amazon cheating RUN Carrie's boyfriend vast power super strength teach car valuable potentially fatal lesson claiming unsuspecting male new lover Awesome Very Graphic artwork Allan SeldomLasts story

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The New Secretary - PDF

The New Secretary
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Fabio)

Mr. Turner is an abusive, lecherous boss, who goes through secretaries (who he insists all be hot and wear sexy outfits) like tissue paper; until he meets his latest hire, the shapely and statuesque Wendy, who shows him a thing or two about the True meaning of Power, as she uses her newly revealed Amazonian body to take him over, both physically and financially! - Amazing artwork once again by Fabio (on the first story I have ever written)!

Mr. Turner abusive lecherous boss secretaries hot sexy outfits tissue paper latest hire shapely statuesque Wendy True meaning of Power newly revealed Amazonian body take him over physically financially Amazing artwork Fabio first story

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Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 3) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Jessica's long time Crush (pun intended) has finally been ensnared by her full, hard teenage girl muscles, as both she and Amy have some teasing Muscle Girl Fun with his hopelessly overmatched body; using their massive power for both girlishly playful effects, as well as sexually quenching displays! - Jupiter 1 has ended this series with a Bang here!

Jessica crush pun ensnared full hard teenage girl muscles Amy teasing Muscle Girl Fun hopelessly overmatched body massive power girlishly playful sexually quenching displays Jupiter 1 ended series Bang

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The Mixer - PDF

The Mixer
Price: 6.00
(Story: Pac, Artwork: Max)

When a sweet young college boy (who lusts after athletically built girls) heads over to his school's Mixer and meets up with a tall, musclebound Amazonian beauty, sparks fly. as she shows off her unreal strength for him, both on the football field, and in the bedroom (along with a fellow towering college babe)! - Awesome artwork by Max, on this Pac tale!

sweet young college boy lusts athletically built girls school's Mixer meets up tall musclebound Amazonian beauty sparks fly shows off unreal strength football field bedroom towering college babe awesome artwork Max Pac tale

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The Power Of Two - PDF

The Power Of Two
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Scott)

When your muscle-packed girlfriend asks if her sister, a younger, taller, more muscular version of her, can have sex with you, the answer is always YES - though in the end, your answer doesn't really matter, as when girls as Amazonian as Grace and Jackie want something, they just Take It! - Sexy illustrations here from Scott on another AmazonFan story!

muscle-packed girlfriend sister younger taller muscular sex Amazonian Grace Jackie Take It illustrations Scott AmazonFan story

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If Two's Company, Is Three A Crowd? - PDF

If Two's Company, Is Three A Crowd?
Price: 6.00
(Story: Christa, Artwork: Fabio)

When a statuesque muscle girl spots a similarly buff beauty, in their gym's sauna room, she immediately thinks about how perfect she would be to join her and her muscle-loving man for a little three-some; something this rock solid girl is also desiring, as she too cannot take her eyes off the tall, shapely Amazon, as looks quickly turn into erotic touches of one another's bodies, and soon afterward, an all too lucky boyfriend as well! - Amazing artwork by Fabio on this sexily written Christa tale!

statuesque musclegirl similiarly buff beauty gym's sauna room perfect join muscle-loving man three-some rock solid girl desiring eyes tall shapely Amazon looks erotic touches bodies lucky boyfriend Amazing artwork Fabio sexily written Christa tale

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The Boss Lady - PDF

The Boss Lady
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

Hillary is a CEO of a major company, who is seen here making a house call to one of her sexually abusive and obnoxious employees, a large, powerful, able-bodied man who isn't one to be intimidated by even his boss - though when his boss strips down and reveals not only a fit, firm, fantastic physique, but world class martial arts skills as well, this foolish man quickly sees the error of his ways, and in short order becomes the victim to this femme fatale's sexual cravings as well! - Masterful martial arts manipulations once again by Jorge on this MC Classic tale!

Hillary CEO major company house call sexually abusive obnoxious employee large powerful able-bodied boss fit firm fantastic physique martial arts skills victim femme fatale sexual cravings Masterful martial arts Jorge MC Classic tale.

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Happy Ending - PDF

Happy Ending
Price: 6.00
(Story: Plowjack, Artwork: Gianluca)

When a middle-aged professor meets up with a tall, voluptuously shaped woman nearly half his age, love is definitely in the air - or at least lots of Sexy Muscle Fun, which starts out at first as a helpful massage session, though quickly turns into a series of dominating sexual experiences that leaves little doubt who is the Boss in this new relationship! - Incredible pics by Gianluca on this very sexy tale from the Iconic Plowjack!

middle-aged professor tall voluptuously shaped woman half his age love Sexy Muscle Fun helpful massage session dominating sexual experiences Boss new relationship Incredible pics Gianluca sexy tale Iconic Plowjack

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I Hit The Jackpot - PDF

I Hit The Jackpot
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Rafael)

When a man wins the lottery, he makes an ongoing bet with his Amazonian girlfriend that each time she can make him "explode" with delight, that she gets a monetary reward; lucky for him that she's a shopaholic, who today is interested in buying a sexy dress, and that means it's Sexy Muscle Fun Time, which always leaves him sexually exhausted, and her with whatever she wants! - Incredible pics by Rafael on this AmazonFan story!

man wins lottery ongoing bet Amazonian girlfriend explode delight monetary reward lucky shopaholic buying sexy dress Sexy Muscle Fun Time sexually exhausted whatever she wants Incredible pics Rafael AmazonFan story

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Sally: The Strongest Girl In The World - PDF

Sally: The Strongest Girl In The World
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Max)

Sally is a beautiful young High School girl, who just happens to be 5'6" 220 pounds of rock solid, super strong muscle! Never one to throw her unreal power around, she one day decides to challenge the entire Jock Club, whose bullying ways are getting out of hand; a challenge that in the end isn't one at all, as she easily batters them around the gym - much to the surprise of her loving neighbor, who gets his own (much more gentle) surprise later on that night! - the always Awesome Max illustrates this classic MC story!

Sally beautiful young High School girl 5'6" 220 pounds rock solid super strong muscle Jock Club bullying challenge gym surprise neighbor Max MC story

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