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Sandy's Toy Boy - PDF

Sandy's Toy Boy
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: R.M.G.)

When Jerry, a slender college boy, is spotted by Sandy, a towering teenage titaness, at her Mother's summer resort, she can't help but claim him as her own, using her vastly superior strength and thick powerful muscles, she takes him on a ride that will leave him mentally and physically (and sexually) exhausted! R.M.G. returns with more incredible illustrations, on this classic Puppetman tale!

Jerry slender college boy Sandy towering teenage titaness Mother's summer resort claim own vastly superior strength thick powerful muscles ride mentally physically sexually exhausted R.M.G. incredible illustrations classic Puppetman tale

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"Little" Sister No More (Part 2) - PDF

"Little" Sister No More (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: RagMan)

Teenage Amazon Mary and her assortment of beautifully buff and physically powerful girl-friends are having the time of their lives during their slumber-party, as they exact their revenge on Mary's former bullying twin brothers; using their superior strength and skills to play with these larger boys like toys - and like most toys with little girls, they tend to get Broken! More Amazing Color artwork from RagMan here!

Teenage Amazon Mary assortment buff physically powerful girl-friends slumber-party revenge bullying twin brothers superior strength skills play toys Broken Amazing Color artwork RagMan

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Zach's High School Sweetheart (Part 1) - PDF

Zach's High School Sweetheart (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Katrina, Artwork: Alphadawg )

When Zach is texted by an old girl-friend from school who wants to reconnect after their years apart, he's more than thrilled to do so; though no amount of anticipation could match what he finds when he finally sees her! Her small (though very fit) physique has now become Gigantically Amazonian, a true Hulkette!, and she wants to share every single inch of her Bulging Muscular Body with him! Incredible illustrations by alphadawg on this story written by real-life Amazon girl, Katrina!

Zach old girl-friend school reconnect years apart thrilled anticipation sees small fit physique Gigantically Amazonian Hulkette share inch Bulging Muscular Body illustrations alphadawg story real-life Amazon girl Katrina

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The Elevator - PDF

The Elevator
Price: 6.00
(Story: Skip, Artwork: Max)

When a rude man doesn't hold the elevator doors for a beautiful businesswoman, and then stares lustily at her fit, shapely body, she decides to show him just how to treat a Lady - both in the elevator itself, and later on back in her apartment, where shen then helplessly ties him up, before bringing another bigger, stronger man home, to physically and sexually dominate them both! The Awesome Max is back again, working on this Sexy story from Skip!

rude man elevator doors beautiful businesswoman stares lustily fit body shapely body treat a Lady elevator apartment helplessly ties bigger man stronger man physically dominate sexually dominate Awesome Max Sexy story Skip

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White Gals Can Jump - PDF

White Gals Can Jump
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Just as a final game of basketball is about to end for a trio of cocky male jocks, in strolls the form of a curvaceous young woman, who is foolish enough to challenge all three to a game (with her heels, no less); though it's soon the males who are deemed the fools as they are overwhelmed on and then off the court, but this unbeatable female specimen! Fantastic artwork by Dracowhip on this Jack Straw tale!

basketball trio male jocks curvaceous young woman challenge game heels males overwhelmed court unbeatable female specimen artwork Dracowhip Jack Straw tale

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Who Wears The Pants Around Here? - PDF

Who Wears The Pants Around Here?
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Max)

During a "friendly" argument about who gets to control the TV remote, a beautiful college gymnast and martial arts expert decides it's time to show off her fighting skills and strong shapely thighs to her much larger, football playing boyfriend; in the end showing him just who wears the pants in their relationship, both in and out of the bedroom! More amazing artwork here by Max on this iconic MC story!

friendly argument control TV remote beautiful college gymnast martial arts expert fighting skills strong shapely thighs larger football playing boyfriend wears the pants relationship bedroom amazing artwork Max iconic MC story

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Rogue Genie (Part 1 - Rogue) - PDF

Rogue Genie (Part 1 - Rogue)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Rafael)

During a cavern exploration, the adorable, diminutive Kevin finds an old lamp, only discovering later at his home when he attempts to clean it that it actually houses a Genie, by the name of Rogue; a playful and attractive looking girl, who before long uses her cosmic powers to become Kevin's secret sexual fantasy - namely a tall, powerfully built Amazon woman! The first of this series of stories from Puppetman, illustrated incredibly by Rafael!

cavern exploration adorable diminutive Kevin old lamp discovering home clean houses Genie Rogue playful attractive girl cosmic powers secret sexual fantasy tall powerfully built Amazon woman series of stories Puppetman illustrated Rafael

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Too Tight - PDF

Too Tight
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Ronaldo)

A large, brutish Barbarian guard believes he is in complete control of the gorgeous Amazon woman that is chained to his dungeon wall, groping her muscle-packed body and unreal curves, planning to Take Her for his Pleasure! Though this woman proves to be his superior in every way, as she out-wits and overpowers his hulking form, using her most "delicate" of areas to Crush and Squeeze him to submission, before freeing herself and showing him the true meaning of helplessness! Ronaldo returns here, illustrating this awesome story from Jack Straw!

large brutish Barbarian guard complete control gorgeous Amazon woman chained dungeon wall groping muscle-packed body unreal curves planning Take Her Pleasure superior out-wits overpowers hulking form delicate areas Crush Squeeze submission freeing herself true meaning helplessness Ronaldo awesome story Jack Straw

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Dying Wish (Part 1) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

From their initial meeting, when the bookwormish Adam offers to help struggling super-buff Mercy with her class work, their hearts quickly became One. Unfortunately, a few years passed, their happy marriage takes a huge hit with the news of Adam being terminally ill! From that point on, the two lovers decide to live life to its fullest, travelling the world and getting into an assortment of sexy situations (which Mercy deals with in her own Amazonian style), making each moment they have together the Best Possible! Awesome CGI artwork from new AC artist rainbowscriber here!

initial meeting bookwormish Adam help struggling super-buff Mercy class work hearts One happy marriage huge hit news terminally ill lovers live life fullest travelling world assortment sexy situations Mercy Amazonian style moment Best Possible Awesome CGI artwork new AC artist rainbowscriber

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The Revenge Of The Fat Girl (Parts 1 - 3) - PDF

The Revenge Of The Fat Girl (Parts 1 - 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Alphadawg)

Randi was fat. Very fat. As a result she was picked on by most of the kids at school. Her only real friend was a boy named Steve. And then one summer she went to a special summer camp and transformed herself into a powerful, young, muscle goddess. While this turned out to be great news for Steve, it wasn't so great for Randi's former tormentors. Watch what happens to stuck-up cheerleader Shana and her football hero boyfriend Tim when they refuse to recognize that they better learn to respect the new and improved Randi. Another Awesome MC story brought to life by alphadawg here!

Randi fat picked on kids school friend Steve summer camp transformed powerful young muscle goddess great news former tormentors stuck-up cheerleader Shana football hero boyfriend Tim refuse recognize learn respect new and improved MC story alphadawg

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28 pages279 records