Search Results for "all"


Before He Cheats - PDF

Before He Cheats
Price: 6.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Allan)

When a towering, muscle packed, Amazon accuses you of cheating, there's only one thing to do - RUN! Unfortunately for Carrie's boyfriend, he just didn't figure that out in time, so she had to use her vast power and super strength to teach him (and his car) a very valuable, potentially fatal, lesson; claiming another unsuspecting male as her new lover in the end! - Awesome (Very Graphic) artwork by Allan on this SeldomLasts story!

towering muscle packed Amazon cheating RUN Carrie's boyfriend vast power super strength teach car valuable potentially fatal lesson claiming unsuspecting male new lover Awesome Very Graphic artwork Allan SeldomLasts story

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The New Secretary - PDF

The New Secretary
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Fabio)

Mr. Turner is an abusive, lecherous boss, who goes through secretaries (who he insists all be hot and wear sexy outfits) like tissue paper; until he meets his latest hire, the shapely and statuesque Wendy, who shows him a thing or two about the True meaning of Power, as she uses her newly revealed Amazonian body to take him over, both physically and financially! - Amazing artwork once again by Fabio (on the first story I have ever written)!

Mr. Turner abusive lecherous boss secretaries hot sexy outfits tissue paper latest hire shapely statuesque Wendy True meaning of Power newly revealed Amazonian body take him over physically financially Amazing artwork Fabio first story

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Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 3) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Jessica's long time Crush (pun intended) has finally been ensnared by her full, hard teenage girl muscles, as both she and Amy have some teasing Muscle Girl Fun with his hopelessly overmatched body; using their massive power for both girlishly playful effects, as well as sexually quenching displays! - Jupiter 1 has ended this series with a Bang here!

Jessica crush pun ensnared full hard teenage girl muscles Amy teasing Muscle Girl Fun hopelessly overmatched body massive power girlishly playful sexually quenching displays Jupiter 1 ended series Bang

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The Mixer - PDF

The Mixer
Price: 6.00
(Story: Pac, Artwork: Max)

When a sweet young college boy (who lusts after athletically built girls) heads over to his school's Mixer and meets up with a tall, musclebound Amazonian beauty, sparks fly. as she shows off her unreal strength for him, both on the football field, and in the bedroom (along with a fellow towering college babe)! - Awesome artwork by Max, on this Pac tale!

sweet young college boy lusts athletically built girls school's Mixer meets up tall musclebound Amazonian beauty sparks fly shows off unreal strength football field bedroom towering college babe awesome artwork Max Pac tale

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The Power Of Two - PDF

The Power Of Two
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Scott)

When your muscle-packed girlfriend asks if her sister, a younger, taller, more muscular version of her, can have sex with you, the answer is always YES - though in the end, your answer doesn't really matter, as when girls as Amazonian as Grace and Jackie want something, they just Take It! - Sexy illustrations here from Scott on another AmazonFan story!

muscle-packed girlfriend sister younger taller muscular sex Amazonian Grace Jackie Take It illustrations Scott AmazonFan story

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If Two's Company, Is Three A Crowd? - PDF

If Two's Company, Is Three A Crowd?
Price: 6.00
(Story: Christa, Artwork: Fabio)

When a statuesque muscle girl spots a similarly buff beauty, in their gym's sauna room, she immediately thinks about how perfect she would be to join her and her muscle-loving man for a little three-some; something this rock solid girl is also desiring, as she too cannot take her eyes off the tall, shapely Amazon, as looks quickly turn into erotic touches of one another's bodies, and soon afterward, an all too lucky boyfriend as well! - Amazing artwork by Fabio on this sexily written Christa tale!

statuesque musclegirl similiarly buff beauty gym's sauna room perfect join muscle-loving man three-some rock solid girl desiring eyes tall shapely Amazon looks erotic touches bodies lucky boyfriend Amazing artwork Fabio sexily written Christa tale

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The Boss Lady - PDF

The Boss Lady
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

Hillary is a CEO of a major company, who is seen here making a house call to one of her sexually abusive and obnoxious employees, a large, powerful, able-bodied man who isn't one to be intimidated by even his boss - though when his boss strips down and reveals not only a fit, firm, fantastic physique, but world class martial arts skills as well, this foolish man quickly sees the error of his ways, and in short order becomes the victim to this femme fatale's sexual cravings as well! - Masterful martial arts manipulations once again by Jorge on this MC Classic tale!

Hillary CEO major company house call sexually abusive obnoxious employee large powerful able-bodied boss fit firm fantastic physique martial arts skills victim femme fatale sexual cravings Masterful martial arts Jorge MC Classic tale.

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Happy Ending - PDF

Happy Ending
Price: 6.00
(Story: Plowjack, Artwork: Gianluca)

When a middle-aged professor meets up with a tall, voluptuously shaped woman nearly half his age, love is definitely in the air - or at least lots of Sexy Muscle Fun, which starts out at first as a helpful massage session, though quickly turns into a series of dominating sexual experiences that leaves little doubt who is the Boss in this new relationship! - Incredible pics by Gianluca on this very sexy tale from the Iconic Plowjack!

middle-aged professor tall voluptuously shaped woman half his age love Sexy Muscle Fun helpful massage session dominating sexual experiences Boss new relationship Incredible pics Gianluca sexy tale Iconic Plowjack

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I Hit The Jackpot - PDF

I Hit The Jackpot
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Rafael)

When a man wins the lottery, he makes an ongoing bet with his Amazonian girlfriend that each time she can make him "explode" with delight, that she gets a monetary reward; lucky for him that she's a shopaholic, who today is interested in buying a sexy dress, and that means it's Sexy Muscle Fun Time, which always leaves him sexually exhausted, and her with whatever she wants! - Incredible pics by Rafael on this AmazonFan story!

man wins lottery ongoing bet Amazonian girlfriend explode delight monetary reward lucky shopaholic buying sexy dress Sexy Muscle Fun Time sexually exhausted whatever she wants Incredible pics Rafael AmazonFan story

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Sally: The Strongest Girl In The World - PDF

Sally: The Strongest Girl In The World
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Max)

Sally is a beautiful young High School girl, who just happens to be 5'6" 220 pounds of rock solid, super strong muscle! Never one to throw her unreal power around, she one day decides to challenge the entire Jock Club, whose bullying ways are getting out of hand; a challenge that in the end isn't one at all, as she easily batters them around the gym - much to the surprise of her loving neighbor, who gets his own (much more gentle) surprise later on that night! - the always Awesome Max illustrates this classic MC story!

Sally beautiful young High School girl 5'6" 220 pounds rock solid super strong muscle Jock Club bullying challenge gym surprise neighbor Max MC story

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28 pages279 records