Search Results for "ab"


Just In Time - TEXT

Just In Time
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

In the not too distant future, a brilliant scientist is visited by a Towering Teenage Amazon Girl from the future, who in doing a college report on him, thought it was best to go back in time and meet the man himself; much to his untold shock, not to mention unbridled Lust, as they both get to know one another, in Every way imaginable!

future scientist Towering Teenage Amazon Girl college report time travel shock Lust get to know imaginable

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Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 2) - TEXT

Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Muscle-packed Amazons Amber, Danielle, Cassandra and Brittany are all back, as they get together once more, this time for a dinner party, where they (especially Amber and Danielle, for now) again share stories about their previous sexually charged Amazonian exploits (dealing with their own adorable men, all of whom are cooking this evening's meal), each tale hotter and more sexually arousing than the last - all the better for a "peeping tom" neighbor, who's in for a little surprise of his own later on.

muscle-packed Amazons Amber Danielle Cassandra Brittany back dinner party sexually charged Amazonian exploits adorable men cooking meal tales hotter sexually arousing peeping tom neighbor surprise

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Muscle Session Gone Wrong - TEXT

Muscle Session Gone Wrong
Price: 2.00
(Story: The Calffan)

Melvin is your typical 98lb. weakling, one blessed with a massive cock, but physically weak as a kitten; so of course he's attracted to beautifully buff babes, specifically Rose, an extremely sexy Amazon girl, who he met online and after several all too sexual chat sessions, she convinces him that they should meet in person to further explore his muscle loving ways. A meeting that will either be the worst mistake of his life, or his Ultimate Fantasy!

Melvin 98lb weakling massive cock physically weak kitten attracted beautifully buff babes Rose sexy Amazon girl met online sexual chat sessions convince meet in person explore muscle loving ways worst mistake Ultimate Fantasy

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All That Jazz (Part 2) - TEXT

All That Jazz (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Lovelorn Nick is beside himself, wondering if he will ever see his 6' 7" Amazonian Goddess, Jazz, again, though his brother Matt (while still craving her himself) is near grateful of her recent absence. Though just when they thought her out of their lives forever, the gorgeous ebony supergirl returns to show them who's in charge, displaying her unreal strength for them in a variety of dominant ways, though always sensually done, especially when she takes them in the bedroom (both together and seperately), making them Crave her, while Obeying her every command! - Sonofjack continues his awesome series here!

Lovelorn Nick Amazonian Goddess Jazz brother Matt absence ebony supergirl strength dominant sensually bedroom Crave Obeying command Sonofjack series

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Factory Girls - TEXT

Factory Girls
Price: 2.00
(Story: PlowJack)

Janet and Jacqui are hard-working, hard-bodied, muscle girls, who play as hard as they work; a fact that becomes all too clear for an adorable little businessman and his boss, who quickly become the subject of these sexy Amazons sexual desires; becoming their playtoys for the night, as these girls use their solid muscles and superior strength to get anything they want, either by sensual, erotic flexings or harsh, painful punishings!

Janet Jacqui hard-working hard-bodied muscle girls play work adorable little businessman boss subject sexy Amazons sexual desires playtoys night solid muscles superior strength sensual erotic flexings harsh painful punishings

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Girl Time - A Mother & Daughter Story - TEXT

Girl Time - A Mother & Daughter Story
Price: 2.00
(Story: Muscle Fan)

Margo is a shapely and statuesque Dominatrix, who specializes in high-price clientele, such as the man she and her rock hard musclegirl daughter Zoe are paying a visit to. Tough, powerful and dominant, these sexy women show him (and his wife) what Total Control means, getting these sexy super-women off in the process while doing so; afterwhich they use their all too powerful presence to teach an abusive pimp the error of his beating ways!

Margo Dominatrix high-price clientele musclegirl Zoe Total Control sexy women super-women powerful dominant abusive pimp beating ways

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One Magical Summer (Part 1) - TEXT

One Magical Summer (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Aero)

College girl Jessie is all set for another summer working at Sonic, though this year will be all too different, as a returning hire (a budding teenage bodybuilder) Peyton, comes on the scene to make her life a living Hell! Her abuse being both physical and then sexual, it seems Jessie is utterly helpless against the much stronger female - that is until one fateful night, after particularly harsh treatment from the cruel musclegirl, something magical happens, and Jessie (and her small, weedy body) will Never be the same again!

College girl Jessie summer Sonic returning hire Peyton teenage bodybuilder abuse physical sexual helpless stronger female fateful night harsh treatment musclegirl magical weedy body different

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College Girl Revelation - TEXT

College Girl Revelation
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Kimberly is a young college girl, who happens to be a sexy hard-bodied gymnast, though despite her amazing strength she wouldn't hurt a fly; that was until she read a series of stories (written in secret by her boyfriend) about dominating, punishing Amazons, making her wonder is this truly what he wanted in his women, if so, the beautifully buff Kimberly was more than capable of giving him just this - and maybe, something else entirely as well.

Kimberly young college girl sexy hard-bodied gymnast amazing strength wouldn't hurt a fly series of stories written in secret boyfriend dominating punishing Amazons wonder truly wanted women beautifully buff capable giving something else entirely

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A New Normal (Part 2) - TEXT

A New Normal (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Our story continues, as powerfully built beauty Janice and the smaller adorably cute Jimmy, are ready to bring their quickly blooming relationship to the next level - which begins with her revealing her Amazonian physique to him in all of its glory, which her eager loving male idolizes all too willingly, and continues on with love-making (and sci-fi themed foreplay) like Neither of them have ever felt before! Each of their doubts about never finding True Love melting away this night, as their constantly sensual and erotic gestures to one another prove beyond any doubt that this Colossal Cutie her Petite Prince are the new normal - Heaven help anyone that believes otherwise!

story powerfully built beauty Janice smaller adorably cute Jimmy relationship next level revealing Amazonian physique glory eager loving male idolizes love-making sci-fi themed foreplay True Love sensual erotic gestures Colossal Cutie Petite Prince new normal Heaven

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Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2) - TEXT

Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottoms)

The Trio of Colossal Cat-Suit wearing Crushers are back, as they continue their absolute annihilation of the museum's guards (using not just their unreal strength, but their unrivaled martial arts skills as well), in the end claiming their Prize - The Massive Wentworth Diamond - while leaving a trail of broken bodies in their wake, all for their own gleeful amusement. An all too sexy conclusion to this DustyBottums tale!

Trio Colossal Cat-Suit Crushers absolute annihilation museum's guards unreal strength unrivaled martial arts skills end Prize Massive Wentworth Diamond trail broken bodies gleeful amusement sexy conclusion DustyBottums tale

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Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 1) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Pam is a true Woman Of Tomorrow, especially living in the 1960's as she does. In this first tale of our upcoming series, we see how this ravishing red-head uses her voluptuously muscular curves and unreal physcial strength towards the arrogant, chauvinistic males of the decade, teaching them the true meaning of the word Power, and how not to treat those under you in the business world - especially when in the real world, they're capable of twisting you into a preztel, or ripping you to pieces!

Pam Woman Of Tomorrow 1960's tale upcoming series ravishing red-head voluptuously muscular curves unreal physical strength arrogant chauvinistic males decade teaching true meaning word Power treat business world real world capable twisting preztel ripping pieces

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Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

It seems lusciously shaped red-headed Amazon Pam did such a good job on her boss, that he became a completely new man; one that is now utterly enthralled with the super strong sexpot, that is until he meets a smaller, though surprisingly muscular young waitress, who shows him things she could do with her strength that completely blow his mind (among other things)! Pam, meanwhile, starts dating her co-worker, as she begins to show off her thickly muscled form to him, displaying her body for their ultimate pleasures! Though before things get too serious in their dating relationship, she leaves, off to continue her quest to teach abusive bosses a lesson - which leads Pam down a very dark and dangerous path!

red-headed Amazon Pam boss new man strong sexpot muscular waitress strength blow his mind dating co-worker muscled form pleasures serious relationship quest abusive bosses lesson dark dangerous path

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The Dominated Barbarian King - TEXT

The Dominated Barbarian King
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

In the barbarian world, Might Makes Right, and no one was mightier than King Onen! Such was his rule that he ordered the women of his tribe to fight for the "honor" of being his Queen, in the end Gladiatrix Alya emerging victorious - or so it would seem at first, as Onen then used and abused her sexually in cruel and vicious ways! Leading the already tall and powerfully built woman to seek assistance, doing so at the hutt of a witch, who offered not only the healing of her wounds, but also a Potion that would change Alya's life Forever!

barbarian world Might Makes Right King Onen rule women tribe fight honor Queen Gladiatrix Alya victorious sexually abused seek assistance hutt witch healing wounds Potion change life Forever

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Fiona - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Musclehead)

When fitness MILF Lisa first meets Fiona, she's amazed at the strength this very young girl possesses! So much so she decides to take her under her wing, training her through the years, helping her transform into a teenage musclegirl with unreal strength (even surpassing her all too sexy trainer), with eventually an amazing sexual appetite! From teaching bullies their hard earned lessons, to sensually overpowering Lisa's own hardbodied husband (not to mention sexually enticing Lisa herself), to showing an adorably cute boy the pleasures of being with a physically superior girl (while her mentor shows an unruly young man his place beneath her own powerful form), Fiona can literally do it all!

fitness MILF Lisa Fiona strength young girl amazed under her wing training years transform teenage musclegirl unreal strength surpassing sexy trainer amazing sexual appetite teaching bullies hard earned lessons sensually overpowering hardbodied husband sexually enticing adorably cute boy pleasures physically superior girl mentor unruly young man powerful form Fiona do it all

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From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 2) - TEXT

From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Mike Snow)

Here the blossoming relationship of Kira (a literal Supergirl) and Mark (her adorable man) continues, as she shows off her Godlike strength in an assortment of ways, most all of them for their mutual sensual delights! This gorgeous girl, with the body of an superhuman fitness fantatic, just can't seem to get enough of her man; which leads to a proposal that leaves this invincible Amazon girl stunned! Then it's off to their honeymoon, where Kira continues teasing her handsome husband about how weak he is compared to her; though always doing so in a sexy, erotic manner, always for their pleasure, always together, like the soul mates they were destined to be!

blossoming relationship Kira Supergirl Mark adorable man Godlike strength sensual delights gorgeous girl superhuman fitness fanatic proposal invincible Amazon girl stunned honeymoon teasing handsome husband weak sexy erotic manner pleasure soul mates

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest Side Story 4
Price: 2.00
(Story: Silentcrs)

It's the last days of high school, and Amy's ready to spend it the only way she knows how - dominating men! In her sights are a misogynistic teacher, some weakling male students and even the principal! Later, her muscle mom Elizabeth brings Amy's favorite teacher, Mr. Scott, back to the Hardstone beach house for some R&R, Amy and Jessica-style. The two teenage Amazons have their lustful ways with him, but what happens when Mr. Scott is threatened at a local club? Can Amy learn to protect and love, as well as crush and conquer?

high school Amy dominating men misogynistic teacher weakling male students principal muscle mom Elizabeth favorite teacher Mr. Scott Hardstone beach house R&R Amy and Jessica teenage Amazons lustful ways threatened local club protect love crush conquer

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The Change (Part 3) - TEXT

The Change (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

Sandy and Alyssa have returned from their private getaway, and are all too ready to surprise Sandy's husband with a sexual experience unlike he could possibly imagaine! Though patience first, as Sandy continues to build her fit, shapely body even moreso, as she often teases her man (as well as others) with her blossoming muscle-packed form, until the time is Just Right, when Alyssa and teenage muscle goddess Cori also join in on the fun! Each of them capable of utterly dominating him, together they are more than enough to Blow His Mind completely!

Sandy Alyssa private getaway surprise husband sexual experience patience build fit shapely body tease man muscle-packed form time Just Right Alyssa teenage muscle goddess Cori join in fun capable dominating Blow His Mind

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Ghost Of A Chance (Part 1) - TEXT

Ghost Of A Chance (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Over 100 years ago, Alva had finally had enough of her abusive husband's ways, and after months of hard training, building up her physical power, she managed to defeat and humiliate him! Though after showing him mercy, he struck out a sudden final blow, ending her mortal life - though her ghostly form stayed with this house, and after loving couple Katie and Brad moved in, Alva began to take more and more control over the slim (though gorgeous) young wife! Coaxing her to build her muscles and strength to unreal levels, allowing the angered spirit to eventually take full control over her physical form, allowing her to seek out vengeance that should have been her's over a century ago!

abusive husband training physical power defeat humiliate mercy final blow ghostly form house loving couple control slim gorgeous wife muscles strength unreal levels angered spirit vengeance century ago

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Passionate & Powerful - TEXT

Passionate & Powerful
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Courtney Holden is a young woman with a very unique ability, something that she's had since she was in her mid-teens, something that she once feared, though now has "grown" to Love! This gift gives the stunningly beautiful, sexily shaped girl the ability to physically grow taller and more muscular based on her level of sexual arousal - the hornier she gets, the bigger and stronger she becomes! This unreal power had been hard to control during her younger years, though now in college, Courtney (and her muscle-loving boyfriend) wouldn't have her any other way!

Courtney Holden young woman unique ability mid-teens feared grown love gift stunningly beautiful sexily shaped physically grow taller more muscular sexual arousal hornier bigger stronger unreal power hard to control college muscle-loving boyfriend

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For The Love Of An Enhanced Woman - TEXT

For The Love Of An Enhanced Woman
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

When 37 year old Jay meets up with Karen (a girl from his, who took much pleasure in physically dominating him as a teenager), love and lust blossoms between them! Though such relationships are very tricky with an Enhanced Woman, a rare breed of female with incredibly buxom bodies, amazing physical strength and other abilities, which Karen plans to use on Jay all night long - that is until an unexpected woman with even greater power enters the mix, and tests both Jay and Karen to their limits!

37 year old Jay Karen physically dominating love lust relationships Enhanced Woman buxom bodies physical strength abilities unexpected woman power limits

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Amy's Conquest 9 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest 9
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

The relationship between Amy and her true love David is suffering, as she fears her man-crushing ways will seriously hurt him, while he is worried his diminutive form isn't manly enough for her! Though after an emotional talk (and a fantasy night created by Amy for her loving man), their fears are put to rest, and their relationship emerges stronger than ever! Still, finding out the cause for his doubting mindset, a teasingly abusive co-worker Matt, cannot go unpunished; though as Amy vowed not to do so herself, that only means her sister-in-muscle Jessica needs to fill in for such duties. In the end using her dominant attitude and unreal strength to leave a lasting impression on Matt (and his apartment), one which oddly enough affects both him and Jessica in a way neither of them ever expected!

Amy true love David relationship man-crushing diminutive form emotional talk fantasy night fears stronger doubting mindset abusive co-worker sister-in-muscle dominant attitude unreal strength lasting impression apartment.

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The Tough Man Tamer - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Camila Kovac is as stunning in beauty as she is incredible in strength! Watch as she begins her quest to challenge any man in a test of physical power, whether it be buff gymrat, champion arm-wrestler, or towering masked wrestler, this amazing Amazon woman takes on each one of them, each time emerging victorious! Of course, after each win, Camila can't help but erotically claim each of these powerful men sexually as well, using her unreal muscular form to bring them to the peaks of orgasmic delight! What challenge next awaits this unbeatable man crusher, can anyone tame her physically or sexually? That remains to be seen!

Camila Kovac stunning beauty incredible strength quest challenge man test physical power buff gymrat champion arm-wrestler towering masked wrestler amazing Amazon woman victorious win erotically claim powerful men sexually unreal muscular form peaks orgasmic delight challenge unbeatable man crusher tame physically sexually remains to be seen

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The Return Of Mutant Y - TEXT

The Return Of Mutant Y
Price: 2.00
(Story: Son of Jack)

He's back! The man with the mutant power to make strong girls fall in love with him has returned. He's living with two gorgeous and very strong girlfriends who do whatever they can to make him happy. This includes sharing him in bed, abusing college athletes for his amusement and even setting him up with other sexy girls. He was convinced that life couldn't get any better until unexpectedly, It Did, leaving little doubt that it was Very Good to be Mutant Y!

back man mutant power strong girls love returned living two gorgeous very strong girlfriends happy sharing bed abusing college athletes amusement setting up sexy girls convinced life unexpectedly little doubt Very Good Mutant Y

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Once Upon A Time (Part 2) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

As we return to the real world, story writer extraordinaire Travis has big plans for his creation, the man-crushing Mistress Eleanor! That is until he realizes his computer is shot, and needs serious repair. Thankfully a store with computer whiz Jessie is nearby, who as she repairs his hard-drive realizes he's her favorite Amazonian author, unable to resist reading his newest story from his repaired PC (much to her erotic enjoyment). Unfortunately for Travis, an evening bowling session ends in a terrible beating from a vicious gang and its Muscle Biker Babe leader! Just inches from a life-time hospital stay, he's rescued by a blonde Amazonian beauty whose strength defies description, and whose muscles are unimaginably ripped and powerful! She then safely returns him home, giving him a very erotic muscle display, which due to his beating he thought was just a dream - that is until he returns to collect his fixed computer, noticing something very familiar about tech genius Jessie, her long blonde hair and her shapely, firm looking physique!

return real world story writer Travis creation man-crushing Mistress Eleanor computer shot needs repair store computer whiz Jessie hard-drive favorite Amazonian author reading newest story repaired PC erotic enjoyment evening bowling session terrible beating vicious gang Muscle Biker Babe leader lifetime hospital stay rescued blonde Amazonian beauty strength description muscles unimaginably ripped powerful safely returns home muscle display dream fixed computer tech genius long blonde hair shapely firm looking physique

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Order Of Inanna: Beth - TEXT

Order Of Inanna: Beth
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

The Order Of Inanna is a secret organization of fit, strong, powerfully built women! Each of them physically superior to most any male, and while they don't instruct their Amazonian members to be abusive or bully their men, they more than support the notion of showing off their physical superiority! Beth is one such member, though new to this Order, she is destined to be with her soul-mate (even if he doesn't know it yet), and with expert usage of her muscle packed form and unreal strength, she quickly claims him as her own, convincing him that she is The One for him!

Order of Inanna secret organization fit strong powerfully built women physically superior Amazonian members abusive bully support physical superiority Beth soul-mate muscle packed form unreal strength claims convincing The One

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Deadbeat Husband Beatdown - VIDEO

Deadbeat Husband Beatdown
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rick Robbins)

When gorgeous, sexy muscle girl Lyndsay is left waiting all night for a ride from her absent-minded husband (luckily getting one from a passer-by, giving him a few calve flexes in return), she is in No Mood for her man when she gets home, and proceeds to Beat Down the Deadbeat!! Another great video clip from Rick Dobbins!

gorgeous sexy musclegirl Lyndsay waiting night ride absent-minded husband passer-by calve flexes return No Mood man home Beat Down Deadbeat video clip Rick Dobbins

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Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Here MuscleVixen continues her harsh treatment of her cheating man, who when confronted vocally by his muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend, first denies his cheater ways, though then admits he did so to make himself feel stronger, something that causes Monix to laugh out, as she allows him to punch her pecs and abs (proving how weak he really is), before continuing to crush him to pieces! Another awesomely shot video by Jersey Black here!

MuscleVixen harsh treatment cheating man confronted vocally muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend denies cheater ways admits feel stronger Monix laugh out punch pecs abs weak crush pieces awesomely shot video Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Slap My Butt, Pay The Price - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Slap My Butt, Pay The Price
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

The amazingly shapely and muscular Brandi Mae is back! This time she forceably brings a man home who foolishly thought he could slap her lush, juicy muscle-butt at a club (dressed as she was, you could see why he couldn't help himself); once back she strips to an even tinier outfit, where she flexes, flares and hardens her Amazonian body, forcing him to lick, kiss and worship every inch of her super powerful physique (especially her World Class Glutes!) - The first of several Brandi clips to come, shot by the Incredible Jersey Black!

Brandi Mae muscular forceably man club outfit flexes flares hardens Amazonian body lick kiss worship powerful physique World Class Glutes Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When lusciously buff and beautiful Brandi brings home her date for the evening, he thinks he's in for a night of untold pleasure from this super sexy Amazon; though such thoughts quickly disappear, when she lets him know that this whole date was a set-up, that she knows he was her little sister's abusive ex-boyfriend, and the only thing he's going to feel this night is Humiliation and Pain! Loads slapping, punching, kicking, ball-busting and smothering on this one! - Jersey Black once again lends his artistic talents here!

Brandi date evening pleasure Amazon set-up little sister abusive ex-boyfriend humiliation pain slapping punching kicking ball-busting smothering Jersey Black artistic talents

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Maria Garcia - I Want This Necklace - VIDEO

Maria Garcia - I Want This Necklace
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Gorgeous muscle babe Maria Garcia and her man are watching TV at home, when she spots a beautiful, though Expensive, necklace in her magazine - which she wants Now! He refuses of course, as it's way too pricey, so she tries to persuade him with her feminine charms and sexy flexes, though when even this doesn't work, Maria resorts to using her superior strength and crushing muscles to convince him to see things Her Way! Another incredible video from Jersey Black here!

Gorgeous muscle babe Maria Garcia man watching TV home beautiful expensive necklace magazine persuade feminine charms sexy flexes superior strength crushing muscles convince Jersey Black video

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Jenna Preston - Strong All Over - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Strong All Over
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Our favorite tall, shapely, sexy amazon is back on Amy's Conquest! Here she playfully dominates her adorable little man in the bedroom, using her long, strong legs to control him completely; though when he states that he would win if it was arms only, Jenna gleefully switches to accommodate her lover's request, showing him who has the superior upper body strength as well - then ending with more leg-work, with her thighs squeezingly grinding his cock to eruption!

favorite tall shapely sexy amazon back Amy's Conquest playfully dominates adorable little man bedroom long strong legs control completely arms only Jenna gleefully switches accommodate lover's request superior upper body strength ending leg-work thighs squeezingly grinding cock eruption

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Emery Miller - Reunion Rescue - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Reunion Rescue
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

Watch as the muscle-packed Emery comes back from her High School Reunion, carrying the form of her old school crush in her powerful arms (someone she just saved from a vicious beating by muggers), as they rekindle their relationship, the mighty Amazon not realizing he had a crush on her as well - her and her strong and sexy body - which she now flaunts over him, flexing, lifting and absorbing ab and pec-punches with ease! This is definitely a reunion both of them are glad they attended!

muscle-packed Emery High School Reunion powerful arms school crush saved vicious beating muggers rekindle relationship Amazon crush strong sexy body flaunts flexing lifting absorbing ab pec-punches reunion

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Muscle Beauty X - "Physical" Therapy - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - "Physical" Therapy
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

When a man enters the office of the beautifully buff Dr. Muscle Beauty, in the hopes of trying to cure his uncontrollable lust over the 18-year old girl living next door (who happens to have a firm, fit and hard body), the lusciously muscular professional decides to show him her own shapely muscle-packed physique, in the hopes that her constant crushing of him with her vastly superior strength would deter his lecherous fantasies! Though it seems more sessions will definitely be in order, as all her body-squeezing and man-handling seems to just turn him on Even More - just as it will with all of YOU!

man office beautifully buff Dr. Muscle Beauty cure uncontrollable lust 18-year old girl living next door firm fit hard body lusciously muscular professional show shapely muscle-packed physique constant crushing vastly superior strength deter lecherous fantasies sessions body-squeezing man-handling turn on all YOU

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Muscle Beauty X - Overprotective Girlfriend - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Overprotective Girlfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

Lusciously lovely, beautifully buff Muscle Beauty X returns home with her loving man, his smaller body carried in her powerful arms, as she brings him back to care for him after a car almost hit him (actually hitting her, though her Amazonian form is unharmed)! She spends time tenderly caring for him on their bed, making sure her baby is unharmed, telling him how she dealt with those foolish guys from the other car; though before too long she notices that his injuries may be more faked than real, all to continue getting such treatment from his muscle-packed girlfriend. Well not one to enjoy being lied to (even if it was to get closer to her), she begins to squeeze in on him harder and harder, teaching him a little lesson about faking his agony, by giving him his share of real pain (though done in a loving manner)!

lusciously lovely beautifully buff Muscle Beauty X loving man powerful arms care car hit Amazonian form tenderly bed baby unharmed foolish guys injuries faked treatment muscle-packed girlfriend lied to squeeze lesson agony pain loving manner

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Jennifer Thomas - Bodyguard Beatdown - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Bodyguard Beatdown
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer Thomas)

We are lucky enough Again to be working with another Legend in the field of erotic mixed wrestling videos, as Jennifer Thomas now joins AC for several Brand New videos! In our first, the beautifully buff Jennifer enters the home of a crude, arrogant man, telling him that she's his new bodyguard, hired by his wealthy parents due to him getting into so many fights (because of his own cocky attitude). Well he refuses her services, demeaning her for being a woman; a big mistake to this extremely capable female, as she then manhandles him with ease, putting him in painful hold after hold, proving to him that he can easily defend him from all harm - though who will protect him from her?!

lucky working Legend field erotic mixed wrestling videos Jennifer Thomas AC Brand New videos beautifully buff enters home crude arrogant man bodyguard wealthy parents fights cocky attitude refuses services demeaning woman mistake capable female manhandles ease painful hold defend harm protect

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Angela Salvagno - Model Error - VIDEO

Angela Salvagno - Model Error
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Angela Salvagno)

In this first of several upcoming video clips starring the Amazingly Amazonian Angela Salvagno, this beautiful buff babe enters the home of someone who hires her as an escort for a fancy business dinner (her preview pic showing only her gorgeous face and voluptuous breasts), though imagine his surprise when she arrives dressed as a sexy schoolgirl, and is Much more muscular than this man expected! Words are exchanged, which quickly turns to damage being done to this foolish man, who in the end not only doesn't get a refund, but Angela takes herself a Bonus for her "special handling" of him (much of it done in a cute, girlish tone of voice)!

video clips Angela Salvagno buff babe escort business dinner schoolgirl muscular refund bonus special handling

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Angela Salvagno - Helpless Boy Toy - VIDEO

Angela Salvagno - Helpless Boy Toy
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Angela Salvagno)

Gorgeous muscle girl Angela just Loves to dominate her larger, though much weaker, man! Whether it be by pinning him helplessly against a wall or the bed, taunting him to punch her rock solid abs all to no effect, or man-handling him like the sexual play-thing that he is to her, this unreal Amazon proves again and again how physically superior she is here! Nothing gets her more aroused than displaying her awesome strength with her man in such ways, whether he likes it or not!

Gorgeous muscle girl Angela dominate larger weaker man pinning wall bed taunting punch rock solid abs man-handling sexual play-thing Amazon physically superior aroused awesome strength

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Angela Salvagno - Puppy Owner Punishment - VIDEO

Angela Salvagno - Puppy Owner Punishment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Angela Salvagno)

Angela is less than thrilled when she spots a dog owner abusing his little puppy while she is out for her morning workout! This leads her to confront him, showing him how it feels first-hand to be abused by someone stronger and more powerful than he is, as she brutally beats, spanks and humiliates him in his own home, before putting a collar around his neck and riding him around the place! In the end this Amazonian Avenger threatens this foolish man that she will do a lot Worse to him if she Ever sees him treat his dog like that again!

Angela dog owner abusing puppy morning workout confront abused stronger powerful beats spanks humiliates collar Amazonian Avenger threatens foolish man treat dog

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Miss Andrea Untamed - Lusciously Lethal Weapon - VIDEO

Miss Andrea Untamed - Lusciously Lethal Weapon
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Miss Andrea Untamed)

When Andrea returns from her evening's date, her man thinks he's getting lucky - that is until she reveals her true purpose! A master of seduction to get him alone, she quickly becomes a goddess of pain, as she uses her strong, statuesque physique to crush, squeeze and smother him to whimpering helplessness! Her job, to get back the money he owes from his gambling debts, and if not possible, end his miserable life - a task she fulfils in the end, enjoying her utter dominance over him, completing her mission with the perfect blending of Sexuality and Power!

Andrea evenings date man getting lucky reveals true purpose master of seduction get him alone goddess of pain strong statuesque physique crush squeeze smother whimpering helplessness job money gambling debts end his miserable life task fulfils enjoying utter dominance mission perfect blending Sexuality Power

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Aubrey Black - Alien Annihilation - VIDEO

Aubrey Black - Alien Annihilation
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aubrey Black)

It's NEVER a good idea to take sexual advantage of an intoxicated woman (especially if like this foolish man, you spiked her drink), something the lecherous pervert finds out all too clearly, and Painfully, here! Imagine his shock when he discovers that the Super Hot woman he brought home with him, is actually an alien from a distant planet! One whose physical abilities are far beyond his own, coming from a world where the women dominate their men sexually, and the more Pain they inflict on them, the more Pleasure they feel! It was child's play for her to lure him into her trap, where her erotic agenda is then revealed, and her Utter Demolition of this crude man, all for her own sexual delights, can begin!

sexual advantage intoxicated woman spiked drink lecherous pervert shock Super Hot woman alien distant planet physical abilities dominate sexually Pain Pleasure lure trap erotic agenda Utter Demolition crude man sexual delights

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Aubrey Black - Superheroine Surprise - VIDEO

Aubrey Black - Superheroine Surprise
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aubrey Black)

Date night with an Amazingly Sexy wife would be a dream come true for any man, that is until you both get attacked by a group of brutish men - unless of course your gorgeous woman has a sexy secret! Imagine how shocked you would be to find that she had powers beyond mortal men, Way Beyond, and that she was an actual Superheroine! She handled those foolish thugs with ease, a Huge turn-on for her guy (as are the few strength and invulnerability acts she sexily performs for him), though that's nothing compared to the number of erotic superhuman feats she plans to do with her husband now that the cat's out of the bag! No longer needing to hold back her full sexual potential, she can't wait to show off her unreal power for him in a multitude of sensually dominant ways!

date night Amazingly Sexy wife dream come true man attacked group of brutish men gorgeous woman sexy secret powers mortal men Superheroine handled foolish thugs turn-on strength invulnerability acts erotic superhuman feats husband cats out of the bag sexual potential show off unreal power multitude sensually dominant ways

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Muscle Beauty X - Lusty Neighbour Takes Charge - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Lusty Neighbour Takes Charge
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

The Unbelievable Muscle Beauty X is Back! Watch as she pays a visit to a neighbor she's long had a crush on (though who was too shy to approach her), as the ever aggressive Muscle Goddess sexily leads them to his bedroom, where she reveals her curvaceously powerful body to him, allowing him to see it up close for the first time! His formerly timid attitude quickly turns to total muscle lusting, as the erotically charged Amazon puts him into hold after sexily grinding hold, showing him all the pleasures (and a bit of pain) a woman like her can bring to her man - and as she soon after declares, he is definitely Her Man now!

Unbelievable Muscle Beauty X back visit neighbor crush shy approach aggressive Muscle Goddess sexily leads bedroom reveals curvaceously powerful body up close first time timid attitude total muscle lusting erotically charged Amazon hold grinding hold pleasures pain woman man declares Her Man

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Artist - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Artist
Price: 8.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Edson)

By day, she's a young student prodigy, winning local school awards for her artwork. By night, she is a muscular seductress, bending men with her body into sensual compositions for rich clientele. When a young man finds himself naked in an abandoned workhouse, he doesn't realize he's about to star in her latest abstract piece. Through a crushing forced hand job, an upside-down tit fuck, and an elegant (yet scissor hold-filled) dance on a flowing ribbon, she uses her muscles to create sexy - and completely unique - art pieces showcasing her overpowering dominance. The only question is how much her clients will pay to see her finish the job. The return of the Ultimate Power series by Silentcrs, illustrated by the awesome Edson!

young student prodigy local school awards artwork muscular seductress bending men sensual compositions rich clientele young man naked abandoned workhouse latest abstract piece crushing forced hand job upside-down tit fuck elegant scissor hold-filled dance flowing ribbon muscles sexy unique art pieces overpowering dominance clients pay Ultimate Power series silentcrs illustrated Edson

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Tanya (Part 2) - PDF

Tanya (Part 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Eric The Red, Artwork: MadMax)

Tall, muscular Tanya continues her sexual domination of the much smaller Greg in her bedroom, carrying him there with ease, as she proceeds to use her superior strength to lift and bend him to her will - much to his pain, and her erotic pleasure! She moves him into position after position without any effort, her thick, solid limbs enveloping and crushing him to screaming submission, as her own sexual juices continue to flow! He is nothing but her sexual toy, to use and abuse as she sees fit, each moan of agony sending waves of orgasmic pleasure all over her muscle-packed form! In the end she brings them both to Climax, in her own unique fashion, proving without a doubt that she is to be worshipped as a true Amazonian Goddess! Fantastic illustrations by MadMax on this amazing story by Eric The Red!

Tall muscular Tanya sexual domination Greg bedroom superior strength lift bend pain erotic pleasure position thick solid limbs submission sexual juices toy abuse moan agony orgasmic pleasure muscle-packed form Climax Amazonian Goddess illustrations MadMax Eric The Red

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Girls Of Amazon High - PDF

Girls Of Amazon High
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Nivilis)

The girls of "Amazon High" as it's well known, are as varied and unique as they are strong and powerful! From beautiful Prom Queens to adorable Bookworms to sassy Spoiled Brats to tough Tomboys, the assortment of young women attending this school are all their own, and they wouldn't have it any other way! Here we introduce a special assortment to you, allowing you to get to know them very well, more than enough for you to pick your favorites, which if you don't want to upset them (and believe me, you don't) better be ALL of them! The always Stellar artwork from Nivilis works wonders on this original story!

girls Amazon High varied unique strong powerful beautiful Prom Queens adorable Bookworms sassy Spoiled Brats tough Tomboys assortment young women school own special get to know favorites upset Stellar artwork Nivilis original story

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The Facility (Part Two) - PDF

The Facility (Part Two)
Price: 8.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Buffcake)

Genetically enhanced super soldier Felicia is back! Still being watched in her government issued cell, she is given a test from one of her scientists, one that gets her so sexually thrilled that she can't help but take our her erotic desires on the plexiglass barrier between them (not to mention he, himself)! Later, when the test begins, she lets loose using her superior speed and strength to demolish several large, armed men (all but one, which she has a bit of interest in)! Her main target is soon to be her next victim, he completely helpless as Felicia viciously abuses, and sexually uses, his utterly destroyed body! This SeldomLasts series continues, with more Unreal illustrations by Buffcake!

genetically enhanced super soldier Felicia back watched government issued cell test scientists sexually thrilled plexiglass barrier erotic desires later begins superior speed strength demolish large armed men interest main target victim helpless viciously abuses sexually uses utterly destroyed body SeldomLasts series Unreal illustrations Buffcake

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Lilly Ice - Babysitting Blunder - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Babysitting Blunder
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

College girl Lilly is patiently waiting for the father of children she is babysitting for to return home, though when he does she is shocked and annoyed at his lecherous proposal - earn double her normal fee for showing him more of her athletically shapely body! She isn't thrilled with his behaviour (especially as she has been sitting for him for years now) and refuses, though as he threatens to then not pay her at all, she decides to give him what he wants - and then some! Lilly strips to sexy lingerie, before unleashing her strong, fit physique on this foolish man, squeezing, crushing, lifting and bending him to pieces! In the end she gets her double fee from this newly battered man, doing so Her Way, as she threatens him with Worse if he ever tries such tactics with her again!

College girl Lilly waiting father children babysitting shocked annoyed lecherous proposal double fee athletically shapely body behaviour sitting refuses threatens pay sexy lingerie strong fit physique foolish man squeezing crushing lifting bending pieces double fee battered man Her Way Worse tactics

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Ginnie, Fitness Trainer and Femdom - TEXT

Ginnie, Fitness Trainer and Femdom
Price: 3.00
(Story: K Styler)

Her abruptness was a blessing. It saved me from the embarrassment of stammering before the most beautiful, tall, muscular, and intimidating, a woman I had ever met.

abruptness blessing saved embarrassment stammering beautiful tall muscular intimidating woman met

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The Black Burqa part one - TEXT

The Black Burqa part one
Price: 3.00

My name is Ayesha. I am a pious Muslima, married to Raafid, my four off springs are Maryam, Gamali, Nasif and baby Kaadiha. I wear the veil, because I am a modest woman. I'm not smart like my friend Sfiyah. She seems to know everything. I read my Quran, and I'm still rather ignorant, unskilled and often I don't understand what people are saying. But I'm happy. At least, I was happy, until Raafid decided that he didn't like my cooking. To be honest, I don't blame him - cooking is one of the many skills I've never mastered. My food comes in two varieties, soggy or burned. So for the last two years, we've been at loggerheads. First, he spoke to me and told me to improve my cooking. I asked "How?" but he didn't have an answer. Then he tried to punish me by not joining me in bed. That's supposed to be a punishment? And when neither of those worked, he started beating me. They say that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. That seemed to be true for me - I noticed that I was thickening in the places where the blows landed. And it was hard muscle, protecting my body from Raafid's rod. He kept it hanging on a hook on the wall, and I knew that when he took it down, I was in for another beating.

Ayesha pious Muslima married Raafid Maryam Gamali Nasif baby Kaadiha veil modest smart Sfiyah Quran ignorant unskilled happy cooking blame mastered food soggy burned loggerheads improve punish bed beating kill stronger thickening places blows muscle protecting body Raafid rod hanging hook wall

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The Black Burqa part two - TEXT

The Black Burqa part two
Price: 3.00

Sfiyah visited just now, and she was quite excited. "Ayesha, I have a task for you." Uh-oh, I thought, she wants me to bake a cake, and I'm a really rotten cook. But that wasn't it. "You know Jawaria?" "You mean the one married to Dawud?" "That's right," said Sfiyah. "Well I was with her yesterday, and she has a big bruise on her cheek." "How did that happen?" "She said she bent over and hit it on a tap, but I don't believe that's true." "Why would she lie?" "To avoid the shame of admitting that her husband beats her. You remember, you didn't tell anyone when Raafid was beating you." "So why is it your problem?" I asked. "It's a problem for all of us," she replied. "We are all sisters, and so we must care for each other." "Maybe he had a good reason to beat her?" I wondered. Sfiyah gave me a withering look. "Like Raafid had a good reason to beat you?" "Good point," I admitted. "So what do you want me to do about it?" "I think you should Raafid him. Do what you did to Raafid." "But that was different. He was going to marry off Maryam when she was only thirteen, and I just lost my cool at him." Sfiyah shook her head. "That was the trigger. But the real reason was all the abuse you took over so many years. Well, now Jawaria needs your help." "Why me?"

Sfiyah excited task bake cake cook Jawaria Dawud bruise tap husband beats shame sisters care reason Raafid marry Maryam abuse help

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The Black Burqa part three - TEXT

The Black Burqa part three
Price: 4.00

I was just burning some toast to go with the soggy beans for Raafid's supper, when Sfiyah turned up, and she had someone with her. Who? I don't know, she was dressed head to toe in a black burqa. "Hey," Sfiyah said. "Hey hey," I replied, "what's the timing for toast again?" She looked at what was pretty much charcoal. "About ten minutes ago," she answered, "this is Asma. She wants to be a Black Burqa." I blinked. A what? Apparently, my appearance at the masjid had led to some confusion, mostly because Sfiyah also wore a black burqa when she went there to douse the lights. So people already thought there were two of us, and if two, why not three? The great thing about a burqa, is that no-one could actually see me. It was like a disguise, only better. So no-one, except me and Sfiyah, knew the secret identity of the Black Burqa. I suppose Raafid might have guessed, but he was too intimidated by me to tell anyone. It must be terrible to live with someone who, at any time, might inflict painful violence on you. I know this, because that's how I had lived for years and years. "Who was that mysterious woman?" people were asking each other, and the guesses were all over the place. Every woman around here was wearing a niqab with a face veil; a burqa was only a small step further. Who was that masked woman? Asma spoke. "I've been through eight years of beatings. And each time he didn't kill me, he made me stronger. And now I want to be like you, a Black Burqa. I want to help all the women who are being trodden on and treated unjustly. We women are supposed to be treated like queens; too many of us get treated like serfs."

burning toast soggy beans Raafid's supper Sfiyah someone dressed black burqa timing charcoal Asma appearance masjid confusion two three burqa disguise secret identity Black Burqa Raafid intimidated painful violence mysterious woman guesses niqab face veil masked woman Asma beatings stronger help women trodden on treated unjustly queens serfs.

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Respect all, fear nun - part four - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part four
Price: 3.00

We learn about nuns and candles, and the part they play in the life of a nun. Fiona dreams about Satan, and does a deal with the devil; the off spring of the orphanage will all get Xboxes in return for Fiona's soul. Fiona now thinks she's infested by Satan, so Sam does an exorcism for her, which involves some very heavy sex. But the Xboxes have already started to appear in the hands of the off springs. Where could they have come from? Then Fiona realizes. If it was all just a dream, then it didn't matter. And if it wasn't a dream, Satan was lying to her; it's what he does.

Respect fear nun prayer gym crack lightning building weights surveyor St Hilda's biceps habit discount

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My Crazy Quintuplet Cousins - TEXT

My Crazy Quintuplet Cousins
Price: 3.00
(Story: JavaBro)

"Imagine that you have five beautiful cheerleaders for cousins. Five identical quintuplets, all of them older and more confident and most of all, far stronger than you. Now imagine that you get to sunbathe with them. Swim and mess about with them, all the while getting to see them in their swimwear, with their toned abs, bulging arm muscles and perfectly defined thighs all on display for your eyes only. Well, these are my cousins, and for some reason, on this particular sunny afternoon in my back yard pool, they all want to have a go carrying me! Piggybacks, shoulder rides, they all take their turn. And then to show off, for a grand finale, a 5 high shoulder riding tower! Every participant showing off the strength and athleticism. Their bodies, their muscles on display. Each straining under the weight of their sisters above them. And then there is me, clamped in the middle. Riding on the muscle-bound shoulders of a hot, older woman, while simultaneously feeling the toned thighs of another squeezing tight about my ears. Her weight, and that of her sister above her pushing me down, and seemingly crushing me head with the strength of those thighs!"

cheerleaders cousins quintuplets older confident stronger sunbathe swim mess about swimwear toned abs bulging arm muscles defined thighs sun afternoon back yard pool carrying piggybacks shoulder rides show off grand finale tower strength athleticism bodies muscles display straining weight hot older woman toned thighs squeezing tight ears crushing head

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Respect all, fear nun - part five - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part five
Price: 4.00

It was the terce prayer hour. We were all three of us in the gym; the off springs were outside playing with their dogs. I was lying on my back, doing reps with 500, when I noticed a crack in the ceiling that looked like a jagged bolt of stylized lightning. When I finished my set, I showed it to Nora and Mandy. My eyes followed the crack, and the wall was also cracked. "That looks bad," said Mandy. "Is the building falling down?" asked Nora. "I think we should treat the building a lot more gently until further notice," I suggested. "So no more dropping the weights to the floor; lower them gently." "And we should pray," said Nora. "Of course," I said, "but we should also get a good surveyor, to tell us whether this is nothing, or very bad. Roger stood, transfixed. He'd never seen a nun doing bench presses before, he's never seen a woman with 26 inch biceps before and he'd never seen a St Hilda's nun except me, and I was covered head to toe in my habit. He just stood there, paralyzed with a mixture of respect and fear. He was imagining what Nora could do to a man once he was helpless in those huge arms. And I thought, Gotcha! I prophesy a discount.

Respect fear nun prayer gym crack lightning building weights surveyor St Hilda's biceps habit discount

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Amazon Anthology (Vol. 1) - TEXT

Amazon Anthology (Vol. 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Like anthology tales featuring super strong girls and super sexy Amazons, then this story is definitely for YOU! Here we have several short (but Sexy) stories featuring everything from a dominating prom date taking her man her way, to a fitness trainer showing a new female client how she uses her muscles, to a muscle packed MILF who just loves using her body to embarrass her son, to a towering biker babe showing a bar full of guys who's in charge, to several other storylines featuring the Awesomeness of Female Physical Superiority! If you like your stories that jump right into the action, then Look No Further!

anthology tales super strong girls super sexy Amazons short stories dominating prom date fitness trainer muscles muscle packed MILF embarrassing towering biker babe physical superiority action

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Julia (Part 2) - TEXT

Julia (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eric The Red)

Our story continues several months later, where Kyle and Julia have moved in together, their relationship growing stronger, just like the mighty muscles of the dominating Julia! Though with their increased romantic bond comes love and caring from the powerful Amazon girl, at least as much as a young woman such as she is capable of! She clearly on top, in all aspects of their relationship, promising to never truly hurt her darling man, as long as he obeys and trusts her completely! Their sexual escapades reaching new heights during this period, especially when her Aunt Lynn comes to vist! A towering, thickly built, Muscle Goddess, who shows Kyle how she became his girlfriend's inspiration, bringing their Sexual Domination sessions to the next level!

story continues several months later Kyle Julia moved in together relationship growing stronger mighty muscles dominating Julia increased romantic bond love caring powerful Amazon girl young woman capable on top all aspects promising never truly hurt darling man obeys trusts completely sexual escapades reaching new heights Aunt Lynn towering thickly built Muscle Goddess girlfriend's inspiration Sexual Domination sessions next level

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Julia - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Eric The Red)

Kyle (a fit, track and field athlete) has his life drastically changed when he comes across the Amazonian built Julia, who happened to be in the process of physically overpowering a larger male athlete at their school! Her shapely, solid body handling the other boy with ease, even doing so later that night against him and a few of his friends! This leads to her inviting the adorably cute Kyle back to her place, where she shows him just how she likes to dominate men, both in public and in the privacy of the bedroom! She instructs him on how to behave when with her, using her much stronger form to control every aspect of his being; bringing him to his limits of pain and panic, while also showing him pleasures undreamt of - as long as she Obeys her every command!

Kyle fit track and field athlete life drastically changed Amazonian built Julia physically overpowering larger male athlete school shapely solid body handling other boy ease night friends inviting adorably cute place dominate men public privacy bedroom instructs behave stronger form control aspect being limits pain panic pleasures undreamt of Obeys every command

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 5) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 5)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Living in the world of the New Paradigm is not an easy thing, if you're a man that is! A world filled with women who can snap bones like twigs and crush bodies to pulp without trying, adding in being treated like a total inferior, and being used (and abused) for any woman's enjoyment! Luckily, Janey treats her loving man A.J. like a prince, doing her best to protect him always - that is until her mother and older sister come to visit! Desperate to win their favor, Janey leaves A.J. at their mercy, which is one thing for her "relatively tame" mother Beverly, though sister Nancy has plans all her own, which result in the worst beating A.J. ever experienced!

living world New Paradigm easy man women snap bones crush bodies pulp treated total inferior used abused enjoyment Janey loving man A.J. prince protect mother older sister visit desperate win favor leaves mercy relatively tame Beverly sister Nancy plans worst beating experienced

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 2) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our Epic series continues, as supergirl Janey shows her love A.J. that her new physical enhancements are much more than just vast super strength and invulnerability; as she displays for him all the Amazing things her New Paradigm physique is capable of, doing so in ways that get them both Super aroused and Very sexually satisfied! She feels she has much to make up for over treating him so badly during the past several months, and she plans to let him know that she will Always pleasure, protect and love him; and that while he is now hers, that she is his just as much. A very loving and extremely sexual segment of this series here!

Epic series supergirl Janey love A.J. physical enhancements vast super strength invulnerability Amazing things New Paradigm physique capable Super aroused sexually satisfied make up for treating badly several months pleasure protect always love extremely sexual segment.

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 1) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

The first part of what will be an Absolute Classic series, brings us to a world where (due to a meteor strike at the South Pole) the world's female population has been given superhuman power - predominantly in the form of enhanced breast size and vast physical strength! Here we see the early stages of A.J. and Janey's relationship, stud star athlete and beautiful girl next door - lifelong friends that were destined to be togther forever, though how she treated him when her powers first developed put that in serious doubt! Once an alpha male at his High School, A.J. is now a helpless plaything for not only Janey, but any other girl who wants him for her pleasure!

Absolute Classic series world meteor strike South Pole female population superhuman power enhanced breast size physical strength A.J. Janey relationship stud star athlete beautiful girl next door lifelong friends destined together forever powers alpha male High School helpless plaything pleasure

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The Transformation Of Barbara - TEXT

The Transformation Of Barbara
Price: 2.00
(Story: A.J. Brown)

When a beautiful mature woman decides she's had enough of her verbally abusive husband (which was soon followed by a violating mugging), she decides to change her life around, starting with her curvaceous form. Before long her hard hours in the gym transform her formerly luscious shape into that of a strong, muscular athlete! Though in addition to her body, her mind is being changed as well, no longer the weak willed woman she once was, she is now in full control of her life, and isn't afraid to let any male (from her new boss, to a recent date, to a chance meeting with an old "acquaintance") know she is in full control of herself - and them as well!

mature woman verbally abusive husband mugging change curvaceous form gym strong muscular athlete mind control male boss date acquaintance

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Carnal Couple To Thrilling Threesome - TEXT

Carnal Couple To Thrilling Threesome
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Raven has always been a large, powerful girl, being much stronger than any of the boys at school (or a group of them), so it was easy for her to claim an adorable little guy as her boyfriend. As the years went on, she grew to an incredible size, with beauty and strength to match, protecting her smaller man with ease, while allowing him to view her numerous threesomes with the sexiest girls around! Though such treatment came with a price, as while she loved her future husband dearly, it was definitely her way Or Else! Until one day when a stunning new woman entered their lives, one that seemed to have amazing control over the Gigantic Raven, one who would turn this couple into the most Thrilling Threesome Ever!

Raven large powerful girl stronger boys school group adorable little guy boyfriend years incredible size beauty strength match protecting smaller man ease view numerous threesomes sexiest girls treatment price loved future husband dearly definitely way Or Else stunning new woman entered lives amazing control Gigantic Raven couple Thrilling Threesome Ever

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Amy's Conquest 10 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest 10
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

An erotic night of sexual foreplay, watching video clips of some of Amy's past Conquests between her and her true love David, leads to an emotional and surprising reaction from the gorgeous young musclegirl - one which sets David off on a quest to find someone formerly lost to Amy's life, in the hopes that his return would make her whole once more. His journey takes him to the Hardstone household, in the hopes that Sexy Muscle MILF Elizabeth could help him on his task, though it's actually another that proves much more useful! Soon a meeting is set up to rekindle old relationships, though as always with this gathering of powerful Amazon women, this encounter leads to physical interactions of both the physically punishing and sexually pleasurable natures!

erotic sexual foreplay video clips Amy Conquests true love David emotional surprising reaction musclegirl quest lost Hardstone household Sexy Muscle MILF Elizabeth meeting relationships Amazon women physical interactions sexually pleasurable.

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