Search Results for "ab"


Boutique Physique Fetish 1 - PDF

Boutique Physique Fetish 1
Price: 6.00
(Story by DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

An exotically beautiful Asian Amazon with a compact gymnast's body and steel hard frame, a towering Ebony Goddess with long, lean, powerful muscles flowing all over her statuesque physique, and none other than an increasingly iconic buxom blond bombshell with the unreal beauty to match her unrivaled muscle packed body. Each of them dressed in barely-there string bikinis, which showed off virtually every inch of their super fit frames to those around watching and cheering them on, doing so at a fever pitch as they came to the end of their first initiation task, bringing them one step forward to officially joining this very select Sorority House. Their hard, fit, tight and muscle packed bodies popping, bursting and breaking apart a series of extremely durable foods items, doing so in a race against the clock, to see if they could accomplish their task in their previously discussed time limit. A task that consisted of each of these buff beauties destroying an assortment of watermelons, rock melons, apples, and other hard-skinned produce; doing so with their rock-hard bodies, in very specific ways. The crushing of apples in such muscular girl's flexing arms seemed all too common these days, which is why these girls here had to do so within their thick, pulsating pecs. Shoving the biggest, firmest, hardest looking apples their future Sisters could find into their beefy breasts, and with suddenly savage squeezes crushing them all to pieces, sending rivers of sweet tasting apple juice flowing down their rippling cleavage and into washboard abs.

Asian Amazon gymnast body steel hard frame Ebony Goddess powerful muscles statuesque physique iconic buxom blond bombshell string bikinis super fit frames Sorority House muscle packed bodies durable foods items time limit watermelons rock melons apples hard-skinned produce muscular girl's flexing arms pecs beefy breasts savage squeezes apple juice rippling cleavage washboard abs

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Muscle Oni (Ju Tanka) 1 - PDF

Muscle Oni (Ju Tanka) 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: Lil Guy, Artwork: ZGannero)

She was a pure monster of muscle and sex "Ass not so bad either," She Thought She lifted her robe showing massive glutes. They were buns of pure steal "Lets see if this body is just for show" She dropped down and started doing some pushed up. She got up to 500 pushed up and then even sweat. She switches to arm and did 1000 "Hmm not so bad," She Thought She grabbed the bed and lifted it up with one hand. She lifted it over her head walking around the room She found her senses were heighten. She could smell and hear better. If she concentrated, she could hear from miles away. The costume. The colors of it were orange and red. The Kimono gave people a nice view of her breast. She was deep into the Alphabet when it come to breast size. Her tits felt amazing. They were full and womanly. She flexed her pectoral making them bounce. They were large, Over G cups. They stood out in pride defying gravity. Her feet were 16 inches. Her mom had put in some sandals that she could step in easy on. She found putting on the mask changed the way she saw herself. She felt confident and powerful. The adrenaline pumping through her. She could feel the heart beating in her chest like a Thunder. She felt ALIVE.

monster muscle sex glutes buns body pushed up arm sweat bed senses heighten smell hear costume colors Kimono breast Alphabet tits pectoral G cups feet sandals mask confident powerful adrenaline heart alive

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Happy Hormones Crip Walking 1 - PDF

Happy Hormones Crip Walking 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Amy stepped out of the doorway, her massive, half-naked, golden tan body rippling with muscles. She was dressed in her favorite 'little schoolgirl' uniform, an outfit that left little to the imagination. Small black schoolgirl shoes adorned her feet, as white socks wrapped their way up her huge calves (barely able to cover their diamond hard shape). A way too-tight schoolgirl blouse was tied just below her chest, almost unable to contain her breasts. Her visible washboard abs, rippling with muscle, flexed as she softly breathed in and out. Around her waist was a tiny skirt that barely covered her massive tree trunk thighs. Teddy bear panties were visible underneath the skirt, starting to get slightly damp with arousal. Her face was made up to look young: rosy cheeks and a brilliant white smile. Her always-present pigtails hung from either side of her head, and bounced as she strode over to the man behind the desk.

Amy stepped out doorway massive half-naked golden tan body rippling muscles dressed favorite little schoolgirl uniform outfit imagination small black schoolgirl shoes adorned feet white socks wrapped huge calves diamond hard shape way too-tight schoolgirl blouse tied below chest unable contain breasts visible washboard abs flexed softly breathed waist tiny skirt barely covered massive tree trunk thighs teddy bear panties visible underneath skirt slightly damp arousal face made up look young rosy cheeks brilliant white smile always-present pigtails hung either side head bounced strode man behind desk

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Flexy Romance - PDF

Flexy Romance
Price: 8.00
(Story: Arnold Ziffel @arnoldziffel1, Artwork: Tan Yk @tanyk)

She was a blonde. A blonde to make blind man blink. You could almost hear the creaking of fabric strained against all the stiffening cocks. It was not just a bunch of the dudes; some of the girls got all nippily and excited around her, too. It was like she was royal, the uber-babe of all babes, and her fans were bowing before her. With a rather apologetic smile, she re-stacked her heavy textbook pile on one steel ingot of a forearm. Shoulders worthy of a fullback were exposed in her sleeveless, short-waisted hoodie. It left her taut stomach half exposed, flat as concrete and apparently just as hard. She had thickly cabled columns of bulging muscle shapes on teardrop thighs that could squeeze me into the next life, petite knees and then calves that must have been 20 inches if they did not snap the tape wrapped around them. The quintessential hottie. This could be the one I hadd been looking for. 'Are you okay, Trish?' an XXXL beef-o-saurus yelled, glaring at me like a German Shepherd on guard duty.

blonde blind creaking fabric cocks dudes girls nippily excited royal uber-babe fans bowing heavy textbook steel ingot fullback sleeveless hoodie taut stomach concrete hard muscle thighs petite knees calves hottie looking Trish beef-o-saurus German Shepherd guard duty

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The Lipstick Detective - PDF

The Lipstick Detective
Price: 8.00
(Story: Arnoldziffel1, Artwork: Tan Yk)

'Greece!' Billie wasn not punching the heavy bag at the Gargoyle Gym, she was pummeling it. Punishing it, actually. speed boxing. She flurried her fists against the heavy bag, delivering a powerful jolt with each strike. She threw hooks, crosses, jabs, and uppercuts, all with precise accuracy and tremendous strength. The bag bounced wildly on its chain, hanging tough against the onslaught of punches. She grinned at Andy, then sneered at the bag like it was an enemy. Billie finished her workout with a blistering Left, Left, Right blitzkrieg that knocked it off the hanger, slamming into the nearby wall. 'Okay, all done!' The manager groaned. 'Really, Billie? Again?' After a quick shower she changed into her work clothes. She examined what she saw in the mirror: A solid 200 pounds of toned muscle packed onto a 5 foot 7 inch frame with a ghost of baby fat here and there. Pretty, pert breasts supported by a pectoral wall. Six abs the size of her fists proudly making their presence known below her peaches and cream skin. She slipped on a sleeveless shirt and flexed her right arm, a rock hard hill of muscle forming beside her big shoulder. 'Flabby bitch!' she laughed.

Greece Billie heavy bag Gargoyle Gym speed boxing hooks crosses jabs uppercuts accuracy strength Andy enemy Left Right blitzkrieg manager shower work clothes mirror muscle toned frame baby fat breasts pectoral wall abs skin sleeveless shirt flexed rock hard muscle flabby

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Firebrand muscular women - PDF

Firebrand muscular women
Price: 8.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Amy and Jessica take Robert Scott through the most exhaustive and exhausting sexual experience of his life. Amy's mom, Elizabeth, is the fourth participant in this sexual explosion, adding her muscles and experiece to the fray.

Amy Jessica Robert Scott exhaustive exhausting sexual experience Elizabeth fourth participant sexual explosion muscles experience

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part six - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part six
Price: 8.00

"Those high powered rifles can go straight through even Kevlar" he told me. "Yes," I agreed. Actually, I was surprised that no-one had guessed that we'd kitted out our women with steel plate armour - armour much heavier than an ordinary man could carry. And that steel armour, weighing about a hundred pounds would deflect an AR-15 round. We knew this, because we'd tested it. "But what if the shooter had gone for a head shot?" That was certainly a possibility, but gun training was to aim for the centre mass, because a head is a much smaller target. "If he'd gone for a head shot, it would certainly have been "Goodnight Gracie", but we sent in three Black Burqas, and even if one was killed, it would be a good trade for the lives of the thirty off springs that he was holding hostage." "That's incredibly brave," said the interviewer. "We're women," I replied. "And we're mothers. off springs are the purpose of our existence. You'd need to be a mother yourself to understand, but here's a simple way to put it. The female of the species is more deadly than the male." I continued. "Men talk. Men negotiate. Men compromise, and while that is appropriate for many purposes, when it comes to off springs, there is no doubt, no hesitation and no compromise. Our Black Burqas had one and only one purpose. If the police had tried to stop them, they would have been swept aside. If one had been shot then the other two would have continued to rescue those off springs." "The shooter was in a real mess when the police went in, wasn't that excessive?" he asked. I repeated, "There is no compromise. No negotiation. Anyone who threatens our off springs, gets the immediate white-hot fury of the female of the species. In this case, what happened exactly was, a punch to the belly to incapacitate him and double him up, a knee lifted to meet the face coming down and break the nose and teeth, and a double-fist rabbit punch to knock him out and lay him flat on the ground. And when a Black Burqa delivers that triple whammy, the recipient is knocked cold for the next several hours. And if it's delivered too hard and the guy dies, then we're not going to weep for him, he threatened our off springs with death." "And if in the course of taking down an active shooter with a gun, he gets injured, then I'm not going to apologize to him. Even if he loses a few fingers when the gun is seized and is unable to fire a gun in future, then that's just a consequence of his decision to pick up a gun and kill our off springs."

rifles Kevlar steel plate armour AR-15 head shot Black Burqas hostage mothers deadly police excessive punch knee rabbit punch active shooter gun fingers kill

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part three - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part three
Price: 8.00

I was just burning some toast to go with the soggy beans for Raafid's supper, when Sfiyah turned up, and she had someone with her. Who? I don't know, she was dressed head to toe in a black burqa. "Hey," Sfiyah said. "Hey hey," I replied, "what's the timing for toast again?" She looked at what was pretty much charcoal. "About ten minutes ago," she answered, "this is Asma. She wants to be a Black Burqa." I blinked. A what? Apparently, my appearance at the masjid had led to some confusion, mostly because Sfiyah also wore a black burqa when she went there to douse the lights. So people already thought there were two of us, and if two, why not three? The great thing about a burqa, is that no-one could actually see me. It was like a disguise, only better. So no-one, except me and Sfiyah, knew the secret identity of the Black Burqa. I suppose Raafid might have guessed, but he was too intimidated by me to tell anyone. It must be terrible to live with someone who, at any time, might inflict painful violence on you. I know this, because that's how I had lived for years and years. "Who was that mysterious woman?" people were asking each other, and the guesses were all over the place. Every woman around here was wearing a niqab with a face veil; a burqa was only a small step further. Who was that masked woman? Asma spoke. "I've been through eight years of beatings. And each time he didn't kill me, he made me stronger. And now I want to be like you, a Black Burqa. I want to help all the women who are being trodden on and treated unjustly. We women are supposed to be treated like queens; too many of us get treated like serfs."

burning toast soggy beans Raafid's supper Sfiyah someone dressed black burqa timing charcoal Asma appearance masjid confusion two three burqa disguise secret identity Black Burqa Raafid intimidated painful violence mysterious woman guesses niqab face veil masked woman Asma beatings stronger help women trodden on treated unjustly queens serfs.

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part two - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part two
Price: 8.00

Sfiyah visited just now, and she was quite excited. "Ayesha, I have a task for you." Uh-oh, I thought, she wants me to bake a cake, and I'm a really rotten cook. But that wasn't it. "You know Jawaria?" "You mean the one married to Dawud?" "That's right," said Sfiyah. "Well I was with her yesterday, and she has a big bruise on her cheek." "How did that happen?" "She said she bent over and hit it on a tap, but I don't believe that's true." "Why would she lie?" "To avoid the shame of admitting that her husband beats her. You remember, you didn't tell anyone when Raafid was beating you." "So why is it your problem?" I asked. "It's a problem for all of us," she replied. "We are all sisters, and so we must care for each other." "Maybe he had a good reason to beat her?" I wondered. Sfiyah gave me a withering look. "Like Raafid had a good reason to beat you?" "Good point," I admitted. "So what do you want me to do about it?" "I think you should Raafid him. Do what you did to Raafid." "But that was different. He was going to marry off Maryam when she was only thirteen, and I just lost my cool at him." Sfiyah shook her head. "That was the trigger. But the real reason was all the abuse you took over so many years. Well, now Jawaria needs your help." "Why me?"

Sfiyah visited excited task bake a cake rotten cook Jawaria married Dawud bruise cheek tap lie shame admitting husband beats remember Raafid problem sisters care good reason beat point what do you want me to do Raafid him marry off Maryam thirteen lost my cool trigger abuse help why me

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part one - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part one
Price: 8.00

My name is Ayesha. I am a pious Muslima, married to Raafid, my four off springs are Maryam, Gamali, Nasif and baby Kaadiha. I wear the veil, because I am a modest woman. I'm not smart like my friend Sfiyah. She seems to know everything. I read my Quran, and I'm still rather ignorant, unskilled and often I don't understand what people are saying. But I'm happy. At least, I was happy, until Raafid decided that he didn't like my cooking. To be honest, I don't blame him - cooking is one of the many skills I've never mastered. My food comes in two varieties, soggy or burned. So for the last two years, we've been at loggerheads. First, he spoke to me and told me to improve my cooking. I asked "How?" but he didn't have an answer. Then he tried to punish me by not joining me in bed. That's supposed to be a punishment? And when neither of those worked, he started beating me. They say that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. That seemed to be true for me - I noticed that I was thickening in the places where the blows landed. And it was hard muscle, protecting my body from Raafid's rod. He kept it hanging on a hook on the wall, and I knew that when he took it down, I was in for another beating.

Ayesha pious Muslima married Raafid Maryam Gamali Nasif baby Kaadiha veil modest smart Sfiyah Quran ignorant unskilled happy cooking blame mastered food soggy burned loggerheads improve punish bed beating kill stronger thickening places blows muscle protecting body Raafid rod hanging hook wall

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Babette the boxer - PDF

Babette the boxer
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

Babette is a very pretty and very tall girl. At six feet seven inches, she towers above most men. But what she has in inches, she lacks in brainpower. When she leave college, she gets a couple of low-paid jobs, until she accidentally find that she has a talent for boxing, because she has small, hard fists and a very long reach. Babette can smack a man in the head long before he can reach any part of her. She meets Marty, who acts as her manager, and supervises her training, including building up her muscles. The story culminates with a boxing match against Victor, who gets totaly destroyed in a very short time.

Babette pretty tall girl six feet seven inches towers men inches brainpower college low-paid jobs accidentally talent boxing small hard fists long reach smack head manager supervises training building up muscles story culminates boxing match Victor destroyed short time.

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 1, redux - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 1, redux
Price: 8.00

Oceanside Beach was a prime destination for College Coeds and college students looking for sand and surf (and sometimes love) in the summer - and it was the perfect road trip for 18-year-old super muscular College Coeds Amy and Jessica. The sun beat down on the hot parking lot, baking the asphalt and the cars slowly pulling in. As Jessica's candy apple red convertible drove into an open parking space, one would be remiss not to miss the mountains of teenage muscle (in the tiniest bikinis imaginable) settled into both the driver and passenger seats - or the giggling of these two teenagers. Indeed, the two gorgeous, 6-foot-tall Amazons nearly caused multiple accidents on the trip. "Did you see that one truck driver? He almost veered off the road when he saw my chest!" Amy giggled in her high-pitched voice as she got out of the car. "Well, can you blame him?" said Jessica. "Look at your top!" Jessica's eyes looked down from her best friend's gorgeous face and blond pigtails to her baby blue, way too small string bikini. The top was stretched so tight across Amy's massive chest that the string threatened to break at any moment.

Oceanside Beach College Coed young college students sand surf love road trip 18-year-old super muscular Community College Amy Jessica sun hot parking lot asphalt cars candy apple red convertible mountains of teenage muscle tiniest bikinis driver passenger seats giggling gorgeous 6-foot-tall Amazons multiple accidents truck driver chest high-pitched voice car top best friend blond pigtails baby blue string bikini massive chest string break.

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Fitness Trainer and Femdom - PDF

Fitness Trainer and Femdom
Price: 8.00

Her abruptness was a blessing. It saved me from the embarrassment of stammering before the most beautiful, tall, muscular, and intimidating, a woman I had ever met. The cut-off tee shirt she wore would normally not have covered the breasts of the average woman, but hers were so firm they stood out straight, almost hitting me as she turned. The long expanse of bare midriff was tanned and rippling with muscle. But the topper was her face. Her chiseled features surrounded a pair of piercing blue eyes whose look had turned me to jelly.

abruptness blessing saved embarrassment stammering beautiful tall muscular intimidating woman met cut-off tee shirt covered breasts average firm stood out straight hitting turned long expanse bare midriff tanned rippling muscle topper face chiseled features surrounded pair piercing blue eyes look jelly

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The ERG sorority - PDF

The ERG sorority
Price: 8.00

We were just gossiping about guys, as one does. I suppose guys gossip about girls, or maybe they just gossip about sports. I don't know. Boys just don't seem to be rational. Sex is the most important thing in the world, because sex leads to babies, and without babies, the human race goes extinct. Without baseball, the human race doesn't go extinct. Without football, the human race continues. And the same for basketball, cricket, soccer, golf and so on. Something we've all noticed is that there seem to be a bunch of boys that are turned on by female muscle, but there's also a bunch that are intimidated by us to the extent that they don't even appear on our radar. Judy said "I make money by dancing." And while she's dancing in her bikini, she shows off her thick muscles; the audience easily understands that she's stronger than any two of them. "They feel intimidated by my body, and even a bit scared. And when I suggest tips, they respond enthusiastically, with five and ten dollar bills. Sally reminisced about a jockstrap raid she'd been on. "It was great fun. We hit the ALE frat house. There were four of us, and the boys didn't put up any resistance, because they knew that they'd be knocked flat if they tried. So we smashed down their front door - it turned out that it hadn't been locked, but smashing it down set the scene. We barged into their dorm room and rummaged through their drawers, grabbing their most intimate garments - jock straps. They were a bit smelly, but we'd brought plastic bags to put them in. Then we marched out, past the boys who were still cowering in their living room.

gossiping guys girls sports rational sex important babies human race extinct baseball football basketball cricket soccer golf boys turned on female muscle intimidated radar money dancing bikini muscles audience intimidated scared tips enthusiastically jockstrap raid ALE frat house resistance knocked flat smashed front door dorm room drawers intimate garments jock straps smelly plastic bags marched out cowering living room.

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Amy's seduction - PDF

Amy's seduction
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

18-year old Amy Hardstone is in detention, and she seduces the teacher, Robert Scott, who is sitting in on the detention. Why is she there? Because she got into a fight. With three guys, and gave them a severe beating, leaving them in hospital. Amy shows Robert her huge biceps and massive thighs; flexing and breaking the desk she was sitting at. Then she mashes Robert against the blackboard with her enormous breasts, almost smothering him. Amy both attracted and terrified the small teacher. And when he calls her a freak, she's upset, and shows it by mangling the desk. Robert tries to make a run for it, but is stopped by collision with Amy's hard body, and then she crushes him in her arms, leaving him unable to breathe.

18-year old Amy Hardstone detention seduces teacher Robert Scott fight three guys severe beating hospital huge biceps massive thighs flexing breaking desk mashes blackboard enormous breasts smothering attracted terrified small teacher freak upset mangling run stopped collision hard body crushes arms unable to breathe

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The plough girl part 2, illustrated - PDF

The plough girl part 2, illustrated
Price: 8.00

Mike measures Olga. 52 inch chest, so she explained that when she gets her sex life going again, everything will get bigger. She goes to a club and was refused entry, after a short altercation she steps over the bouncer into the club. Inside, some guy puts his hand up her skirt, so she brought her legs together, turned to face him, he didn't move quickly enough and his arm broke. The Olga finds a suitable dance partner; her idea of suitable means small and weak. She picked him up and took him to the dance floor, and held him close to her body as she fucked him then let him down to the floor; he was crying. When she got home, Mike was still awake, so she told him how she got mugged on the way home, and how she punished each of the would-be muggers. Then she took Mike to bed, her sixth sex of the evening. Next day, Olga tries to get a job. She was rejected as a waitress because of her size, she was rejected for heavy manual labour, because she's a girl, but she went back to the club and got a job there as a female bouncer. At the end of the evening, she stops a fight betwen two guys with a fist to the belly of each of them. She picked them up, one under each arm, and threw them out of the club. Superb artwork by Dracowhip.

Mike measures Olga 52 inch chest sex life bigger club refused entry altercation bouncer hand skirt legs together face arm broke suitable dance partner small weak dance floor fucked let him down crying home mugged punished would-be muggers bed sixth sex next day job rejected waitress size heavy manual labour girl female bouncer end of the evening fight fist belly picked them up threw them out club Superb artwork Dracowhip

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GymDomme MuscleDomme - PDF

GymDomme MuscleDomme
Price: 8.00
(Artist: K. Styler)

Her abruptness was a blessing. It saved me from the embarrassment of stammering before the most beautiful, tall, muscular, and intimidating, a woman I had ever met. The cut-off tee shirt she wore would normally not have covered the breasts of the average woman, but hers were so firm they stood out straight, almost hitting me as she turned. The long expanse of bare midriff was tanned and rippling with muscle. But the topper was her face. Her chiseled features surrounded a pair of piercing blue eyes whose look had turned me to jelly.

abruptness blessing saved embarrassment stammering beautiful tall muscular intimidating woman met cut-off tee shirt covered breasts average firm stood out straight hitting turned long expanse bare midriff tanned rippling muscle topper face chiseled features surrounded pair piercing blue eyes look jelly.

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Girls these days - VIDEO

Girls these days
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Buffy is a beautiful ,sexy muscular Amazon who trains and works out all the time in the gym. She's got the most impressive beautiful muscular legs that the Sidekick Dynamite worships. He loves women that can take advantage of him; so Buffy does just that. She goes up to him and ask him if he used her towels. He denies it; she asks again he denies again. She then grabs him by the shoulders and puts a powerful headscissor on him crushing his head. As he starts wimpering she squeezes even harder the more he wimpers the more pressure she puts on. She then goes from a standing headscissor to sitting headscissor. And then continues to squeeze harder and harder, as he starts screaming in pain. She keeps asking him did you use the towels? Do you hear me? He starts screaming, saying obscene words, and keeps saying to her how can i answer you if your squeezing me like a python She keeps saying your lying to me. He keeps yelling in pain and saying baby please let up a little your squeezing me so hard. Then more headsciissors with those sexy strong legs The more he says please stop I dont know who used your towels. She says to him your lying about the towels how did the towels get so dirty? He wont tell her the truth she then puts a bodyscissor on him, take the wind right out of him. At the end theres a surprise ending.

Buffy beautiful sexy muscular Amazon trains works out gym impressive legs Sidekick Dynamite worships women advantage towels denies grabs shoulders powerful headscissor crushing wimpering squeezes pressure standing sitting screaming pain keeps asking hear obscene words python lying yelling baby let up more headscissors strong lying dirty bodyscissor wind surprise ending

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My Mile High Muscle Gal - VIDEO

My Mile High Muscle Gal
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

New to the scene, but unique and unbelievably sexxy, Nikki Now demonstrates her explosive power and great physique in this fantasty domination video. Entering the room, 6% bodyfat, at 6' tall and 150 lbs., Nikki looks just unbelievable! Her victim is waiting on her on the bed and cannot believe his eyes at what he sees. He asks her for a bicep pose, back pose and all we can say is WOW! She is truly amazing! She then gets on the bed for some fun wrestling and look at those long, lean, painful legs of hers! Well, ya just gotta see more of this emerging Dyna Bomb! Nikki is really having fun wrapping them long lean muscular thighs around her victim. But, she has a big surprise for him! She tells him she will be right back and back she is! With Knee Hi black patent leather stiletto heel boots making her 7' tall, wow! She is just incredible! And she toys with him on the floor and then standing over him in bed, amazing views guys that you will just for!!!

New scene unique unbelievably sexxy Nikki Now explosive power great physique fantasy domination video entering room 6% bodyfat 6' tall 150 lbs. unbelievable victim bicep pose back pose amazing bed fun wrestling long lean painful legs emerging Dyna Bomb wrapping muscular thighs surprise right back Knee Hi black patent leather stiletto heel boots 7' tall incredible toys floor standing over bed amazing views guys

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The Burglar and the Walkyrie - VIDEO

The Burglar and the Walkyrie
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

The burglar decided to try to break into a house of Jana that he should never have broken into. He makes his way by the window and finds a window open and creeps in. She then comes down the stairs. He sees she's a huge muscular woman. Without warning, she grabs him by the throat, throws him to the ground, and then stomps her foot on his neck. She then strips him down and puts on very heavy body scissors and a face lock as she hears him whimper in pain. She puts on more pressure and then smothers him with her butt and her strong muscular breasts and then starts rubbing his crotch as he starts to feel dazed She continues by putting head scissors on him as he lays there with her on top of him as she continues to stroke him after putting a painful head-scissor on him She then face smothers him more and more making hard for him to breathe twisting his nipples. She starts showing off by flexing her beautiful sexy muscles. She makes him worship her muscular legs by telling him to feel my powerful thighs as he continues to do so. She lays beside him feeling him up as he gets excited and starts smiling enjoying it as he gets totally relaxed she grabs his head and puts a huge face lock on him taking away his air he collapses on the floor and walks off camera.

burglar break into house Jana window open creeps in stairs muscular woman grabs throat throws ground stomps neck strips heavy body scissors face lock whimper pain pressure smothers butt strong breasts rubbing crotch dazed head scissors lays top stroke painful face smothers breathe twisting nipples showing off flexing beautiful sexy muscles worship legs powerful thighs beside feeling excited smiling relaxed grabs head huge face lock air collapses floor camera.

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The Casting 2 - VIDEO

The Casting 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Mr. Sessionee was looking at Renata! Questioning her built! Renata is a very sexy, cute bodybuilder with a great figure! The guy asks her to take off her top and bottom! And she's left wearing a bikini! He says to her! Ok, let's see you flex! She starts flexing! He then starts to look at her saying he doesn't think she's strong enough for him! She proves him wrong and says to him! Oh, I am strong enough! She then grabs him and throws him on the bed! She then puts painful head scissors on him! Squeezing his head! He keeps telling her to stop it! It hurts! And keeps whimpering! As she poses and shows off her beautiful muscular body! She goes from hold to hold torturing him! By doing face locks and huge body scissors squeezing him! Making his face turn red from pain!As he gasps for breath! She tells him to get up and take off his shirt and pants! He takes them off and she says to him! Uhh, see the difference! look at my body compared to yours! Without hesitation! She poses her arms and legs and then throws him on the bed again with more body scissors! With her sexy legs grasped over his wimpy body! She then pushes his face into her sexy sweaty breasts! Her cute face with a huge smile as she looks at the camera! As she continues to torture him! She continues to do her bicep pose to show how strong she is! As she starts sweating! Her body gets sexier as she goes from hold to hold with body scissors and head scissors and breast smothering! Making it hard for him to function! In the end, she's victorious! He finally admits that she is stronger than him!

Mr. Sessionee Renata questioning built sexy cute bodybuilder great figure top bottom bikini flex strong enough grabs throws bed painful head scissors stop hurts whimpering poses muscular body face locks body scissors red from pain gasps for breath shirt pants difference arms legs wimpy body pushes face sweaty breasts smile camera bicep pose sweating victorious admits stronger than him

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The Casting 1 - VIDEO

The Casting 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Mr. Sessionee was looking at Renata! Questioning her built! Renata is a very sexy, cute bodybuilder with a great figure! The guy asks her to take off her top and bottom! And she's left wearing a bikini! He says to her! Ok, let's see you flex! She starts flexing! He then starts to look at her saying he doesn't think she's strong enough for him! She proves him wrong and says to him! Oh, I am strong enough! She then grabs him and throws him on the bed! She then puts painful head scissors on him! Squeezing his head! He keeps telling her to stop it! It hurts! And keeps whimpering! As she poses and shows off her beautiful muscular body! She goes from hold to hold torturing him! By doing face locks and huge body scissors squeezing him! Making his face turn red from pain!As he gasps for breath! She tells him to get up and take off his shirt and pants! He takes them off and she says to him! Uhh, see the difference! look at my body compared to yours! Without hesitation! She poses her arms and legs and then throws him on the bed again with more body scissors! With her sexy legs grasped over his wimpy body! She then pushes his face into her sexy sweaty breasts! Her cute face with a huge smile as she looks at the camera! As she continues to torture him! She continues to do her bicep pose to show how strong she is! As she starts sweating! Her body gets sexier as she goes from hold to hold with body scissors and head scissors and breast smothering! Making it hard for him to function! In the end, she's victorious! He finally admits that she is stronger than him!

Mr. Sessionee Renata questioning built sexy cute bodybuilder great figure top bottom bikini flex strong enough grabs throws bed painful head scissors stop hurts whimpering poses muscular body face locks body scissors red from pain gasps for breath shirt pants difference arms legs wimpy body pushes face sweaty breasts smile camera bicep pose sweating victorious admits stronger than him

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Worship Services - VIDEO

Worship Services
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Builtmore)

In this great muscle worship video, big, blonde, bountiful bodybuilder LAUREN gets the girl! In the first section, Lauren is worshiped by sexy muscle fan PAM ANGEL, who's practically drooling over Lauren the whole time. Lauren lifts Pam and throws her around, wrestles and dominates her in her leopard-skin bed, crushes her between her legs. And Pam loves it. She points out Lauren's huge biceps and deep-cut six-pack abs. After changing into bikinis they go out to the backyard, where Pam oils Lauren's muscles while Lauren just lies back and soaks up the sun. Later, Pam gives Lauren a lap dance and curls up in her arms. Finally, Lauren lets Pam ride on the back of her Harley Davidson and they head for the beach.

muscle worship bodybuilder Lauren Pam Angel biceps six-pack abs bikinis backyard oils lap dance Harley Davidson beach.

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Vegas Kerfuffle - VIDEO

Vegas Kerfuffle
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Venice Beach Studios)

MJ Dominator Strong Feet. Our INTERN SESSIONEE gets a little too helpful as he admires the physically capable MJ DOMINATOR stretch her muscular physique at a local private gym. His lechery only gives our Amazon an excuse to torture him mercilessly. MJ proceeds to punch him out and use her powerful legs to apply all manner of scissor holds. His stubborn insistence allows MJ to exercise EXTREME MUSCLE CONTROL as she uses her baseball sized biceps and dense thighs to teach our sessionee a painful lesson by choking him to near unconsciousness before finishing him off with her infamous death grip.

Keywords: MJ Dominator strong feet intern sessionee physically capable muscular physique private gym Amazon torture punch powerful legs scissor holds extreme muscle control baseball sized biceps dense thighs painful lesson choking unconsciousness death grip.

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Muscle Bodyguard 2 - VIDEO

Muscle Bodyguard 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Emery Miller has been hired to be a British Consulate's bodyguard. Little does he know because he is expecting a man. In walks this incredibly gorgeous muscular woman and he is taken aback. and when she takes off her jacket wow!!! he cannot believe his eyes!!H e wants to know she is strong enough to protect him, so she then begins to demonstrate her strength . . . on him!!! Emery has wrestled her British Consulate to the ground proving she can definitely be a good bodyguard to him. She then has him worship her body all over, kissing, touching, caressing her muscles. Then she sits him on the couch and proceeds to create muscle worship, taking off her top, throwing his face into her bare breasts and smothering him. then she pulls him back to the floor with her muscular thighs and sits on him so he can see her full beauty. Tons of strength wrestling holds Emery does on her new protected, then she makes him to muscle worship her, and then finally give her servitude !

Emery Miller hired British Consolate bodyguard man incredibly gorgeous muscular woman taken aback jacket eyes strong protect demonstrate wrestled ground good bodyguard worship body kissing touching carressing muscles couch muscle worship top bare breasts smothering muscular thighs full beauty strength wrestling holds new protectee servitude.

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Muscle Bodyguard 1 - VIDEO

Muscle Bodyguard 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Emery Miller has been hired to be a British Consolate's bodyguard. Little does he know because he is expecting a man. In walks this incredibly gorgeous muscular woman and he is taken aback. and when she takes off her jacket wow!!! he cannot believe his eyes!!H e wants to know she is strong enough to protect him, so she then begins to demonstrate her strength . . . on him!!! Emery has wrestled her British Consolate to the ground proving she can definitely be a good bodyguard to him. She then has him worship her body all over, kissing, touching, carressing her muscles. Then she sits him on the couch and proceeds to create muscle worship, taking off her top, throwing his face into her bare breasts and smothering him. then she pulls him back to the floor with her muscular thighs and sits on him so he can see her full beauty. Tons of strength wrestling holds Emery does on her new protectee, then she makes him to muscle worship her, and then finally give her servitude !

Emery Miller hired British Consolate bodyguard man incredibly gorgeous muscular woman taken aback jacket eyes strong protect demonstrate wrestled ground good bodyguard worship body kissing touching carressing muscles couch muscle worship top bare breasts smothering muscular thighs full beauty strength wrestling holds new protectee servitude

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Ginger Muscle 2 - VIDEO

Ginger Muscle 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Come see sexy Ginger Muscle ... 5'5" 150 lbs. Ripped muscles lift and carry a 200 lb. man around. Fireman's carry, cradle and shoulder squats . . . fantastic lift and carry action!!! She poses for him and he oils her up and worships her muscular body. She takes her top off and things start to heat up. He kisses every row of her chiseled abs, they do some fun arm wrestling, fantasy wrestling and even some foot worship!! Being an Ex-Exotic Dancer, Ginger knows the moves and boy does she prove it in her sensual lap dance at the end of this video.

Ginger Muscle 5'5" 150 lbs Ripped muscles Lift and carry Fireman's carry Cradle Shoulder squats Oils Muscular body Abs Arm wrestling Fantasy wrestling Foot worship Exotic dancer Lap dance.

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Ginger Muscle 1 - VIDEO

Ginger Muscle 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Come see sexy Ginger Muscle ... 5'5" 150 lbs. Ripped muscles lift and carry a 200 lb. man around. Fireman's carry, cradle and shoulder squats . . . fantastic lift and carry action!!! She poses for him and he oils her up and worships her muscular body. She takes her top off and things start to heat up. He kisses every row of her chiseled abs, they do some fun arm wrestling, fantasy wrestling and even some foot worship!! Being an Ex-Exotic Dancer, Ginger knows the moves and boy does she prove it in her sensual lap dance at the end of this video.

sexy Ginger Muscle ripped muscles lift and carry fireman's carry cradle shoulder squats oil worship muscular body chiseled abs arm wrestling fantasy wrestling foot worship Ex-Exotic Dancer lap dance

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The Debt Collector 3 - VIDEO

The Debt Collector 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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The Debt Collector 2 - VIDEO

The Debt Collector 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athenta2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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The Debt Collector - VIDEO

The Debt Collector
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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Pizza Girl part two - AUDIO

Pizza Girl part two
Price: 5.00

Revenge is a dish best served brass monkeys, unlike pizza. So, the next time I see Eric, I use my Pizzagirl power to step on the pedals and catch up with him. I silently approach from behind, and blast him with my compressed air powered horn, sounding at 130 decibels just like a 56 ton 18 wheel truck mere inches behind him. He was suitably startled, swerved, wobbled, wobbled some more and went down, making a very satisfactory scrunching sound as he hit the deck. "Good morning, Eric," I called out merrily as I sailed past. Karma soon caught up with me - it started raining. Cats and dogs. So I reacted the way I always do - I got wet. But the pizza was safely tucked away in my insulated pannier, and I was able to deliver it, still hot. I stood there looking like a drowned kitten while the customer fetched some bread, which wetness I believe contributed to the handsome tip he gave me. Another contribution might have been the way that my wet shirt clung to my thrupenny bits. I'll take whatever I can get, except getting stiffed.

revenge dish served brass monkeys pizza Eric Pizzagirl power step pedals catch up silently approach blast compressed air powered horn 130 decibels 56 ton 18 wheel truck suitably startled swerved wobbled went down scrunching sound good morning merrily sailed past Karma raining cats and dogs reacted wet pizza safely tucked away insulated pannier deliver hot stood drowned kitten customer fetched bread wetness contributed handsome tip wet shirt clung thrupenny bits stiffed

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Respect all, fear nun - part five - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part five
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part five It was the terce prayer hour. We were all three of us in the gym; the off springs were outside playing with their dogs. I was lying on my back, doing reps with 500, when I noticed a crack in the ceiling that looked like a jagged bolt of stylized lightning. When I finished my set, I showed it to Nora and Mandy. My eyes followed the crack, and the wall was also cracked. "That looks bad," said Mandy. "Is the building falling down?" asked Nora. "I think we should treat the building a lot more gently until further notice," I suggested. "So no more dropping the weights to the floor; lower them gently." "And we should pray," said Nora. "Of course," I said, "but we should also get a good surveyor, to tell us whether this is nothing, or very bad. Roger stood, transfixed. He'd never seen a nun doing bench presses before, he's never seen a woman with 26 inch biceps before and he'd never seen a St Hilda's nun except me, and I was covered head to toe in my habit. He just stood there, paralysed with a mixture of respect and fear. He was imagining what Nora could do to a man once he was helpless in those huge arms. And I thought, Gotcha! I prophesy a discount.

Respect fear nun prayer gym crack lightning building weights surveyor St Hilda's biceps habit discount.

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The Black Burqa part three - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part three
Price: 5.00

I was just burning some toast to go with the soggy beans for Raafid's supper, when Sfiyah turned up, and she had someone with her. Who? I don't know, she was dressed head to toe in a black burqa. "Hey," Sfiyah said. "Hey hey," I replied, "what's the timing for toast again?" She looked at what was pretty much charcoal. "About ten minutes ago," she answered, "this is Asma. She wants to be a Black Burqa." I blinked. A what? Apparently, my appearance at the masjid had led to some confusion, mostly because Sfiyah also wore a black burqa when she went there to douse the lights. So people already thought there were two of us, and if two, why not three? The great thing about a burqa, is that no-one could actually see me. It was like a disguise, only better. So no-one, except me and Sfiyah, knew the secret identity of the Black Burqa. I suppose Raafid might have guessed, but he was too intimidated by me to tell anyone. It must be terrible to live with someone who, at any time, might inflict painful violence on you. I know this, because that's how I had lived for years and years. "Who was that mysterious woman?" people were asking each other, and the guesses were all over the place. Every woman around here was wearing a niqab with a face veil; a burqa was only a small step further. Who was that masked woman? Asma spoke. "I've been through eight years of beatings. And each time he didn't kill me, he made me stronger. And now I want to be like you, a Black Burqa. I want to help all the women who are being trodden on and treated unjustly. We women are supposed to be treated like queens; too many of us get treated like serfs."

burning toast soggy beans Raafid Sfiyah black burqa masjid disguise secret identity violence niqab face veil beatings stronger help women queens serfs.

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Octavia part one - AUDIO

Octavia part one
Price: 5.00

I'm six feet tall in my bare feet, and two hundred pounds of hard muscle; I can bench three times my weight. And I don't hide my light under a bushel. Everything is on display, and a lot of guys like that. My impressive body drives men crazy, and crazy men do crazy things. And I encourage the crazy. My hobby is to find men who are nutty as fruitcake, or if they aren't, I push them that way. And when they're one squawk short of a cuckoo, I take a trophy and dump them. Would you like to hear about some of the absurd things I've done; or rather, the crazy things that men do with a bit of encouragement from a woman with massive muscles?

six feet tall bare feet two hundred pounds hard muscle bench weight display guys body drives crazy encourage hobby nutty fruitcake squawk cuckoo trophy dump absurd men encouragement woman massive muscles.

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The Black Burqa part two - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part two
Price: 5.00

Sfiyah visited just now, and she was quite excited. "Ayesha, I have a task for you." Uh-oh, I thought, she wants me to bake a cake, and I'm a really rotten cook. But that wasn't it. "You know Jawaria?" "You mean the one married to Dawud?" "That's right," said Sfiyah. "Well I was with her yesterday, and she has a big bruise on her cheek." "How did that happen?" "She said she bent over and hit it on a tap, but I don't believe that's true." "Why would she lie?" "To avoid the shame of admitting that her husband beats her. You remember, you didn't tell anyone when Raafid was beating you." "So why is it your problem?" I asked. "It's a problem for all of us," she replied. "We are all sisters, and so we must care for each other." "Maybe he had a good reason to beat her?" I wondered. Sfiyah gave me a withering look. "Like Raafid had a good reason to beat you?" "Good point," I admitted. "So what do you want me to do about it?" "I think you should Raafid him. Do what you did to Raafid." "But that was different. He was going to marry off Maryam when she was only thirteen, and I just lost my cool at him." Sfiyah shook her head. "That was the trigger. But the real reason was all the abuse you took over so many years. Well, now Jawaria needs your help." "Why me?"

Sfiyah excited task bake cake cook Jawaria Dawud bruise tap husband beats shame sisters care reason Raafid marry Maryam abuse help.

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Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie - AUDIO

Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie
Price: 5.00

When your beautiful, buff girlfriend sneakily joins you inside your sleeping bag during a friend-filled cabin holiday, you are clearly in Heaven! Her firm, solid, shapely body cuddling super snugly into you, her soft, sensual voice whispering erotically into your nearby ears! Clearly your cock throbs at such thoughts (which she can more than tell, it now being tightly inside her), though when her snuggling form gets tighter around yours, lusting arousal turns to fearful concern! Her words continue to coo breathily into you, as she reveals her recent discovery about your cheating ways - big mistake to do so to a girl who can deadlift your car! Her enveloping hold around you becomes more crushing, even her constrictive "inner most" muscles squooshing your entrapped shaft, as she decides to use you as her sexual plaything this night, for her pleasure only, nothing but punishing pain for you - and if your cries of agony wake up the friends sleeping around you, then it will get so much worse for You! JuicyPeach works her Super Sensual magic here, her whisper-like tone making this A MUST for female muscle and ASMR lovers alike! (17 1/2 minutes)

beautiful buff girlfriend sleeping bag friend-filled cabin holiday Heaven firm solid shapely body cuddling snugly soft sensual voice whispering erotically cock throbs tightly inside her snuggling form tighter lusting arousal fearful concern cheating ways big mistake deadlift car enveloping hold crushing constrictive inner most muscles squooshing entrapped shaft sexual plaything pleasure only punishing pain cries of agony wake up friends JuicyPeach Super Sensual magic female muscle ASMR lovers

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Doubt Her Strength, And Pay The Price - AUDIO

Doubt Her Strength, And Pay The Price
Price: 5.00

Telling your fit, athletic college girlfriend that her assorted sporting activities are "girlie" and nothing compared to real manly sports, is just asking for a beating - something she is more than willing and able to provide you! Bigger as you are, her ultra firm and powerful physique easily handles you, crushing you inside her full, full breasts, shapely legs and solid arms, all while telling you that in addition to sports, she's also a professional dominatrix! Tales of how she handles men such as you with ease, and not just her, but also any girl from her cheerleading and gymnastics squads as well! Girls such as she, who are completely superior to most any man, who Enjoy the feeling of putting foolish, macho men like you in their places! Doubt the power of such females, and pay a punishing price! The Super Sensual JuicyPeach lends her voice here, as always, speaking just to YOU! (12 1/2 minutes)

fit athletic college girlfriend sporting activities girlie manly sports beating willing able powerful physique crushing full breasts shapely legs solid arms professional dominatrix handles men cheerleading gymnastics squads superior foolish macho men punishing price Super Sensual JuicyPeach voice 12 1/2 minutes.

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Superhero Down - AUDIO

Superhero Down
Price: 5.00

Imagine being a legendary hero, who even with all of your skills and abilities, have been easily captured by the Power of a Villainous Amazon! You awaken from your unconsciousness, trapped in a steel hard cage, as the sexy (yet vicious) muscle packed varlet goads and teases your vastly inferior form, your peak human male physique utterly useless compared to her superhuman female form! She soon enters your cage to join you, effortlessly bending the metal bars to do so, as she begins to use her beautiful, buff body to knock you senseless, doing so in a sexily teasing manner, a fitting punishment for thwarting her latest evil scheme! She then bursts from her outfit and decides to break you to pieces, while getting her own sexual thrill from your destruction! Erotic audio Legend JuicyPeach works her magic on this sexy story, as always, putting YOU in the action! (15 1/2 minutes)

legendary hero skills abilities captured Power Villainous Amazon unconsciousness steel cage sexy muscle packed varlet peak human male physique superhuman female form metal bars beautiful buff body senseless teasing punishment evil scheme outfit break destruction sexual thrill Erotic audio JuicyPeach action

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Night Out At The Athena Club - AUDIO

Night Out At The Athena Club
Price: 5.00

You and your guy friends are sitting at a table in the famous Athena Club, greeted by one of their sexy, muscle packed young waitresses, who is eager to give you all free samples of her wares, before taking your order! Overpowering your largest friend in arm-wrestling (while sensually sitting on the lap of another of your group), challenging yet another to try and pry apart her thick, shapely legs, while daring others to punch her rock solid abs or full, hard pecs! Lusciously muscular as she is, this buff beauty is still smaller than anyone in your gathering, yet her strength is enough to easily (and sexily) overpower you all, handling you as if you were nothing but playthings to her! Getting you all (and she herself as well) riled up and ultra aroused, she is now ready to take your order - what will you request of your own personal Amazon girl, and could any of you handle it once you've made your order? As always, the ultra sensual sounds of McKenzie Alex truly brings YOU into this sexy muscle-packed story! (13 3/4 minutes)

guy friends table famous Athena Club greeted sexy muscle packed young waitresses free samples wares order largest friend arm-wrestling sensually lap group challenging pry apart thick shapely legs daring punch rock solid abs full hard pecs lusciously muscular buff beauty smaller gathering strength easily overpower playthings riled up ultra aroused ready take your order request personal Amazon girl handle made your order ultra sensual sounds McKenzie Alex sexy muscle-packed story

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Amy's Conquest 4 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 4
Price: 6.00

In this story we meet Amy's muscular mom, Elizabeth for the first time. Watching her daughter and Jessica ravish their teacher and post videos to the internet, she can't help but get in on a very sexual, crushing threesome!

Amy muscular mom Elizabeth daughter Jessica teacher videos internet sexual crushing threesome

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Amy's Conquest 7 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 7
Price: 6.00

When Amy and her Muscle Mom Elizabeth switch MO's in a contest to decide who is the Ultimate Amazon, it ends they only way it can, with them both joining forces against their helpless men, using them sexually as they see fit, until an unexpected family member pops in to voice her rather unhappy opinion! - Amy Icon FemForteFan illustrating this latest installment - with 49 Amazing Pictures!

Amy Muscle Mom Elizabeth switch MOs contest Ultimate Amazon joining forces helpless men using sexually unexpected family member unhappy opinion Amy Icon FemForteFan latest installment

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 2
Price: 6.00

Amy and her mom Elizabeth Hardstone head to college to "meet and greet" the faculty during Amy's freshmen orientation. Amy shows her mom just how much she's grown up - the two ravish the faculty together!

Amy mom Elizabeth Hardstone college meet and greet faculty freshmen orientation grown up ravish

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Amy's Conquest 2 (Color) - PDF

Amy's Conquest 2 (Color)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica, an equally beautiful and muscular brunette, and they instantly become friends. The two decide to go to Mr. Scott house and ravish him together - along with posting pics and videos of their escapades all over the Internet! Another legendary tale of this Awesome Amazon has also been set to strikingly visual, COLOR as well. Rodrigo has also lent his artistic abilities to this Classic story, bringing Amy and Jessica to life like Never Before! (Original artwork by FemForteFan!)

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica equally beautiful muscular brunette instantly become friends decide go Mr. Scott house ravish together posting pics videos escapades Internet legendary tale Awesome Amazon strikingly visual COLOR Rodrigo artistic abilities Classic story bringing life Never Before Original artwork FemForteFan

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One Lucky Man (Redux) - PDF

One Lucky Man (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Dave's Amazon fiancee Carmen has a birthday surprise for him. her equally buff and beautiful best friend Jen, who carries her foolishly cheating, soon-to-be ex-boyfriend into the room, to be used for their Dual Sexually Punishing Delights, all for the Pleasure of the adorable birthday boy, Dave! - Amazing artwork here by Max on this re-illustrating of one of our First illustrated stories!

Dave Amazon fiancee Carmen birthday surprise equally buff beautiful best friend Jen carries foolishly cheating soon-to-be ex-boyfriend room used Dual Sexually Punishing Delights Pleasure adorable birthday boy Amazing artwork Max re-illustrating First illustrated stories

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Big Little Sister 2 - PDF

Big Little Sister 2
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Peter)

Jack has had enough of his Amazonian "baby" sister's treatment of him (justified as it may be), so he tries to rebel against her, only to have such attempts Crushed by the awesome might of his hardbodied sister, Nikki! - Awesome CGI pics from Peter!

Jack Amazonian baby sister treatment rebel Crushed hardbodied sister Nikki CGI pics Peter

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The Wrong Number - PDF

The Wrong Number
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Peter)

When a thickly muscled beauty finds out her boyfriend has been cheating on her, from a call from the "other woman", she teaches him a very valuable (aka Painful) lesson on how NOT to treat a strong, sexy Amazon - Amazing artwork by Peter!

thickly muscled beauty boyfriend cheating other woman valuable lesson strong sexy Amazon artwork Peter

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Muscular Confession (Part 1) - PDF

Muscular Confession (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Kathy and Sara are two muscle packed Catholic Schoolgirls who just love to confess their muscle-crushing sins. During one such visit, they spot an adorably cute Altar Boy, who gets a crash course in "worshipping" these sexy young Amazons! - Amazing artwork by Jebriodo!

Kathy Sara muscle packed Catholic Schoolgirls confess muscle-crushing sins visit adorably cute Altar Boy crash course worshipping sexy young Amazons Amazing artwork Jebriodo.

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Jungle Girl - PDF

Jungle Girl
Price: 6.00
(Story: Plowjack, Artwork: NeoBabylon)

Carol is a full bodied, buff and beautiful Amazon woman who just loves to dominate her men (especially in the bedroom), this time one Lucky man in particular, whom she uses her overpowering physique and teasing words to control every inch of his much weaker body! - a Fantastic story by the iconic Plowjack, with Amazing artwork by Yet another NEW AC artist, NeoBabylon!

keywords: Carol full bodied buff beautiful Amazon woman dominate men bedroom Lucky man overpowering physique teasing words control weaker body Fantastic story iconic Plowjack Amazing artwork NEW AC artist NeoBabylon

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Soccer Girl - Part 1 - PDF

Soccer Girl - Part 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: David Sullivan, Artwork: Rob)

When a Sexy young soccer star stakes her claim on one of her adorably hunky teammates, she is as driven to have him for herself in the bedroom as she is in scoring goals on the field; not that the young (completely overpowered) man minds in the least, as he simply can't get enough of her combination of Beauty and Brawn, and must worship her like the Amazonian Goddess that she is! - An Amazing story by the creator of Sandi Stone, David Sullivan, with Unreal illustrations from yet another new AC artist, Rob!

sexy young soccer star claim adorably hunky teammates driven bedroom scoring goals field overpowered man combination beauty brawn worship Amazonian Goddess amazing story creator Sandi Stone David Sullivan unreal illustrations AC artist Rob

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The Exchange Student - PDF

The Exchange Student
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: hotrod5)

When a super popular college hunk sees his girlfriend off for study abroad, he gets much more than he bargained for in the form of a gorgeously muscular Nordic Goddess in return! - Incredible CGI illustrations by hotrod5!

college hunk girlfriend study abroad Nordic Goddess CGI illustrations hotrod5

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Bridesmaid - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Bridesmaid
Price: 6.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Fabio)

Watch as a giant young Amazon girl claims the adorable male stripper at a friend's bachorlette party for herself, using, abusing and then discarding him (permanently) after getting her sexual fill! - Amazing artwork by a new AC artist, Fabio!, and another part of the Awesome series by author extraordinaire, silentcrs!

Amazon girl male stripper bachelorette party using abusing discarding sexual fill artwork AC artist Fabio Awesome series author silentcrs

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Sisterly Growth - PDF

Sisterly Growth
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rob)

When a Fathery abused, cast out teenage girl builds her body buff and strong (thanks to the help of a certain Growth Formula) she returns home to make things right, namely taking care of her younger sister, who loves her older sister's muscular body so much she can't wait for her to get those same results, and more! - Unreal illustrations by fan favorite, Rob!

Fathery abused cast out teenage girl builds body buff strong Growth Formula returns home make things right taking care younger sister loves older sister muscular body same results Unreal illustrations fan favorite Rob

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TV's Blind Date - Amazon Style - PDF

TV's Blind Date - Amazon Style
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rafael)

It's true love when a buxom buff blond beauty and her adorable blind date meet for the first, but definitely not the last, time! - A long awaited story with Amazing artwork by the unreal Rafael!

true love buxom buff blond beauty adorable blind date first time last time long awaited amazing artwork Rafael

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Never Mess With An Amazon - PDF

Never Mess With An Amazon
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Rob)

When two arrogant gym rats start insulting a female gym-instructor, they get much more than they bargained for in return, as her (and later her equally buff girl-friend) mighty muscles make short work (not to mention, sex-slaves) of these two foolish male muscle heads! - Absolutely Awesome artwork by Rob here, on a Classic M.C. Story! !

arrogant gym rats insulting female gym-instructor much more bargained for return mighty muscles short work sex-slaves foolish male muscleheads Absolutely Awesome artwork Rob Classic M.C. Story

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Mistaken Identity - PDF

Mistaken Identity
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

Watch as the boyfriend of a buff, beautiful young girl gets taught a very valuable lesson about NOT mixing her and her equally Amazonian twin sister up - a lesson that is re-opened when the sexy twin sister comes calling soon afterwards! - A fun short story with artwork by Carlos on this one!

boyfriend buff beautiful young girl taught valuable lesson mixing Amazonian twin sister re-opened sexy calling fun short story artwork Carlos

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Donna - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Fabio)

When a massively muscular college girl has had enough of her school's star linebacker and his cheerleader girlfriend's teasing ways, she decides to teach them both a harsh lesson, starting with some physical punishing and ending with some very sexual servitude! - Unreal artwork by Fabio, on this penned M.C. tale!

massively muscular college girl schools star linebacker cheerleader girlfriend teasing ways teach harsh lesson physical punishing sexual servitude Unreal artwork Fabio M.C. tale

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Late Night Encounter - PDF

Late Night Encounter
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

When a nighttime intruder breaks into a home seeking valuables, he gets much more than he bargained for in the form of Cory, a sexy, strong Amazon, who doesn't take kindly to her unwelcome guest - or does she? - Very cool illustrated here by Carlos!

nighttime intruder breaks in home valuables Cory sexy strong Amazon unwelcome guest illustrated Carlos

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Virago - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Everton)

Watch some of the sexy Amazon women of Virago - a secret group of physically superior, incredible beautiful, young women, who use their varied talents and abilities to bring justice to unjust males in society - in action, showing such men through sensual seduction or superior strength, the error of their ways! - Amazing illustrations by Everton, on this AmazonFan Classic tale!

Amazon women Virago secret group physically superior beautiful young women talents abilities justice unjust males society action sensual seduction superior strength illustrations Everton AmazonFan Classic tale

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Nancy: An Amazon Girl's Blossoming - PDF

Nancy: An Amazon Girl's Blossoming
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: NeoBabylon )

When Nancy, a tall, lusciously shaped college girl/shy librarian, gets discovered and invited to join Amazon House on her college campus, a whole new world is opened up to her, and a new attitude about her own, clearly evident Amazon-hood is born! - Incredible illustrations by NeoBabylon on this one!

Nancy tall lusciously shaped college girl shy librarian discovered invited join Amazon House college campus whole new world opened up new attitude evident Amazon-hood Incredible illustrations NeoBabylon

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Shits And Giggles - PDF

Shits And Giggles
Price: 6.00
(Story: Seldomlasts, Artwork: Rob)

Watch as a sexy, buff college girl seduces and then breaks her college professor, using her feminine charms and hard, powerful physique to get him to be her willing slave, offering her his very life to use, abuse and even end, all for her fun! - Incredible illustrations here by Rob, tackling this Seldomlasts Classic tale!

sexy buff college girl seduces college professor feminine charms hard powerful physique willing slave life use abuse end fun illustrations Rob Seldomlasts Classic tale

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Before He Cheats - PDF

Before He Cheats
Price: 6.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Allan)

When a towering, muscle packed, Amazon accuses you of cheating, there's only one thing to do - RUN! Unfortunately for Carrie's boyfriend, he just didn't figure that out in time, so she had to use her vast power and super strength to teach him (and his car) a very valuable, potentially fatal, lesson; claiming another unsuspecting male as her new lover in the end! - Awesome (Very Graphic) artwork by Allan on this SeldomLasts story!

towering muscle packed Amazon cheating RUN Carrie's boyfriend vast power super strength teach car valuable potentially fatal lesson claiming unsuspecting male new lover Awesome Very Graphic artwork Allan SeldomLasts story

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The New Secretary - PDF

The New Secretary
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Fabio)

Mr. Turner is an abusive, lecherous boss, who goes through secretaries (who he insists all be hot and wear sexy outfits) like tissue paper; until he meets his latest hire, the shapely and statuesque Wendy, who shows him a thing or two about the True meaning of Power, as she uses her newly revealed Amazonian body to take him over, both physically and financially! - Amazing artwork once again by Fabio (on the first story I have ever written)!

Mr. Turner abusive lecherous boss secretaries hot sexy outfits tissue paper latest hire shapely statuesque Wendy True meaning of Power newly revealed Amazonian body take him over physically financially Amazing artwork Fabio first story

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The Mixer - PDF

The Mixer
Price: 6.00
(Story: Pac, Artwork: Max)

When a sweet young college boy (who lusts after athletically built girls) heads over to his school's Mixer and meets up with a tall, musclebound Amazonian beauty, sparks fly. as she shows off her unreal strength for him, both on the football field, and in the bedroom (along with a fellow towering college babe)! - Awesome artwork by Max, on this Pac tale!

sweet young college boy lusts athletically built girls school's Mixer meets up tall musclebound Amazonian beauty sparks fly shows off unreal strength football field bedroom towering college babe awesome artwork Max Pac tale

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If Two's Company, Is Three A Crowd? - PDF

If Two's Company, Is Three A Crowd?
Price: 6.00
(Story: Christa, Artwork: Fabio)

When a statuesque muscle girl spots a similarly buff beauty, in their gym's sauna room, she immediately thinks about how perfect she would be to join her and her muscle-loving man for a little three-some; something this rock solid girl is also desiring, as she too cannot take her eyes off the tall, shapely Amazon, as looks quickly turn into erotic touches of one another's bodies, and soon afterward, an all too lucky boyfriend as well! - Amazing artwork by Fabio on this sexily written Christa tale!

statuesque musclegirl similiarly buff beauty gym's sauna room perfect join muscle-loving man three-some rock solid girl desiring eyes tall shapely Amazon looks erotic touches bodies lucky boyfriend Amazing artwork Fabio sexily written Christa tale

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The Boss Lady - PDF

The Boss Lady
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

Hillary is a CEO of a major company, who is seen here making a house call to one of her sexually abusive and obnoxious employees, a large, powerful, able-bodied man who isn't one to be intimidated by even his boss - though when his boss strips down and reveals not only a fit, firm, fantastic physique, but world class martial arts skills as well, this foolish man quickly sees the error of his ways, and in short order becomes the victim to this femme fatale's sexual cravings as well! - Masterful martial arts manipulations once again by Jorge on this MC Classic tale!

Hillary CEO major company house call sexually abusive obnoxious employee large powerful able-bodied boss fit firm fantastic physique martial arts skills victim femme fatale sexual cravings Masterful martial arts Jorge MC Classic tale.

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Lola - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: R.M.G.)

When an Amazonian gym owner comes by to straighten out a group of unruly, brutish muscle-heads, she winds of finding love as well, in the form of an adorably sweet gym-goer, who is utterly captivated by the physical and sexual abilities her super strong physique possesses! - R.M.G. back with Excellent illustrations on this MC tale!

Amazonian gym owner straighten out group unruly brutish muscle-heads finding love adorably sweet gym-goer captivated physical abilities sexual abilities super strong physique R.M.G. Excellent illustrations MC tale

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The Moth To The Flame - PDF

The Moth To The Flame
Price: 6.00
(Story: John Castle, Artwork: Leonardo)

When a muscle loving man (who thanks to an Amazonian babysitter when he was younger, has an Uncontrollable desire for crushing female thighs) sets up a meeting for the Ultimate Crush with the biggest, most muscular woman he could find, he gets Exactly what he asked for; unfortunately for him, as Perfect as this Fantasy Session is, it's a one time only event! - Leonardo's awesome color pics grace this incredible tale by John Castle!

muscle loving man Amazonian babysitter Uncontrollable desire crushing female thighs meeting Ultimate Crush biggest most muscular woman Exactly what he asked for Perfect Fantasy Session one time only event Leonardo's awesome color pics incredible tale John Castle

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 1) - PDF

Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Allan)

Steve had always loved Amazonian women, that is until he started dating one, a towering tormentress that used and abused him time and again, causing him to swear off (aka fear) such women from then on; though when he finds that a possible new love is also a hard bodied female, will fear drive him away from her, or will be give love with an Amazon one last chance? - More Unreal illustrations by Allan on this one!

Amazonian women dating towering tormentress abused swear off fear hardbodied female love Allan illustrations.

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Tonya, The Super Strong Brat - PDF

Tonya, The Super Strong Brat
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

While college Amazon Tonya is in the midst of "instructing" her boyfriend on how fast he should be getting her an expensive necklace she wanted, we look deeper into her past as a teenage girl, as we see her using her rock hard physique and super strength to punish all around her; showing them ALL who's in charge, and what happens when you don't do Exactly as she says! Edson lends his Amazing artistic abilities on this one!

college Amazon Tonya instructing boyfriend fast expensive necklace past teenage girl rock hard physique super strength punish all in charge Exactly Edson Amazing artistic abilities

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Amazon Neighbors - PDF

Amazon Neighbors
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: London)

When a college boy notices his younger brother is getting bullied, by a girl no less, he goes next door to confront her; only to have this smaller though extremely athletic girl turn the tables on him, more than once at that. Only with the help of both brothers can they finally contain her, though when her older, bigger, stronger sister gets involved, it's once more the girls that prove to be the dominant sex in this neighborhood! Amazing artwork by London on this AmazonFan story!

college boy younger brother bullied girl next door confront smaller athletic girl turn the tables more than once help both brothers contain older bigger stronger sister involved dominant sex neighborhood amazing artwork London AmazonFan story

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Wayne's Worst Nightmare - PDF

Wayne's Worst Nightmare
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Fabio)

Macho, muscle head Wayne thinks it's his lucky day, when he spots a gorgeous female bodybuilder working out at his gym; though his luck turns sour when she begins to Utterly Dominate him (both on the weights, and on the mat), as she exacts a Harsh Vengeance on him for an unspeakable act he committed! Unreal COLOR artwork here by Fabio!

Macho muscle head Wayne lucky day gorgeous female bodybuilder gym Utterly Dominate weights mat Harsh Vengeance unspeakable act Unreal COLOR artwork Fabio

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My Mommy - PDF

My Mommy
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Sergio)

This is a tale of a Muscle Mom, seen through the eyes of her young son. Timmy is only 7 years old, but he knows he loves his Mommy, and her thick, hard, muscles, very much; especially when she (and his buff babysitter) take care of him and protect him from harm (often times, crushingly so)! Incredible illustrations from Sergio on his one!

Muscle Mom young son Timmy 7 years old loves Mommy thick hard muscles buff babysitter protect harm crushingly illustrations Sergio

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A Stupid Man's Brutal Beating - PDF

A Stupid Man's Brutal Beating
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Everton)

When Steve takes his new girlfriend Vanessa up to a secluded cabin, he expects some sexual pleasures from her in return; though when she refuses (due to her wanting to take it slow), he forces the issue - which turns out to be the Biggest Mistake of his life, thanks to a secret surprise from this beautiful young girl, one that will make him wish he waited until she was ready for him! Everton returns with Incredible illustrations on this one!

Steve new girlfriend Vanessa secluded cabin sexual pleasures refusal take it slow forces Biggest Mistake secret surprise beautiful young girl wish waited ready Everton illustrations

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Secrets Of A Muscle Marriage (Part 2) - PDF

Secrets Of A Muscle Marriage (Part 2)
Price: 6.00

With her loving husband and family away for the day, Mel decides to do some morning chores, that is until a masked intruder breaks into her yard and attempts to force himself on her. Bad Idea, for Him, as Mel uses her mighty muscles to turn the tables on this unsuspecting man, that is until she realizes it's actually Karl in disguise! A revelation that now brings him Pleasure to once there was Pain! A continuation of this Christa tale, illustrated again by Max!

loving husband family morning chores masked intruder yard force mighty muscles turn the tables Karl disguise revelation pleasure pain Christa tale illustrated Max

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Summer's Story - PDF

Summer's Story
Price: 6.00
(Story: Miles Endeavor, Artwork: Edson)

Summer is a beautiful, blonde beach babe, who happens to be super muscular and insanely strong. She loves showing off her unreal power in the gym, and to her boyfriend in the bedroom, though when things get a bit too rough with the gorgeous Amazon, her man creates a plan for her to vent out her muscle-crushing desires, on those who deserve it much more than himself! Edson does an amazing job on this Classic Miles Endeavor tale!

Summer beautiful blonde beach babe super muscular insanely strong showing off unreal power gym boyfriend bedroom rough gorgeous Amazon man creates a plan vent out muscle-crushing desires deserve Edson amazing job Classic Miles Endeavor tale

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My Hulktastic Girlfriend - PDF

My Hulktastic Girlfriend
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Falcon3D)

Steve is painfully shy and has a dead end job. The only thing he looks forward to is seeing Satin, the sweet and beautiful receptionist at work. Things begin to look up for Steve when Satin agrees to go out with him. But when a couple of biker bullies pick on Steve, they discover that they don't like it when Satin's angry - but Steve sure does! A collaboration of words and pictures by Sonofjack and Falcon3D!

Steve painfully shy dead end job look forward Satin sweet beautiful receptionist work things begin to look up go out biker bullies pick on don't like angry collaboration words pictures Sonofjack Falcon3D

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White Gals Can Jump - PDF

White Gals Can Jump
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Just as a final game of basketball is about to end for a trio of cocky male jocks, in strolls the form of a curvaceous young woman, who is foolish enough to challenge all three to a game (with her heels, no less); though it's soon the males who are deemed the fools as they are overwhelmed on and then off the court, but this unbeatable female specimen! Fantastic artwork by Dracowhip on this Jack Straw tale!

basketball trio male jocks curvaceous young woman challenge game heels males overwhelmed court unbeatable female specimen artwork Dracowhip Jack Straw tale

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Rogue Genie (Part 1 - Rogue) - PDF

Rogue Genie (Part 1 - Rogue)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Rafael)

During a cavern exploration, the adorable, diminutive Kevin finds an old lamp, only discovering later at his home when he attempts to clean it that it actually houses a Genie, by the name of Rogue; a playful and attractive looking girl, who before long uses her cosmic powers to become Kevin's secret sexual fantasy - namely a tall, powerfully built Amazon woman! The first of this series of stories from Puppetman, illustrated incredibly by Rafael!

cavern exploration adorable diminutive Kevin old lamp discovering home clean houses Genie Rogue playful attractive girl cosmic powers secret sexual fantasy tall powerfully built Amazon woman series of stories Puppetman illustrated Rafael

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Three Muscle Sisters 3 - Boyfriend Meets Best Friends (Part 1) - PDF

Three Muscle Sisters 3 - Boyfriend Meets Best Friends (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rob)

After their latest sexual session between Towering Titaness Tia and her adorably cute boyfriend Derek, she tells him about going to a Summer BBQ later that day, where she introduces him to her best friends (and fellow Sisters In Muscle) Alicia and Megan; each unable to stop from cuddling and playing with Tia's handsome little man, relishing the feel of his little body against their thick, muscle-packed forms! Artist extraordinaire Rob concludes this series with his amazing artwork!

sexual session Towering Titaness Tia adorably cute boyfriend Derek Summer BBQ introduces best friends Sisters In Muscle Alicia Megan cuddling playing handsome little man relishing feel little body thick muscle-packed forms Artist extraordinaire Rob amazing artwork

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Lucy Goes Scouting (Part 2) - PDF

Lucy Goes Scouting (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Dracowhip)

The events of super-scout Lucy continue, first as she visits her high school crush (the only person that makes this muscle girl blush), then onto to teach her lecherous scoutmaster a lesson about abusing his power, concluding with her visiting a brutish school jock who dared to break the heart of her best friend! Life is never dull, when you're a super strong, super sexy, scout! Artwork by the Amazing Dracowhip here!

events super-scout Lucy high school crush muscle girl blush teach lecherous scoutmaster lesson abusing power concluding visiting brutish school jock break heart best friend life dull super strong super sexy scout artwork Amazing Dracowhip

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Emancipation Of The Old Gym - PDF

Emancipation Of The Old Gym
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: R.M.G.)

When a local gym is overtaken by a vicious gang, it's up to a pair of gorgeous young Amazons to take it back! These foolish men don't know what they're in for, as they hurl lecherous calls at the two beautiful buff babes; that is until female muscles are exposed and their unreal power is displayed, and Untold Pain for these bullying brutes is unleashed! Fantastic artwork here by R.M.G. on this Jack Straw story!

local gym vicious gang gorgeous young Amazons take it back foolish men lecherous calls beautiful buff babes female muscles unreal power Untold Pain bullying brutes Fantastic artwork R.M.G. Jack Straw story

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Elimidate: The Aftermath - PDF

Elimidate: The Aftermath
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Lopo)

When a frustrated young man gets fed-up with the overabundance of strong, powerful girls on TV dating shows, he decides to join one himself and prove it's all Fake! Though power packed gymnast Cindy (from our previous Room Raiders story) has other ideas, as she shows him first-hand just how strong girls today have become, allowing him to see and feel from her rock solid form (and those of her Amazonian BFFs, Allison and Becky) just how powerful today's females truly are - and how futile fighting that fact is! Unreal color artwork from Lopo on this story!

frustrated young man fed-up overabundance strong powerful girls TV dating shows join prove Fake power packed gymnast Cindy Room Raiders other ideas first-hand rock solid form Amazonian BFFs Allison Becky powerful females futile fighting fact Unreal color artwork Lopo

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Anastasia - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Diego)

Bart was still getting over the heartbreak of his broken marriage with Stella when he met Anastasia on an internet site that matched American men with Eastern European women. His ex-wife was tall, sexy and strong. She was also frigid, unfaithful and abusive. Anastasia was also beautiful and seemed very sweet and kind, so Bart wondered if she was the woman who could finally help him get over losing Stella. If only he could be sure. He decided to take a leap of faith and sent for Anastasia, only to find that she had a surprise for him - a pleasant and very, very BIG surprise! Story by Sonofjack, with Amazing art by Diego!

Bart heartbreak broken marriage Stella Anastasia internet site American men Eastern European women ex-wife tall sexy strong frigid unfaithful abusive beautiful sweet kind leap of faith surprise BIG surprise Sonofjack Diego

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Dream Session 2 - PDF

Dream Session 2
Price: 6.00
(Story & Artwork: Crisshapes)

Lisa, the ultimate "sessiongirl" is back! After a night spent giving her new boytoy the most incredible muscle-fuck of his life, she decides to bring him to the local gym to show him what she's really capable of - this will include a scary annihilation of a big, bad local guy, a massive male bodybuilder too juiced to understand how much she outclasses him! The excitement leads inevitably to further unimaginable hot action in the locker room for her man...and he will never be free again from this absolute bond! Amazing story and artwork, both from the Legendary Crisshapes!

Lisa sessiongirl back night new boytoy muscle-fuck local gym capable scary annihilation big bad local guy massive male bodybuilder juiced outclasses excitement further unimaginable hot action locker room man free absolute bond Amazing story artwork Legendary Crisshapes

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Sweet Caroline - PDF

Sweet Caroline
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Diego)

When Tim came home from college for the first time in over a year, he was surprised and relieved that his beautiful and incredibly strong younger sister Stacey had changed her abusive ways. However, when his parents left for an extended vacation he discovered that things were not as they seemed. Not only did Stacey resume her former dominance, but so did her two sexy, strong friends. Tim was in for a hellish summer as their slave until his girlfriend, his Sweet Caroline, showed up to teach Stacey and her friends that bullying wasn't nice! Diego is back, illustrating this amazing story from Sonofjack!

Tim college home year surprised relieved younger sister Stacey abusive parents vacation dominance sexy strong friends hellish summer slave girlfriend Sweet Caroline bullying Diego Sonofjack

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The Waitress - PDF

The Waitress
Price: 6.00
(Story: Uplifted, Artwork: Everton)

When a handsome, middle-aged, man notices the most unbelievable legs on his waitress, he can't help but stare; attention that's soon noticed by the lovely young woman, who actually takes a liking to him. So much so she decides to carry him home, amazing him with her strength, letting him into her world of true Amazon women! After a little "training", he's served up for the pleasures of her sisters, and him as well - that is until a vicious Amazon threatens him, allowing his beautiful waitress to save the day! Incredible artwork by Everton, on this Uplifted story!

handsome middle-aged man unbelievable legs waitress stare attention lovely young woman liking carry home strength world true Amazon women training served up pleasures sisters vicious Amazon threatens beautiful waitress save the day incredible artwork Everton Uplifted story

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Lucy Goes Scouting (Part 3) - PDF

Lucy Goes Scouting (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Dracowhip)

Continuing where our previous part left off, Lucy uses her thick, shapely muscles and unreal strength to show a brutish jock how Not to treat her best friend Jill! Demolishing him on the mat, as well as his fancy car outside! Then off to Glavinson's Garage to check in on her Crush, Jimmy - though she meets up with his abusive boss, who she's finally had enough of, and proceeds to teach him (and his car) the error of his crude, bullying ways! Unreal artwork by Dracowhip here!

Lucy muscles strength jock best friend Jill mat car Glavinson's Garage Crush Jimmy abusive boss bullying artwork Dracowhip

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Skip & Michelle (Part 3) - PDF

Skip & Michelle (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Skip, Artwork: Ronaldo)

Skip's dating life with the muscle-packed Michelle continues, as the muscle loving man adores her unreal strength in the gym, though things get more than a bit hard for him (pun intended) when she starts taking over his life, using her vast power to make him do whatever she wishes, in all aspects; which while pleasurable at times, can also be very painful and humiliating as well! Ronaldo continues his unreal artwork on this Skip written series!

Skip dating life muscle-packed Michelle unreal strength gym hard pun intended taking over life vast power do whatever she wishes pleasurable painful humiliating Ronaldo artwork Skip written series

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Boss Of The Bedroom - PDF

Boss Of The Bedroom
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Sullivan)

Even though Tim and Nicole had always been competitive, he didn't mind it when her dedication to working out was greater than his, he was too busy appreciating the effect it was having on her already hot body! He loved that her breasts and ass were getting firmer, and her arms, legs and abs more ripped every day; though his male ego would not allow him to consider the possibility that she might actually be his physical superior. All that changed one night when Nicole looked so sexy that Tim ejaculated prematurely, so she decided she was going to complete her orgasm with or without his cooperation. Proving to her husband who was Boss of the Bedroom once an for all! Awesome story by Jack Straw, with artwork by first-time AC artist Sullivan!

Tim Nicole competitive dedication working out hot body breasts ass firmer arms legs abs ripped male ego physical superior sexy ejaculated prematurely orgasm cooperation Boss of the Bedroom Jack Straw artwork Sullivan

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Twin Terrors 2 (Part 1) - PDF

Twin Terrors 2 (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Kandor, Artwork: Edson)

Betty-Sue and Bobby-Joe, twin farmer's daughters, have always dreamed of becoming professional wrestlers. At 18 years old, the giantesses travel to the big city, sexually dominating men along the way. The Legendary Kandor returns with a story sequel 20 years in the making, illustrated by the incomparable Edson!

Betty-Sue Bobby-Joe twin farmer's daughters professional wrestlers 18 years old giantesses big city sexually dominating men Legendary Kandor story sequel 20 years making illustrated incomparable Edson

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Macho Man (Part 1) - PDF

Macho Man (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Dracowhip)

During a conversation with friend and co-worker Mike, Don lets out that he wrestles with (and always loses to) his athletically buff wife Sharon. Mike teasingly mocks his friend, stating only someone as small as him could be dominated by a woman. This leads to an introduction between Mike and the utterly Amazonian Julie (after some pushing on Don's part), where she shows him first-hand that some women are capable of physically controlling Any man - and super sexily at that! Dracowhip lends his Amazing artwork to this Puppetman story!

conversation friend co-worker Mike Don wrestles loses athletically buff wife Sharon teasingly mocks small dominated woman introduction utterly Amazonian Julie pushing shows first-hand women capable physically controlling man super sexily Dracowhip Amazing artwork Puppetman story

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Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Witness the birth of a Legend!! During one fateful night, years ago, while Elizabeth Hardstone was harshly having her way with her latest boy-toy in the bedroom, she heard the sounds of her darling daughter Amy crying. Immediately this loving Muscle MILF went to her, heartbroken as she discovered that the young girl was being cruelly teased at school due to her thick, powerful body. So Elizabeth comforted her with tales of her own Amazonian escapades during her teenage years, teaching her that her powerful body is a Blessing, not a curse! Fantastic artwork by Edson on this one!

birth Legend fateful night Elizabeth Hardstone boy-toy bedroom sounds darling daughter Amy crying loving Muscle MILF young girl cruelly teased school thick powerful body Elizabeth comforted tales Amazonian escapades teenage years teaching Blessing curse Fantastic artwork Edson

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Angel Of Salvation (Part 1) - PDF

Angel Of Salvation (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Spoonmaster, Artwork: Nivilis)

Bookwormish Ethan and adorably plump Erica used to be close friends in their teen years, even dating for a while, that was until Erica's older brother Biff started harshly bullying and assaulting the much smaller boy. This lead to pain and humiliation for Ethan, causing him to stop seeing Erica before leaving home for college! Until one day years later, a gorgeous young musclegirl paid him a visit, which to his shock was Erica, who transformed her body to unreal proportions; returning to her true love, promising to now be the one to protect him from Biff and anything else! Unreal CGI illustrations by brand new AC artist Nivilis, on this classic series from Spoonmaster!

bookwormish Ethan adorably plump Erica close friends teen years dating older brother Biff harshly bullying assaulting smaller boy pain humiliation stop seeing leaving home college gorgeous young musclegirl visit shock transformed body unreal proportions true love protect Unreal CGI illustrations brand new AC artist Nivilis classic series Spoonmaster

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Happy Ending - TEXT

Happy Ending
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

A shapely young Amazon woman gets just what she wants when she seduces/dominates an adorable older man with her lush, hard, powerful body; using her vastly superior strength to control him, making him her sexual plaything, much to Both of their enjoyment!

shapely young Amazon woman seduces dominates adorable older man lush hard powerful body vastly superior strength control sexual plaything enjoyment

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin - TEXT

Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Steve had sworn off physically powerful women, after his relationship with his dominating, abusive Amazonian-Ex, that was until.......!

Steve sworn off physically powerful women relationship dominating abusive Amazonian-Ex

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Testing Your Faith - TEXT

Testing Your Faith
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a brainy, though physically diminutive, Catholic school boy needs a lesson taught to him about the equality of women, Sister Anna Maria Velasquez, her baby sister and another female star athlete, are there to lend a helping hand.....and arms, and legs, and chest!

brainy physically diminutive Catholic school boy lesson equality women Sister Anna Maria Velasquez baby sister female star athlete helping hand arms legs chest

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Rescued - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

When an adorable, yet physically weak, man is forcibly taken back by his Amazonian ex-girlfriend (who he had previously broken up with, running away from her, hoping to never see her and her abusive ways again) it's up to a newly met female friend, a thick, muscle packed, buff beauty, to save him from his ex's punishing ways!

adorable physically weak man forcibly taken Amazonian ex-girlfriend broken up running away abusive female friend thick muscle packed buff beauty save punishing ways

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Homecoming (Part 3) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Gorgeous teenage Amazon Katie returns, along with her True Love Mike, as he introduces her to some of his male friends, knowing her unbelievable muscular size and strength will just blow them away; something she does all too easily as after a round of coffee they all go back to the college weight room, where she proceeds to overpower and outmuscle all three of them together!

Gorgeous teenage Amazon Katie True Love Mike male friends unbelievable muscular size strength blow them away round of coffee college weight room overpower outmuscle three of them together

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Gun Club (Part 2) - TEXT

Gun Club (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a helpless college interviewer has no choice but to set up his school's latest prospect (who just happens to be a young, muscle packed beauty) with a pair of wealthy twins, all for her to dominate, control and crush, for her own enjoyment, he himself is caught in the mix; all 3 men completely unable to resist this powerful young Amazon's physical abilities, not to mention those of a fellow interviewer, who is every bit as strong and sexy as her college counterpart here!

helpless college interviewer prospect muscle packed beauty wealthy twins dominate control crush enjoyment powerful Amazon physical abilities strong sexy counterpart

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