Search Results for "True Love"


TV's Blind Date - Amazon Style - PDF

TV's Blind Date - Amazon Style
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rafael)

It's true love when a buxom buff blond beauty and her adorable blind date meet for the first, but definitely not the last, time! - A long awaited story with Amazing artwork by the unreal Rafael!

true love buxom buff blond beauty adorable blind date first time last time long awaited amazing artwork Rafael

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One Wild Night - PDF

One Wild Night
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Everton)

Stacy is a statuesque, muscular beauty, who helps make her living as an erotically powerful session Amazon, though when one such client and some hired thugs go too far by invading her home, dealing a devastating blow to her life - or more specifically, to that of her True Love, Ben - she unleashes her Full Power on her all too foolish invaders! - Amazing artwork by Everton on this one!

Stacy statuesque muscular beauty erotically powerful session Amazon hired thugs invading home devastating blow True Love Ben Full Power foolish invaders Amazing artwork Everton

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Dying Wish (Part 2) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

The continuing adventures of Sexy Supergirl Mercy, and her loving (though unfortunately terminal) husband Adam. Here, they plan a sexy scheme for a brutish, crude man on the German leg of their world trip, showing him that brawn is hardly all one needs to earn the love and respect of a woman like Mercy, one needs brains and heart as only Adam has. So this Amazon woman lures him to their bedroom to prove who is the Superior Male in this situation, before sharing yet another lovingly sexual session with her True Love! More incredible illustrations from CGI maestro, rainbowscriber!

Sexy Supergirl Mercy husband Adam scheme brutish crude man German world trip love respect woman brains heart Amazon woman bedroom Superior Male True Love illustrations CGI maestro rainbowscriber

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Angel Of Salvation (Part 1) - PDF

Angel Of Salvation (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Spoonmaster, Artwork: Nivilis)

Bookwormish Ethan and adorably plump Erica used to be close friends in their teen years, even dating for a while, that was until Erica's older brother Biff started harshly bullying and assaulting the much smaller boy. This lead to pain and humiliation for Ethan, causing him to stop seeing Erica before leaving home for college! Until one day years later, a gorgeous young musclegirl paid him a visit, which to his shock was Erica, who transformed her body to unreal proportions; returning to her true love, promising to now be the one to protect him from Biff and anything else! Unreal CGI illustrations by brand new AC artist Nivilis, on this classic series from Spoonmaster!

bookwormish Ethan adorably plump Erica close friends teen years dating older brother Biff harshly bullying assaulting smaller boy pain humiliation stop seeing leaving home college gorgeous young musclegirl visit shock transformed body unreal proportions true love protect Unreal CGI illustrations brand new AC artist Nivilis classic series Spoonmaster

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Road Rage - TEXT

Road Rage
Price: 2.00
(Story: Intenseman)

Watch as a near devastating case of road rage turns into true love (and lust) at first sight, between an ordinary man and the world's strongest, sexiest woman (who just happens to be a world class MMA trainer)!

road rage true love lust first sight ordinary man world's strongest sexiest woman world class MMA trainer

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An Offer They Couldn't Refuse - TEXT

An Offer They Couldn't Refuse
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

Set in old time New York, this "Romeo & Juliet" tale follows the path of Catholic girl Angela and Irish boy Patrick (who happen to be off spring in rival mob families), her love blossoming for her man just as her body blooms with muscle, until one fateful day when she finally takes him for herself (using her beautifully buff and sexily statuesque body), showing him all the Pleasures (and to those that stand in their way, the Pain) a young Amazon girl can bring to her True Love! A Fantastically written love-story here!

New York Romeo & Juliet Catholic girl Irish boy mob families love muscle fateful day Pleasures Pain Amazon girl True Love love-story

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Homecoming (Part 3) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Gorgeous teenage Amazon Katie returns, along with her True Love Mike, as he introduces her to some of his male friends, knowing her unbelievable muscular size and strength will just blow them away; something she does all too easily as after a round of coffee they all go back to the college weight room, where she proceeds to overpower and outmuscle all three of them together!

Gorgeous teenage Amazon Katie True Love Mike male friends unbelievable muscular size strength blow them away round of coffee college weight room overpower outmuscle three of them together

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A New Normal (Part 2) - TEXT

A New Normal (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Our story continues, as powerfully built beauty Janice and the smaller adorably cute Jimmy, are ready to bring their quickly blooming relationship to the next level - which begins with her revealing her Amazonian physique to him in all of its glory, which her eager loving male idolizes all too willingly, and continues on with love-making (and sci-fi themed foreplay) like Neither of them have ever felt before! Each of their doubts about never finding True Love melting away this night, as their constantly sensual and erotic gestures to one another prove beyond any doubt that this Colossal Cutie her Petite Prince are the new normal - Heaven help anyone that believes otherwise!

story powerfully built beauty Janice smaller adorably cute Jimmy relationship next level revealing Amazonian physique glory eager loving male idolizes love-making sci-fi themed foreplay True Love sensual erotic gestures Colossal Cutie Petite Prince new normal Heaven

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Amy's Conquest 9 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest 9
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

The relationship between Amy and her true love David is suffering, as she fears her man-crushing ways will seriously hurt him, while he is worried his diminutive form isn't manly enough for her! Though after an emotional talk (and a fantasy night created by Amy for her loving man), their fears are put to rest, and their relationship emerges stronger than ever! Still, finding out the cause for his doubting mindset, a teasingly abusive co-worker Matt, cannot go unpunished; though as Amy vowed not to do so herself, that only means her sister-in-muscle Jessica needs to fill in for such duties. In the end using her dominant attitude and unreal strength to leave a lasting impression on Matt (and his apartment), one which oddly enough affects both him and Jessica in a way neither of them ever expected!

Amy true love David relationship man-crushing diminutive form emotional talk fantasy night fears stronger doubting mindset abusive co-worker sister-in-muscle dominant attitude unreal strength lasting impression apartment.

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One Night Stand - TEXT

One Night Stand
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Tony thinks he's in Heaven when he picks up the voluptuously built Darla, having been a fan of such strong and shapely women. Little did he know he would not only completely fall for her physically, but emotionally as well, as he continues telling her how utterly amazing her body is (something that continues to boost Darla's confidence, something which had taken quite a few hits in her past), usually while wrapped snug inside her sensually strong embraces. Of course with such sexy thickness comes impressive strength, something she uses on Tony's much smaller, weaker body for their continued erotic pleasures. Could this one night stand turn into true love?

Tony Heaven Darla voluptuously built strong shapely women fall physically emotionally amazing body boost confidence hits past sensually strong embraces sexy thickness impressive strength smaller weaker body erotic pleasures one night stand true love

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Once Upon A Time (Part 4) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

Jessie and Travis' relationship continues to bloom, as do the further adventures of Countess Elenore, at the sensual insistance of a muscle-lusting Jessie! Willing to do anything to please his true love, Travis continues with his classic series, as a new character, based on his Amazonian girlfriend, makes her way into his increasingly sexy story! In reality, things get even hotter for this young couple, especially when Jessie decides to treat Travis to a sexual muscle session to top them all - one which includes some old "friends", and a very possible new lover, that in the end leaves even this unstoppable supergirl erotically quenched to exhaustion!

Jessie Travis relationship adventures Countess Elenore muscle-lusting true love classic series Amazonian girlfriend sexy story young couple sexual muscle session friends new lover supergirl erotically quenched exhaustion

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Amy's Conquest 10 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest 10
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

An erotic night of sexual foreplay, watching video clips of some of Amy's past Conquests between her and her true love David, leads to an emotional and surprising reaction from the gorgeous young musclegirl - one which sets David off on a quest to find someone formerly lost to Amy's life, in the hopes that his return would make her whole once more. His journey takes him to the Hardstone household, in the hopes that Sexy Muscle MILF Elizabeth could help him on his task, though it's actually another that proves much more useful! Soon a meeting is set up to rekindle old relationships, though as always with this gathering of powerful Amazon women, this encounter leads to physical interactions of both the physically punishing and sexually pleasurable natures!

erotic sexual foreplay video clips Amy Conquests true love David emotional surprising reaction musclegirl quest lost Hardstone household Sexy Muscle MILF Elizabeth meeting relationships Amazon women physical interactions sexually pleasurable.

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