Search Results for "Stronger"


Policewoman - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Amazon Lover)

Tim is challenged to armwrestle a policewoman; she turns out to be stronger than he is. Terri is 5'11" tall, weighs 155 pounds of solid muscle, and her measurements are 39EE-24-36 She told him that she enjoyed his humiliation, and then suggested that the wrestle. Her body scissors crushes him easily, she pins him with her straddle. This was followed by a full nelson, a surfboard and a head scissors. tim was really wiped out! Artwork by legendary artist MadMax.

armwrestle policewoman stronger Terri tall solid muscle measurements humiliation wrestle body scissors crushes pins straddle full nelson surfboard head scissors wiped out MadMax.

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The Casting 2 - VIDEO

The Casting 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Mr. Sessionee was looking at Renata! Questioning her built! Renata is a very sexy, cute bodybuilder with a great figure! The guy asks her to take off her top and bottom! And she's left wearing a bikini! He says to her! Ok, let's see you flex! She starts flexing! He then starts to look at her saying he doesn't think she's strong enough for him! She proves him wrong and says to him! Oh, I am strong enough! She then grabs him and throws him on the bed! She then puts painful head scissors on him! Squeezing his head! He keeps telling her to stop it! It hurts! And keeps whimpering! As she poses and shows off her beautiful muscular body! She goes from hold to hold torturing him! By doing face locks and huge body scissors squeezing him! Making his face turn red from pain!As he gasps for breath! She tells him to get up and take off his shirt and pants! He takes them off and she says to him! Uhh, see the difference! look at my body compared to yours! Without hesitation! She poses her arms and legs and then throws him on the bed again with more body scissors! With her sexy legs grasped over his wimpy body! She then pushes his face into her sexy sweaty breasts! Her cute face with a huge smile as she looks at the camera! As she continues to torture him! She continues to do her bicep pose to show how strong she is! As she starts sweating! Her body gets sexier as she goes from hold to hold with body scissors and head scissors and breast smothering! Making it hard for him to function! In the end, she's victorious! He finally admits that she is stronger than him!

Mr. Sessionee Renata questioning built sexy cute bodybuilder great figure top bottom bikini flex strong enough grabs throws bed painful head scissors stop hurts whimpering poses muscular body face locks body scissors red from pain gasps for breath shirt pants difference arms legs wimpy body pushes face sweaty breasts smile camera bicep pose sweating victorious admits stronger than him

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The Casting 1 - VIDEO

The Casting 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Mr. Sessionee was looking at Renata! Questioning her built! Renata is a very sexy, cute bodybuilder with a great figure! The guy asks her to take off her top and bottom! And she's left wearing a bikini! He says to her! Ok, let's see you flex! She starts flexing! He then starts to look at her saying he doesn't think she's strong enough for him! She proves him wrong and says to him! Oh, I am strong enough! She then grabs him and throws him on the bed! She then puts painful head scissors on him! Squeezing his head! He keeps telling her to stop it! It hurts! And keeps whimpering! As she poses and shows off her beautiful muscular body! She goes from hold to hold torturing him! By doing face locks and huge body scissors squeezing him! Making his face turn red from pain!As he gasps for breath! She tells him to get up and take off his shirt and pants! He takes them off and she says to him! Uhh, see the difference! look at my body compared to yours! Without hesitation! She poses her arms and legs and then throws him on the bed again with more body scissors! With her sexy legs grasped over his wimpy body! She then pushes his face into her sexy sweaty breasts! Her cute face with a huge smile as she looks at the camera! As she continues to torture him! She continues to do her bicep pose to show how strong she is! As she starts sweating! Her body gets sexier as she goes from hold to hold with body scissors and head scissors and breast smothering! Making it hard for him to function! In the end, she's victorious! He finally admits that she is stronger than him!

Mr. Sessionee Renata questioning built sexy cute bodybuilder great figure top bottom bikini flex strong enough grabs throws bed painful head scissors stop hurts whimpering poses muscular body face locks body scissors red from pain gasps for breath shirt pants difference arms legs wimpy body pushes face sweaty breasts smile camera bicep pose sweating victorious admits stronger than him

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Tales Of A Buff Beauty - AUDIO

Tales Of A Buff Beauty
Price: 5.00

When a tall, muscular young woman awakens from a night of crushing muscle fun with her man (his bruised body laying still beside her), she tells you her tale about growing up a beautiful, buff Amazon girl! Sharing stories about how she and her equally muscular little sister (who loves demolishing her men) received their genetics from their bodybuilding mother, as well as their drive to become stronger than any man! Talking about how they built their bodies and learned to love overpowering the weaker male sex from their controlling Muscle Mom, about how they and some other statuesque supergirls routinely trick and dominate guys at the club, describing the events from the previous night with her man, showing him that with incredible strength also comes an amazing sexual drive! Even though she tries to be gentle, her unbridled arousal causes her to lose control and overwhlem her man more than she planned! Though when she finds that he's not quite as asleep next to her as he pretends, she decides to continue her previous night's fun, whether he wants to or not! Another super erotic audio story from the sultry voice of McKenzie Alex! (13 1/4 minutes)

tall muscular young woman awakens night crushing muscle fun man bruised body tells tale growing up beautiful buff Amazon girl sharing stories equally muscular little sister demolishing men genetics bodybuilding mother drive stronger weaker male sex controlling Muscle Mom statuesque supergirls routinely trick dominate guys club describing events previous night incredible strength amazing sexual drive gentle unbridled arousal lose control overwhelm planned finds asleep pretends continue fun super erotic audio story sultry voice McKenzie Alex

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Her Toy - Part 2 - PDF

Her Toy - Part 2
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

Patty isn't done with her muscle lusting man by any means, as she proceeds to show him his true place, beneath the hard muscular body of a woman much stronger than he, in a variety of steamy, sexual positions! - a Great story by the Unreal Plowjack, with Incredible illustrations by R.M.G.!

Patty muscle lusting man true place hard muscular body woman stronger steamy sexual positions Great story Unreal Plowjack Incredible illustrations R.M.G.

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Amazon Neighbors - PDF

Amazon Neighbors
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: London)

When a college boy notices his younger brother is getting bullied, by a girl no less, he goes next door to confront her; only to have this smaller though extremely athletic girl turn the tables on him, more than once at that. Only with the help of both brothers can they finally contain her, though when her older, bigger, stronger sister gets involved, it's once more the girls that prove to be the dominant sex in this neighborhood! Amazing artwork by London on this AmazonFan story!

college boy younger brother bullied girl next door confront smaller athletic girl turn the tables more than once help both brothers contain older bigger stronger sister involved dominant sex neighborhood amazing artwork London AmazonFan story

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The Elevator - PDF

The Elevator
Price: 6.00
(Story: Skip, Artwork: Max)

When a rude man doesn't hold the elevator doors for a beautiful businesswoman, and then stares lustily at her fit, shapely body, she decides to show him just how to treat a Lady - both in the elevator itself, and later on back in her apartment, where shen then helplessly ties him up, before bringing another bigger, stronger man home, to physically and sexually dominate them both! The Awesome Max is back again, working on this Sexy story from Skip!

rude man elevator doors beautiful businesswoman stares lustily fit body shapely body treat a Lady elevator apartment helplessly ties bigger man stronger man physically dominate sexually dominate Awesome Max Sexy story Skip

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Beaten By A Girl - PDF

Beaten By A Girl
Price: 6.00
(Story: Miles Endeavour, Artwork: Dracowhip)

When a young man loses an arm-wrestling match with a rock solid 13 year old gymnast (who happens to be his work superior's daughter) his embarrassment causes him to hit the gym hard, building his body stronger than Ever! So when he meets up with this powerful young girl 5 years later, he relishes the chance to show her who's the stronger now (Hint - it isn't him)! Dracowhip once more lends his pencil-shaded work to this Miles Endeavour story!

young man loses arm-wrestling match rock solid 13 year old gymnast work superior's daughter embarrassment hit the gym building body stronger Ever meets up powerful young girl 5 years later relishes chance show her stronger now Dracowhip pencil-shaded work Miles Endeavour story

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Uplifting Discovery - PDF

Uplifting Discovery
Price: 6.00
(Story: Spoonmaster, Artwork: Pac)

After Cole and his bodybuilding wife Mary throw a house-warming party, she discovers through his drunken mumbling how turned on it would make him if she were ALOT stronger than he was. Well, that's all Mary needed to hear, as the following morning she shows off her Vast Strength for her loving man, both with Heavy weights in their gym and on Cole himself (in a very erotic manner), ending with her carrying him back to their bedroom for a little Sexy Time! Awesomely color panel illustrations by Pac, and written by Spoonmaster!

Cole bodybuilding wife Mary house-warming party drunken turned on stronger strength weights gym erotic carrying bedroom sexy time illustrations Pac Spoonmaster

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The Stewardess - PDF

The Stewardess
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonLover, Artwork: Rafael)

When a buff and beautiful airline stewardess has her way with a lone First Class passenger, she quickly proves who the stronger, dominant of the two are, later ordering him to meet her back at her place, where she continues to show off her rock-solid physique, knocking him out again and again, all for Her Enjoyment! Awesome artist Rafael returns to A.C. to illustrate this Amazing story by Amazon Lover!

buff beautiful airline stewardess way lone First Class passenger stronger dominant ordering meet place rock-solid physique knocking out Her Enjoyment Awesome artist Rafael A.C. illustrate Amazing story Amazon Lover

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Secrets Revealed Series - PDF

Secrets Revealed Series
Price: 6.00
(Story: Kent, Artwork: Jupiter1)

Don knew that his younger sister Jill was stronger than him. However, he didn't know the half of it until the night Jill and her two sexy friends Becky and Shannon demonstrated to Don and is friend Steve just how vastly superior they were. And to the delight of Don and Steve, the girl's hidden strength turned out to be just the first of the secrets revealed that night! Fantastic color artwork from Jupiter I on this classic series by Kent!

Don younger sister Jill stronger night sexy friends Becky Shannon demonstrated vastly superior delight hidden strength secrets revealed fantastic color artwork Jupiter I classic series Kent

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Beaten To The Punch - PDF

Beaten To The Punch
Price: 6.00
(Story: Brooksie, Artwork: Jupiter1)

When a super fit, powerfully built teenage girl has some fun putting her Mom's date in some ironclad holds (all done for fun, though still uncomfortably inescapable for him), it's up to this Muscle MILF to make her entrance, showing her date for the evening who is actually the stronger female in this house (for now, anyway), much to his delight! A fantastic story by Brooksie, drawn by the Iconic Jupiter I!

super fit powerfully built teenage girl ironclad holds Muscle MILF stronger female house Brooksie Jupiter I

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One Magical Summer (Part 1) - TEXT

One Magical Summer (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Aero)

College girl Jessie is all set for another summer working at Sonic, though this year will be all too different, as a returning hire (a budding teenage bodybuilder) Peyton, comes on the scene to make her life a living Hell! Her abuse being both physical and then sexual, it seems Jessie is utterly helpless against the much stronger female - that is until one fateful night, after particularly harsh treatment from the cruel musclegirl, something magical happens, and Jessie (and her small, weedy body) will Never be the same again!

College girl Jessie summer Sonic returning hire Peyton teenage bodybuilder abuse physical sexual helpless stronger female fateful night harsh treatment musclegirl magical weedy body different

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A New Normal (Part 1) - TEXT

A New Normal (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Jimmy is a scientific genius, who due to his diminutive size has always craved tall, strong, athletically built women; so when he spotted the Amazonian built Janice while visiting a sci-fi themed park, he couldn't help but do whatever he could to get closer to her. Lucky for him, the statuesque stunner felt a real connection with this much smaller suitor, neither of them caring about the potential physical awkwardness of their coupling, just their own blossoming emotions, which only seemed to grow stronger and more heated for one another!

scientific genius diminutive size tall strong athletically built women Amazonian built Janice sci-fi themed park closer lucky statuesque stunner real connection smaller suitor physical awkwardness coupling blossoming emotions stronger heated

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My Greatest Rival (And Lover) - TEXT

My Greatest Rival (And Lover)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Jake, a towering muscle-packed man, thinks back to his teenage years, when he first met up with the girl of his dreams, a rock hard beauty named Amelia, who while smaller than him, manages to match him in the gym and in the bedroom afterwards. Years later, Jake is a professional MMA fighter, who manages to meet up with Amelia once again, as she proves time has only made her Stronger and Tougher, too much for even him to match any longer, as she shows off her superior physique to him, proving beyond any doubt that she is easily his greatest Rival and Lover!

Jake towering muscle-packed man thinks back teenage years first met girl dreams rock hard beauty Amelia smaller match gym bedroom years later professional MMA fighter meet up proves time made her stronger tougher much longer shows off superior physique proving beyond any doubt easily greatest rival lover

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Promises, Promises (Part 2) - TEXT

Promises, Promises (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Spoonmaster)

Impossibility becomes Ultimate Fantasy! Our formerly unsure husband is now getting the Pinnacle of sexual experiences from his smaller, yet vastly stronger, wife. Done all to arouse and entice her loving man, this sexy woman and her fitness level physique show him again and again how truly Strong her newly developed body is! Manhandling his larger form is easy for her, so she turns to demolishing large rocks and lifting immensely heavy barbells, and even their SUV, all with a sexy smile on her beautiful face! Of course all these strength feats lead to more than their share of erotic delights for this loving couple as well!

impossibility ultimate fantasy unsure husband pinnacle sexual experiences smaller vastly stronger wife arouse entice loving man sexy woman fitness level physique strong newly developed body manhandling larger form demolishing large rocks lifting immensely heavy barbells SUV sexy smile beautiful face strength feats share erotic delights loving couple

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Kat's Awakening - TEXT

Kat's Awakening
Price: 2.00
(Story: The Calffan)

Katherine is a beautiful and buff college girl, who has recently come to the realization that her shapely, powerful thighs and her thick, rock solid calves are quite the turn on - both with men and women (not to mention, herself)! While her assorted sexual experiences with new partners, adorable guy Steve and gorgeous gal Lauren, thrill her to no end; it's being taken under the wing of Traci (Lauren's massively muscular aunt, and professional Muscle Dom), that makes her want to get Bigger and Stronger, relishing in every aspect of this bodybuilding beauty, and the amounts of cash following in her footsteps will bring!

Katherine college girl beautiful buff powerful thighs rock solid calves turn on men women sexual experiences partners Steve Lauren Traci aunt Muscle Dom Bigger Stronger bodybuilding beauty cash

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Ghost Of A Chance (Part 2) - TEXT

Ghost Of A Chance (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Revenge filled spirit Alva is having a ball controlling Katie's muscle-packed form, vowing to never let a man take advantage of her again! First starting with her peeping-tom neighbor, who she demolishes physically as does his very house, then moving onto Katie's loving husband Brad! Though will his undying love for his ghostly entrapped wife allow Katie to regain control of her physical form, or will Alva remain the dominant, letting her to continue her reign of vengeance upon the "stronger sex"?! The conclusion of this story will have you begging for more!

revenge spirit Alva ball controlling Katie muscle-packed form man advantage peeping-tom neighbor demolishes physically house loving husband Brad undying love ghostly entrapped wife regain control physical form dominant reign of vengeance stronger sex conclusion story begging for more

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Passionate & Powerful - TEXT

Passionate & Powerful
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Courtney Holden is a young woman with a very unique ability, something that she's had since she was in her mid-teens, something that she once feared, though now has "grown" to Love! This gift gives the stunningly beautiful, sexily shaped girl the ability to physically grow taller and more muscular based on her level of sexual arousal - the hornier she gets, the bigger and stronger she becomes! This unreal power had been hard to control during her younger years, though now in college, Courtney (and her muscle-loving boyfriend) wouldn't have her any other way!

Courtney Holden young woman unique ability mid-teens feared grown love gift stunningly beautiful sexily shaped physically grow taller more muscular sexual arousal hornier bigger stronger unreal power hard to control college muscle-loving boyfriend

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Amy's Conquest 9 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest 9
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

The relationship between Amy and her true love David is suffering, as she fears her man-crushing ways will seriously hurt him, while he is worried his diminutive form isn't manly enough for her! Though after an emotional talk (and a fantasy night created by Amy for her loving man), their fears are put to rest, and their relationship emerges stronger than ever! Still, finding out the cause for his doubting mindset, a teasingly abusive co-worker Matt, cannot go unpunished; though as Amy vowed not to do so herself, that only means her sister-in-muscle Jessica needs to fill in for such duties. In the end using her dominant attitude and unreal strength to leave a lasting impression on Matt (and his apartment), one which oddly enough affects both him and Jessica in a way neither of them ever expected!

Amy true love David relationship man-crushing diminutive form emotional talk fantasy night fears stronger doubting mindset abusive co-worker sister-in-muscle dominant attitude unreal strength lasting impression apartment.

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