Search Results for "Pain"


The Black Burqa part three - TEXT

The Black Burqa part three
Price: 4.00

I was just burning some toast to go with the soggy beans for Raafid's supper, when Sfiyah turned up, and she had someone with her. Who? I don't know, she was dressed head to toe in a black burqa. "Hey," Sfiyah said. "Hey hey," I replied, "what's the timing for toast again?" She looked at what was pretty much charcoal. "About ten minutes ago," she answered, "this is Asma. She wants to be a Black Burqa." I blinked. A what? Apparently, my appearance at the masjid had led to some confusion, mostly because Sfiyah also wore a black burqa when she went there to douse the lights. So people already thought there were two of us, and if two, why not three? The great thing about a burqa, is that no-one could actually see me. It was like a disguise, only better. So no-one, except me and Sfiyah, knew the secret identity of the Black Burqa. I suppose Raafid might have guessed, but he was too intimidated by me to tell anyone. It must be terrible to live with someone who, at any time, might inflict painful violence on you. I know this, because that's how I had lived for years and years. "Who was that mysterious woman?" people were asking each other, and the guesses were all over the place. Every woman around here was wearing a niqab with a face veil; a burqa was only a small step further. Who was that masked woman? Asma spoke. "I've been through eight years of beatings. And each time he didn't kill me, he made me stronger. And now I want to be like you, a Black Burqa. I want to help all the women who are being trodden on and treated unjustly. We women are supposed to be treated like queens; too many of us get treated like serfs."

burning toast soggy beans Raafid's supper Sfiyah someone dressed black burqa timing charcoal Asma appearance masjid confusion two three burqa disguise secret identity Black Burqa Raafid intimidated painful violence mysterious woman guesses niqab face veil masked woman Asma beatings stronger help women trodden on treated unjustly queens serfs.

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Respect all, fear nun - part six - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part six
Price: 3.00

We use 100 pound weights, because if you only use 50s, you get a very crowded bar. Hilde had four on each side, so she was pushing 800 pounds steadily up and down. And then I realised. She had meant kilograms, I did a quick calculation in my head - double it and add ten per cent, and the 450 came to - oh my giddy aunt! "Nine ninety," I told Nora, "she's topping out at 990 pounds. Not even you can do that." "Eight twenty is my current best clean and jerk," she said, "she's pushing a thousand." A thousand pounds, of course, is the hope and prayer of every St Hilda's nun. It's a nice round number - five disks on each side of the bar. Nora eyed her enviously. "I wonder what they use instead of Septadecaherbis", she mused, "and whether I can try it?" "Ask her," I grumped. Nora grabbed my rosary after compline. "We need to talk," she said, and showed me a small bottle. "What is it?" I asked, curiously. "She calls it Siebzehnkraut," Nora said. I sniffed it cautiously, it didn't smell like Septadecaherbis. "I'm going to try it," Nora announced. "Nora! You shouldn't! You don't know how it will react with you." Nora shook her head, and said "990 pounds. I'm so there." A week went by. Pray and lift, pray and lift. We were happy, the off springs were happy and the dogs were ecstatic - it doesn't take much to make a dog happy. Nora was dosing on Siebzehnkraut, and I was measuring her biceps every day. By the end of the week, she'd put on half an inch to 26 1/2, and her bench press had gone from 670 to 710. It looked like Siebzehnkraut was the real McCoy. I talked to Hilde. "Can we get more of your Siebzehnkraut?" I asked bluntly. "Ab naturlich," she smiled. "I will der mutterhaus schreiben." Well, that was easy. I thought I'd have to twist her arm a bit to get her agreement, and I was pretty sure that her arm was much too big for me to twist. And while we were waiting for the package from Germany to arrive, Hilde shared her own supplies with it.

orphanage different nun St Hilda convent motto pain gain Septadecaherbis heavy iron muscles ingredients secret size arms best friend Mandy Nora thighs brain focused parents love nuns time clever idea dogs unlimited love unconditional love playmates care learn give take

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Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part two - TEXT

Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part two
Price: 3.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. In part two of this series, I cover pain levels six, seven and eight.

people understand pain pain nurse purposes alert wrong too-hot plate rapid action damage everyone second purpose sensation transmitted damage site brain nervous system body actions fix problem healing part three series pain levels nine ten.

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Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part three - TEXT

Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part three
Price: 3.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. In part three of this series, I cover pain levels nine and ten.

people understand pain pain nurse purposes alert wrong too-hot plate rapid action damage everyone second purpose sensation transmitted damage site brain nervous system body actions fix problem healing part three series pain levels nine ten.

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Julia - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Eric The Red)

Kyle (a fit, track and field athlete) has his life drastically changed when he comes across the Amazonian built Julia, who happened to be in the process of physically overpowering a larger male athlete at their school! Her shapely, solid body handling the other boy with ease, even doing so later that night against him and a few of his friends! This leads to her inviting the adorably cute Kyle back to her place, where she shows him just how she likes to dominate men, both in public and in the privacy of the bedroom! She instructs him on how to behave when with her, using her much stronger form to control every aspect of his being; bringing him to his limits of pain and panic, while also showing him pleasures undreamt of - as long as she Obeys her every command!

Kyle fit track and field athlete life drastically changed Amazonian built Julia physically overpowering larger male athlete school shapely solid body handling other boy ease night friends inviting adorably cute place dominate men public privacy bedroom instructs behave stronger form control aspect being limits pain panic pleasures undreamt of Obeys every command

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Dahlia - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Eric The Red)

During another day at work, Jeremy is approached by the seemingly sweet, yet hugely muscular, form of Dahlia! A beautiful young country girl, who seems to have taken a liking to the much thinner man. Days later, she and her thickly shaped friend Becca return, capturing him with ease, as they bring him back to Dahlia's farm with plans to physically overpower his helpless form; using him for their erotic needs, while also providing unreal pleasure for himself (along with an equal amount of pain)! Though when Becca decides to take him alone against Dahlia's wishes, the much taller, more muscular young woman punishes her, using them Both for her own sexual delights, before claiming Jeremy all for herself!

Keywords: Jeremy work Dahlia muscular country girl Becca farm physically overpower erotic needs pleasure pain taller punish sexual delights.

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