Search Results for "One"


Aleysha Muscledoll - Jealous High School Girl - VIDEO

Aleysha Muscledoll - Jealous High School Girl
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aleysha)

Teenage muscle girl-next-door Aleysha is making a sexy video message for her boyfriend, who happens to be away at college, where she sensually flexes and tells him how much she is thinking of him - that and how Badly she is going to hurt him, break his bones, crush his head, make him scream, if she finds out that he's cheating on her while he's away! - Another all too sexy first-person video clip shot by Aleysha!

teenage muscle girl-next-door Aleysha sexy video message boyfriend away at college sensually flexes thinking of him hurt break bones crush head make scream cheating first-person video clip shot

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Emery Miller - Wrong Number - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Wrong Number
Price: 6.00
(Artist: James Cook)

Our first of several upcoming video clips with the Absolutely Awesome Emery Miller! Here, while cuddling with her boyfriend, Emery intercepts a phone call meant for him, from a suspicious sounding woman. It doesn't take her long to figure out that her man has been cheating on her, a BIG MISTAKE considering Emery's Amazonian body can break him in two! "Who's Lucy!" she angrily demands of him again and again, while crushing his body in a variety of painful holds, reminding him who The Boss in their relationship truly is! - An Amazing video here, shot by James Cook from ftvideo for us at A.C.!

Emery Miller video clips boyfriend phone call cheating Amazonian body Lucy anger relationship video James Cook ftvideo A.C.

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Jennifer Thomas - Hands Off - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Hands Off
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer)

When gorgeous hardbody Jennifer is approached (in a very rude and crude manner) by a businessmen who wants to hire her, forcing himself on her in the process, her polite rejections quickly turn into power-packed punishment, as she uses her always Strong and Sexy body to twist, mangle, crush and punch this foolish man into oblivion; breaking his bones and ignoring his screams, showing him the error of his brutish, lecherous ways! Originally shot by, now exclusive on Amy's Conquest!

gorgeous hardbody Jennifer rude crude businessmen hire rejection punishment Strong Sexy twist mangle crush punch bones screams error brutish lecherous Amy's Conquest

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Brandi Mae - Protective Gym Bunny - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Protective Gym Bunny
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When Brandi and her man return from a hard gym workout, she can't help but notice he's quite down in the dumps; when she asks why he lets her know that he feels like a wimp due to her lifting so much more than he can, and because he was made fun of at the gym by several large male muscle-heads. What follows is a Perfect display of sensuality and muscle flexing, as Brandi makes her man feel better with her erotically spoken words and super strong body, letting him know how anyone who messes with him, has to deal with her Amazonian Power! Lots of sensual posing and sexy muscle talk on this one, shot by Jersey Black here!

Brandi man return hard gym workout notice down in the dumps asks why feels wimp lifting made fun of gym several large male muscle-heads Perfect display sensuality muscle flexing Brandi feel better erotically spoken words super strong body anyone messes with Amazonian Power sensual posing sexy muscle talk shot Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sensual Protection - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sensual Protection
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

As a direct continuation from our previous video, Sensual Foreplay, Brandi has left her darling man (after smothering him unconscious, for his protection), to investigate a noise heard in their house; though she doesn't return alone, bringing with her now a foolish intruder, who the voluptuously strong Amazon relishes in taking apart, using her hard, muscular body to man-handle this burglar, all for her, and her lover's, enjoyment! Once more, Awesomely shot by Jersey Black!

direct continuation previous video Sensual Foreplay Brandi darling man smothering unconscious protection investigate noise house return alone foolish intruder voluptuously strong Amazon taking apart hard muscular body man-handle burglar enjoyment Awesomely shot Jersey Black

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Jenna Preston - Psychotic Savior - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Psychotic Savior
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When an injured man wakes up in Jenna's bed after a horrible accident, he's more than a bit confused about how he got there, and what's happening. Jenna tries to sooth him with soft words and tender touches, though he insists on calling his family to let them know he's OK - something his shapely savior is Not happy about, as she crushes his hand, discards his phone and then proceeds to wrap her lusciously strong body around him, putting him in hold after hold, making sure he stays broken and helpless, making sure he stays in her care, Forever!

injured man Jenna bed accident confused family shapely savior crushes hand phone lusciously strong body hold broken helpless care Forever

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Miss Andrea Untamed - Lusciously Lethal Weapon - VIDEO

Miss Andrea Untamed - Lusciously Lethal Weapon
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Miss Andrea Untamed)

When Andrea returns from her evening's date, her man thinks he's getting lucky - that is until she reveals her true purpose! A master of seduction to get him alone, she quickly becomes a goddess of pain, as she uses her strong, statuesque physique to crush, squeeze and smother him to whimpering helplessness! Her job, to get back the money he owes from his gambling debts, and if not possible, end his miserable life - a task she fulfils in the end, enjoying her utter dominance over him, completing her mission with the perfect blending of Sexuality and Power!

Andrea evenings date man getting lucky reveals true purpose master of seduction get him alone goddess of pain strong statuesque physique crush squeeze smother whimpering helplessness job money gambling debts end his miserable life task fulfils enjoying utter dominance mission perfect blending Sexuality Power

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Layla Mikayla - Guy's Night (Knock) Out - VIDEO

Layla Mikayla - Guy's Night (Knock) Out
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Layla Mikayla)

In a role reversal of Layla's previous video, it is now her turn to head out for a night of fun with the girls, only to be confronted by her boyfriend who isn't happy about the amount of guy's numbers he's found on her cell phone. Not one to be challenged, or have her privacy be invaded, the sexy Supergirl then proceeds to use her fit, firm and powerful body to show him who's the boss in their relationship! Aggressively crushing and squeezing him to painful unconsciousness, as she then hits an assortment of sensually muscle flexed victory poses over his limp and defeated form!

role reversal Layla video night fun girls boyfriend numbers cell phone privacy supergirl powerful body relationship crushing squeezing unconsciousness victory poses defeated

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Jennifer Thomas - Altering The Deal - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Altering The Deal
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Jennifer Thomas)

In this sequel to one of our previous videos with Jennifer (Casting Couch Crush), in the years since forcing Dante to agree to a new contract for this rising action star, she and her G.I. Jen character have become Hugely Popular! So much so that she now plans to renegotiate her deal with her growingly wealthy movie producer, though all he replies with is bullshit with a smile! Unfortunately for him, smiling is the last thing he will be doing now, as an upset Jennifer then gets her shapely, powerful, super skilled body around him in a variety of crushing, punishing holds! Once more using her superior form to "convince" her one-time boss for a better deal, not to mention equal standing with he himself in his - or is that, Their company!

sequel previous videos Jennifer Casting Couch Crush years forcing Dante new contract rising action star G.I. Jen character Hugely Popular plans renegotiate deal growingly wealthy movie producer bullshit smile upset shapely powerful super skilled body crushing punishing holds superior form convince one-time boss better deal equal standing company

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Hannah And Her Husbands (Part One) - TEXT

Hannah And Her Husbands (Part One)
Price: 3.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Hannah is a woman with unreal strength who knows what she wants and who does whatever she wishes - and if anyone doesn't like it, too bad! For example, she has not 1, not 2, but 3 husbands... so far.... There's Gary, the boy next door, Brick, the multi-champion professional MMA fighter, and Johnny, the pretty boy. All three of them are in love with the stunning supergirl, and all three are terrified of her vastly superior power. Find out how Gary feels about having to share Hannah with the other two, and his origins with this Amazing Amazon, with this first story of the series!

Hannah woman unreal strength knows wants does wishes anyone doesn't like too bad husbands Gary boy next door Brick multi-champion professional MMA fighter Johnny pretty boy three love stunning supergirl terrified vastly superior power share origins Amazing Amazon first story series

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Artist - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Artist
Price: 8.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Edson)

By day, she's a young student prodigy, winning local school awards for her artwork. By night, she is a muscular seductress, bending men with her body into sensual compositions for rich clientele. When a young man finds himself naked in an abandoned workhouse, he doesn't realize he's about to star in her latest abstract piece. Through a crushing forced hand job, an upside-down tit fuck, and an elegant (yet scissor hold-filled) dance on a flowing ribbon, she uses her muscles to create sexy - and completely unique - art pieces showcasing her overpowering dominance. The only question is how much her clients will pay to see her finish the job. The return of the Ultimate Power series by Silentcrs, illustrated by the awesome Edson!

young student prodigy local school awards artwork muscular seductress bending men sensual compositions rich clientele young man naked abandoned workhouse latest abstract piece crushing forced hand job upside-down tit fuck elegant scissor hold-filled dance flowing ribbon muscles sexy unique art pieces overpowering dominance clients pay Ultimate Power series silentcrs illustrated Edson

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Hollandazed - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle, Artwork: Jupiter1)

When a traveling vacationer in the gorgeous Holland country-side is in need of assistance due to issues with his rental car, he wanders to a nearby farm seeking help - what he finds is beautiful young farm-girl Ingrid, with strength and muscular size that stuns the young man to his core! What starts out as innocent conversation, quickly turns to flexing of her Massive Muscles and sexual flirtation! This doesn't please the musclebound girl's older brother, who attempts to intervene, though she easily puts him in his place, showing him who's in charge! Such acts of physical dominance serve to arouse her very much, as she continues to show off her unreal strength and power on both young men before her, much to her own erotically charged delights! Legendary artist Jupiter I illustrates this Michele LeMuscle classic!

traveling vacationer Holland countryside rental car farm assistance Ingrid young strength muscular conversation flexing Massive Muscles sexual flirtation older brother physical dominance power strength artist Jupiter I Michele LeMuscle

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Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Folio, Artwork: Tom & DJ)

Travel the globe with Amy and David as they share Amazing sights and locations during their world-wide honeymoon! Of course Amy isn't your normal newlywed bride, and her Amazonian physique always garners its share of attention! Whether appreciating the drinks and locals as they bar-hop in Germany or Russia, relaxing in the polar Arctic or the sandy beaches of Hawaii, or enjoying themselves cosplaying at the New York Comic Con or bungee jumping in New Zealand, there is simply no place on Earth these young lovers couldn't have The Best time at! Join them on their trip, and you're guaranteed to Enjoy yourselves as well! Truly Unreal illustrations from Tom and DJ on this Fantastic Folio!

Travel globe Amy David sights locations world-wide honeymoon newlywed bride Amazonian physique bar-hop Germany Russia Arctic sandy beaches Hawaii cosplaying New York Comic Con bungee jumping New Zealand young lovers trip Enjoy Unreal illustrations Tom DJ Fantastic Folio

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The Black Burqa part three - TEXT

The Black Burqa part three
Price: 4.00

I was just burning some toast to go with the soggy beans for Raafid's supper, when Sfiyah turned up, and she had someone with her. Who? I don't know, she was dressed head to toe in a black burqa. "Hey," Sfiyah said. "Hey hey," I replied, "what's the timing for toast again?" She looked at what was pretty much charcoal. "About ten minutes ago," she answered, "this is Asma. She wants to be a Black Burqa." I blinked. A what? Apparently, my appearance at the masjid had led to some confusion, mostly because Sfiyah also wore a black burqa when she went there to douse the lights. So people already thought there were two of us, and if two, why not three? The great thing about a burqa, is that no-one could actually see me. It was like a disguise, only better. So no-one, except me and Sfiyah, knew the secret identity of the Black Burqa. I suppose Raafid might have guessed, but he was too intimidated by me to tell anyone. It must be terrible to live with someone who, at any time, might inflict painful violence on you. I know this, because that's how I had lived for years and years. "Who was that mysterious woman?" people were asking each other, and the guesses were all over the place. Every woman around here was wearing a niqab with a face veil; a burqa was only a small step further. Who was that masked woman? Asma spoke. "I've been through eight years of beatings. And each time he didn't kill me, he made me stronger. And now I want to be like you, a Black Burqa. I want to help all the women who are being trodden on and treated unjustly. We women are supposed to be treated like queens; too many of us get treated like serfs."

burning toast soggy beans Raafid's supper Sfiyah someone dressed black burqa timing charcoal Asma appearance masjid confusion two three burqa disguise secret identity Black Burqa Raafid intimidated painful violence mysterious woman guesses niqab face veil masked woman Asma beatings stronger help women trodden on treated unjustly queens serfs.

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Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part two - TEXT

Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part two
Price: 3.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. In part two of this series, I cover pain levels six, seven and eight.

people understand pain pain nurse purposes alert wrong too-hot plate rapid action damage everyone second purpose sensation transmitted damage site brain nervous system body actions fix problem healing part three series pain levels nine ten.

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Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part three - TEXT

Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part three
Price: 3.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. In part three of this series, I cover pain levels nine and ten.

people understand pain pain nurse purposes alert wrong too-hot plate rapid action damage everyone second purpose sensation transmitted damage site brain nervous system body actions fix problem healing part three series pain levels nine ten.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 2 - TEXT

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 2
Price: 3.00

The Plough Girl Squadron was each supposed to patrol alone, because we reckoned that one plough girl would be more than enough to deal with any situation she encountered. But to start with, I wanted to accompany them, to make sure that the exacting standards of the NYPD were being complied with. The first of the PIGS to go out, was Ludmilla, aka Milly. We made an eye-opening pair. Milly was five feet ten, which is short for a plough girl, but she made up for that with her width. She has to go through a normal two feet eight inch door sideways, otherwise her shoulders wouldn't fit. I haven't tried this experiment, but I think I'd need at least a six foot tape measure to go around her upper body, even though her boobs don't add much to her circumference.

Plough Girl Squadron patrol alone situation NYPD standards Ludmilla Milly height width door shoulders tape measure upper body boobs.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 3 - TEXT

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 3
Price: 3.00

Mike is 4 feet eleven inches, and he goes out on patrol with Anastasia who is seven feet five. Four toughs with baseball bats were following us, and six more in front. Anastasia ran at the four, kicked two in the head and incapacitate the other two. Meanwhile I phoned for backups to Olga, who set off at once. But by the time Olga got to us, Anastasia had finished off the last of the ten. So when Olga arrived, all she did was put her arms round me to stop me trembling with fear.

Mike feet inches patrol Anastasia toughs baseball bats following ran kicked head incapacitated phoned Olga set off finished off arrived arms trembling fear.

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My Crazy Quintuplet Cousins - TEXT

My Crazy Quintuplet Cousins
Price: 3.00
(Story: JavaBro)

"Imagine that you have five beautiful cheerleaders for cousins. Five identical quintuplets, all of them older and more confident and most of all, far stronger than you. Now imagine that you get to sunbathe with them. Swim and mess about with them, all the while getting to see them in their swimwear, with their toned abs, bulging arm muscles and perfectly defined thighs all on display for your eyes only. Well, these are my cousins, and for some reason, on this particular sunny afternoon in my back yard pool, they all want to have a go carrying me! Piggybacks, shoulder rides, they all take their turn. And then to show off, for a grand finale, a 5 high shoulder riding tower! Every participant showing off the strength and athleticism. Their bodies, their muscles on display. Each straining under the weight of their sisters above them. And then there is me, clamped in the middle. Riding on the muscle-bound shoulders of a hot, older woman, while simultaneously feeling the toned thighs of another squeezing tight about my ears. Her weight, and that of her sister above her pushing me down, and seemingly crushing me head with the strength of those thighs!"

cheerleaders cousins quintuplets older confident stronger sunbathe swim mess about swimwear toned abs bulging arm muscles defined thighs sun afternoon back yard pool carrying piggybacks shoulder rides show off grand finale tower strength athleticism bodies muscles display straining weight hot older woman toned thighs squeezing tight ears crushing head

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Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 2) - TEXT

Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Our story continues as Steve prepares for his world title fight against the seemingly unstoppable Amazon, Cara! Though the more of her videos he watches, the more concerned he becomes! How could a woman be so muscular, so powerful, yet So Sexy! Still he plans to push himself to his limits, and beyond, to hold his title and defeat his current contender and bully! Unfortunately when the match begins, it seems that Cara has the advantage, as she powerfully plays with him, doing so in a sensual and erotic manner - all of which sexually thrills Julie watching from her ringside seat, ready to quench her erotic desires with whoever wins this fight! Two endings of this story, a Good and Bad side, means there's something for Everyone on this one!

story Steve world title fight Amazon Cara videos concerned woman muscular powerful sexy plans limits hold title defeat contender bully match advantage powerfully sensual erotic Julie ringside seat quench desires wins fight two endings Good side Bad side something for Everyone

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