Search Results for "One"


Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Witness the birth of a Legend!! During one fateful night, years ago, while Elizabeth Hardstone was harshly having her way with her latest boy-toy in the bedroom, she heard the sounds of her darling daughter Amy crying. Immediately this loving Muscle MILF went to her, heartbroken as she discovered that the young girl was being cruelly teased at school due to her thick, powerful body. So Elizabeth comforted her with tales of her own Amazonian escapades during her teenage years, teaching her that her powerful body is a Blessing, not a curse! Fantastic artwork by Edson on this one!

birth Legend fateful night Elizabeth Hardstone boy-toy bedroom sounds darling daughter Amy crying loving Muscle MILF young girl cruelly teased school thick powerful body Elizabeth comforted tales Amazonian escapades teenage years teaching Blessing curse Fantastic artwork Edson

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The Amazone - TEXT

The Amazone
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

When gorgeous bombshell Carmen wants to test her loving boyfriend's interest in strong, powerful women, she brings him to her club, The Amazone, to show him sights of Amazonian Power that will blow his mind - not to mention, his load - as she reveals to him in the end to be the Strongest of them all!

gorgeous bombshell Carmen loving boyfriend interest strong powerful women club The Amazone Amazonian Power blow his mind load Strongest

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All That Jazz (Part 4) - TEXT

All That Jazz (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

When Matt gets jealous of some special "alone time" between his brother Kevin and the gorgeous Amazon Jazz, he invites over an old flame (and her friend, for his brother) for a double date; something that doesn't sit well with Jazz, who has to choose between letting go of Matt, or pummeling him (and his new girl) into oblivion - or is there a third option, one including both Kevin and his matched up date? As always, in the end, Jazz gets just what she wants!

Matt jealous special alone time brother Kevin gorgeous Amazon Jazz invites old flame friend double date doesn't sit well choose letting go pummeling new girl oblivion third option including Kevin matched up date always end Jazz wants

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Secret Sessions - TEXT

Secret Sessions
Price: 2.00
(Story: A.J. Brown)

When a muscular housewife secretly starts to earn some much needed extra money doing sexy muscle flexing sessions online, in the hopes of allowing her loving over-worked husband a break from his hectic schedule, her once solid plan turns sour when her muscle-lusting neighbor identifies her, soon after coming to her place threatening black-mail in exchange for some private, personal sessions - which she gives him, And Then Some!

muscular housewife earn extra money sexy muscle flexing sessions online loving over-worked husband break hectic schedule solid plan sour muscle-lusting neighbor identify threatening blackmail private personal sessions

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Breta - The Strongest Viking - TEXT

Breta - The Strongest Viking
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

When Viking Lord Loram comes to a small village looking for his latest Sexual Conquest, he discovers the mighty Breta, a local blacksmith, with size and strength to match her unrivaled beauty. Though no ones conquest, Breta soon shows this Goliath of a man who is her physical (and sexual) superior, one-on-one and against a grouping of his enemies, making Loram believe without any doubt that she is truly his Ideal Woman - to be used as she sees fit!

Viking Lord Loram small village latest Sexual Conquest mighty Breta local blacksmith size strength unrivaled beauty conquest Goliath physical sexual superior one-on-one grouping enemies Loram Ideal Woman used sees fit

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The Dominated Barbarian King - TEXT

The Dominated Barbarian King
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

In the barbarian world, Might Makes Right, and no one was mightier than King Onen! Such was his rule that he ordered the women of his tribe to fight for the "honor" of being his Queen, in the end Gladiatrix Alya emerging victorious - or so it would seem at first, as Onen then used and abused her sexually in cruel and vicious ways! Leading the already tall and powerfully built woman to seek assistance, doing so at the hutt of a witch, who offered not only the healing of her wounds, but also a Potion that would change Alya's life Forever!

barbarian world Might Makes Right King Onen rule women tribe fight honor Queen Gladiatrix Alya victorious sexually abused seek assistance hutt witch healing wounds Potion change life Forever

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From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 2) - TEXT

From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Mike Snow)

Here the blossoming relationship of Kira (a literal Supergirl) and Mark (her adorable man) continues, as she shows off her Godlike strength in an assortment of ways, most all of them for their mutual sensual delights! This gorgeous girl, with the body of an superhuman fitness fantatic, just can't seem to get enough of her man; which leads to a proposal that leaves this invincible Amazon girl stunned! Then it's off to their honeymoon, where Kira continues teasing her handsome husband about how weak he is compared to her; though always doing so in a sexy, erotic manner, always for their pleasure, always together, like the soul mates they were destined to be!

blossoming relationship Kira Supergirl Mark adorable man Godlike strength sensual delights gorgeous girl superhuman fitness fanatic proposal invincible Amazon girl stunned honeymoon teasing handsome husband weak sexy erotic manner pleasure soul mates

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest Side Story 4
Price: 2.00
(Story: Silentcrs)

It's the last days of high school, and Amy's ready to spend it the only way she knows how - dominating men! In her sights are a misogynistic teacher, some weakling male students and even the principal! Later, her muscle mom Elizabeth brings Amy's favorite teacher, Mr. Scott, back to the Hardstone beach house for some R&R, Amy and Jessica-style. The two teenage Amazons have their lustful ways with him, but what happens when Mr. Scott is threatened at a local club? Can Amy learn to protect and love, as well as crush and conquer?

high school Amy dominating men misogynistic teacher weakling male students principal muscle mom Elizabeth favorite teacher Mr. Scott Hardstone beach house R&R Amy and Jessica teenage Amazons lustful ways threatened local club protect love crush conquer

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Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 1) - TEXT

Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

A sequel to our Nicolette Is My Girlfriend story, where we find our main man years later, alone and down on his luck financially (breaking up with Nicolette will do that to you); that is until he bumps into Amazonian powerhouse Judy again, who makes him an offer he just can't refuse - even if sometimes he wish he did! Making mixed wrestling videos for her website, shot by her beautifully buff sister Nancy, may help pay his bills but is it worth the continued beatings and batterings he undergoes while doing so??

sequel Nicolette Is My Girlfriend main man years later alone down on his luck financially breaking up Nicolette Amazonian powerhouse Judy offer can't refuse wish mixed wrestling videos website shot beautifully buff sister Nancy pay bills continued beatings batterings undergoes

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One Night Stand - TEXT

One Night Stand
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Tony thinks he's in Heaven when he picks up the voluptuously built Darla, having been a fan of such strong and shapely women. Little did he know he would not only completely fall for her physically, but emotionally as well, as he continues telling her how utterly amazing her body is (something that continues to boost Darla's confidence, something which had taken quite a few hits in her past), usually while wrapped snug inside her sensually strong embraces. Of course with such sexy thickness comes impressive strength, something she uses on Tony's much smaller, weaker body for their continued erotic pleasures. Could this one night stand turn into true love?

Tony Heaven Darla voluptuously built strong shapely women fall physically emotionally amazing body boost confidence hits past sensually strong embraces sexy thickness impressive strength smaller weaker body erotic pleasures one night stand true love

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More Money, More Muscles, More Mangling (Part 1) - TEXT

More Money, More Muscles, More Mangling (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Athena's Acquiescence)

When female muscle loving Dave starts online chatting with fellow FBB admirer Mike and dominating Amazon Velda, he had no idea what lay in store for him! A meeting is soon arranged for them all, one which involves a video recording and a pot of prize money put up by the wealthy Mike; a stash which at first belongs to Dave, that is until Velda forcibly gets him to sign it over to her, dollar by dollar, dwindling his much needed pot of cash in order to save his continually demolished body!

female muscle Dave online chatting FBB admirer Mike dominating Amazon Velda meeting video recording prize money wealthy stash forcibly sign dollar by dollar dwindling pot of cash save demolished body

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The Interview - TEXT

The Interview
Price: 2.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

Victoria is a young gymnast sensation, who also happens to have a super muscular physique! When a member of her school's faculty meets with her for an interview, things get a bit out of hand (as he can't help himself around such a muscle-packed body), and she puts the Crush on him, something she does in a more erotic manner later on at his home! Her newfound experiences are making her realize how Sexy her muscular form truly is, something she then uses to her fullest, reaching her sexual peak for the first time, on a visiting college boy! Victoria has finally been let loose, in More ways than one!

Victoria young gymnast sensation super muscular physique member of school's faculty interview out of hand Crush erotic manner home newfound experiences Sexy muscular form fullest sexual peak first time visiting college boy let loose More ways than one.

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Order Of Inanna: Beth - TEXT

Order Of Inanna: Beth
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

The Order Of Inanna is a secret organization of fit, strong, powerfully built women! Each of them physically superior to most any male, and while they don't instruct their Amazonian members to be abusive or bully their men, they more than support the notion of showing off their physical superiority! Beth is one such member, though new to this Order, she is destined to be with her soul-mate (even if he doesn't know it yet), and with expert usage of her muscle packed form and unreal strength, she quickly claims him as her own, convincing him that she is The One for him!

Order of Inanna secret organization fit strong powerfully built women physically superior Amazonian members abusive bully support physical superiority Beth soul-mate muscle packed form unreal strength claims convincing The One

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No Means No Punishment - VIDEO

No Means No Punishment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rick Robbins)

Watch as a stunningly statuesque and massively muscular woman gives her date for the evening a punishing display of her powerful, rock solid muscles, as we see the aftermath of his obviously unwanted and uninvited advances. Trust me, when dating a woman that can snap your bones like twigs, the phrase No Means No takes on a whole new meaning! Yet another cool CGI clip from the unstoppable Greycat!

stunningly statuesque massively muscular woman date punishing display powerful rock solid muscles aftermath unwanted uninvited advances dating snap bones twigs No Means No CGI Greycat

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Emery Miller - Bedroom Buff Babe - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Bedroom Buff Babe
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

Are you into watching a lush, muscular woman talk about her muscles, in an incredibly sexy tone, as she plays with one of her favorite sex-toys? Then this video is for YOU! Emery Miller definitely has the Sensual and Erotic down to a T, not to mention the Shapely and Muscular.....Oh, and did I mention her 4 1/2 inch tongue, which she uses to lick her mighty biceps and anything else that might be nearby as well. The first of a series of three, all beautifully shot from Steve at Awefilms, NONE of which you are going to want to miss! (NOTE: This first part has already been posted in full on Awefilms, though the upcoming Parts 2 and 3 will be all Amy's Conquest Exclusives!)

lush muscular woman muscles sexy tone sex-toys Emery Miller Sensual Erotic Shapely Muscular tongue biceps Awefilms Amy's Conquest Exclusives

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Brandi Mae - Missing Lover 2 - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Missing Lover 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

In Part 1, the lusciously buff Brandi is just aching for the return of her lover, missing him terribly while he was away, with incredibly erotic muscle talking, and lots of hard, powerful flexing. Well here in Part 2, her loving man has made a surprise return home, Thrilling Brandi to no end, as she jumps all over him, before leading him to their couch, as she sensually straddles his body, continuing with her mastery of erotic words and powerful flexes, before leading him off for some private alone time! An awesome video (the second of Many time come) shot in HD by Jersey Black!

lusciously buff Brandi lover missing terribly away erotic muscle talking hard powerful flexing Part 2 loving man surprise return home Thrilling Brandi jumps couch sensually straddles body mastery erotic words powerful flexes private alone time awesome video second Many time come shot HD Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Cheater (Part 3) - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Cheater (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Brandi continues her punishment on her utterly defeated ex-lover, this time with a more sensual, erotic tone; using both her shapely powerful body and soft taunting words to make him regret cheating on her, letting him know that this would be the last time he would ever be so close to her lusciously, hard, sexy body - which is the worst punishment of all! Jersey Black works his magic here yet again on this one!!

Brandi punishment ex-lover sensual erotic tone shapely powerful body soft taunting words regret cheating lusciously hard sexy body worst punishment Jersey Black magic

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Brandi Mae - Cheater (Part 4) - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Cheater (Part 4)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

In our Final part of the Brandi Mae Cheater series, the beautifully buff Brandi continues her punishment on her cheating Ex, this time of a more mental tone, as she allows him one last muscle worshipping session for Free, while revealing her massive prices for ever touching her thick, juicy hardbody again, as she plans to take him for all he is financially, just as she has done physically and emotionally! - Fantastic work by Jersey Black once again here!

Brandi Mae Cheater series buff punishment cheating Ex mental tone muscle worshipping session Free massive prices touching thick juicy hardbody financially physically emotionally Fantastic work Jersey Black

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Megan Avalon - Halloween Party Crush (Part 1) - VIDEO

Megan Avalon - Halloween Party Crush (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When Megan's boyfriend, already upset that they're late for his work's Halloween Party, demands that she change her tiny little schoolgirl costume, claiming it's too sexy for his workmates, she shows him that No One tells her what to do, and that if any of his co-workers tried anything with her, she would handle them just as easily as she's handling him now! - Another great clip here from Jersey Black!

Megan boyfriend upset late work's Halloween Party change tiny little schoolgirl costume sexy workmates shows No One tells do co-workers tried handle easily handling clip Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 1) - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch and Listen as the gorgeously muscle-packed Brandi Mae talks about how she would protect you from the bullies, defend you from anyone who would harm you, using her thick, powerful muscles to crush, and squeeze, and beat up anyone who dared to attack you, all while sexily flexing her buff body, all while speaking in her amazingly erotic tones! Another fantastic clip from Jersey Black here!

watch listen Brandi Mae muscle-packed protect bullies defend harm powerful muscles crush squeeze beat up attack sexily flexing buff body erotic tones Jersey Black

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