Search Results for "Muscle"


The Elevator Ride - PDF

The Elevator Ride
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Refaal)

A super muscular 20 year old girl gets on an elevator with a lecherous man. She quickly crushes his body with her powerful muscles. Great art by artist Refaal!

super muscular 20 year old girl elevator lecherous man crushes powerful muscles artist Refaal

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Big Little Sister 3 - PDF

Big Little Sister 3
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Peter)

Jack's day goes from being bullied by his muscle packed sister Nikki (and her assortment of beautifully buff friends), to getting heavily aroused by watching video clips of her dominating an online doubter, to being approached by her raven-haired Amazonian BFF who takes him for the Ride Of His Life! - Fantastic CGI pictures from Peter here, in the Final Chapter of the Big Little Sister series!

Jack bullied sister Nikki muscle packed friends aroused video clips dominating online doubter approached raven-haired Amazonian BFF Ride Of His Life CGI pictures Peter Final Chapter Big Little Sister series

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Suzan's Situation - PDF

Suzan's Situation
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Yatz)

When teenage Amazon Suzan's parents seperate, she takes it upon herself to get them back together, namely by using her steel hard muscles to threaten and intimidate each and every man who takes an interest in her beautiful Mom - Fantasic illustrations from iconic artist Yatz!

teenage Amazon Suzan parents separate get back together steel hard muscles threaten intimidate interest beautiful Mom illustrations iconic artist Yatz

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College Girl Muscle - PDF

College Girl Muscle
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Ayanamifan)

Young college Amazons Tina and Heather use their steel hard muscles to deal with love, and deal out pain - Beautifully illustrated by artist Ayanamifan!

young college Amazons Tina Heather steel hard muscles deal with love deal out pain beautifully illustrated artist Ayanamifan

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Lori's New Play Toy - PDF

Lori's New Play Toy
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

An up to date reworking of one of our Oldest Illustrated stories, drawn now by the Unequalled, Edson! Here we have a tale of two sexy college musclegirls, Tina who adores cuddling with her loving man as he relishes her thick, muscular body, and Heather, a buff dominant girl that is not afraid to show her boyfriend the painful errors of his cheating ways! Loads of female physical superiority here, and no matter what type of sexy Amazon girl you like, this story has it ALL!

up to date reworking Illustrated stories Edson sexy college musclegirls Tina cuddling loving man thick muscular body Heather buff dominant girl boyfriend cheating female physical superiority Amazon girl

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The Wrong House - PDF

The Wrong House
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Stef)

When a loving married couple hear intruders about their home in the middle of the night, it's up to this protective Muscle Mom to deal with them, Her Way, much to the eventual sexual thrills of her incredibly aroused husband - Awesomely illustrated by artist "hardbodies" Stef!

loving married couple intruders home middle of the night protective Muscle Mom deal with sexual thrills aroused husband illustrated artist hardbodies Stef

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The Wrong Number - PDF

The Wrong Number
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Peter)

When a thickly muscled beauty finds out her boyfriend has been cheating on her, from a call from the "other woman", she teaches him a very valuable (aka Painful) lesson on how NOT to treat a strong, sexy Amazon - Amazing artwork by Peter!

thickly muscled beauty boyfriend cheating other woman valuable lesson strong sexy Amazon artwork Peter

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A Night He'll Never Forget - PDF

A Night He'll Never Forget
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Crisshapes)

When a lecherous lounge lizard stalks his night's prey, he gets much more than he bargained for in the lusciously muscled form of Connie, who uses her steel hard physique to give him a night He'll Never Forget - Unreal artwork by Crisshapes!

lecherous lounge lizard stalks night's prey much more bargained for lusciously muscled Connie steel hard physique night He'll Never Forget Unreal artwork Crisshapes

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A Night He'll Never Forget (IN COLOR) - PDF

A Night He'll Never Forget (IN COLOR)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Crisshapes)

This classic tale originally drawn by the Iconic Crisshapes now gets the Lord Daroth masterful coloring touch! When a lecherous lounge lizard stalks his night's prey, he gets much more than he bargained for in the lusciously muscled form of Connie, who uses her steel hard physique to give him a night He'll Never Forget!

classic tale Crisshapes Lord Daroth masterful coloring lounge lizard night's prey lusciously muscled Connie steel hard physique night He will Never Forget

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The Class Reunion - PDF

The Class Reunion
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Bambs)

When a muscle-loving man returns to High School for his 15th year Class Reunion, in the hopes to see his old, athletically buff, girlfriend, imagine his surprise when he gazes at her best friend, who had a Huge Crush on him growing up, and who has transformed herself into The Ultimate Amazon Woman, all for him! - A beautifully written Intenseman story with Incredible artwork by the awesome Bambs!

muscle-loving man High School 15th year Class Reunion athletically buff girlfriend best friend Huge Crush Ultimate Amazon Woman Intenseman Incredible artwork Bambs

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Her Toy - Part 2 - PDF

Her Toy - Part 2
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

Patty isn't done with her muscle lusting man by any means, as she proceeds to show him his true place, beneath the hard muscular body of a woman much stronger than he, in a variety of steamy, sexual positions! - a Great story by the Unreal Plowjack, with Incredible illustrations by R.M.G.!

Patty muscle lusting man true place hard muscular body woman stronger steamy sexual positions Great story Unreal Plowjack Incredible illustrations R.M.G.

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The Delivery Boy - PDF

The Delivery Boy
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

When a small pizza delivery boy arrives at the home of a gorgeously gigantic Glamazon, he gets a tip like no other in the form of her sexually dominating body, as she shows him the experiences of mixed sexual pain and pleasure (more on the Pain, for him that is) that her muscle packed physique can "deliver" his utterly helpless body - Truly Outstanding illustrations by R.M.G., who did an Incredible job bringing this Seldomlasts tale to life!!

small pizza delivery boy home gorgeously gigantic Glamazon tip sexually dominating body experiences mixed sexual pain and pleasure pain pleasure muscle packed physique deliver utterly helpless body Truly Outstanding illustrations R.M.G. Incredible job Seldomlasts tale life

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Muscular Confession (Part 1) - PDF

Muscular Confession (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Kathy and Sara are two muscle packed Catholic Schoolgirls who just love to confess their muscle-crushing sins. During one such visit, they spot an adorably cute Altar Boy, who gets a crash course in "worshipping" these sexy young Amazons! - Amazing artwork by Jebriodo!

Kathy Sara muscle packed Catholic Schoolgirls confess muscle-crushing sins visit adorably cute Altar Boy crash course worshipping sexy young Amazons Amazing artwork Jebriodo.

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Muscular Confession (Part 2) - PDF

Muscular Confession (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Sexy Supergirls Kathy and Sara are back, as is adorable Altar Boy Thomas, who gets woman-handled by these gorgeous musclegirls in a variety of sexual positions; the pair of horny young Amazons using him to their utmost delight, while showing him that Heaven truly is a place on Earth! - Unreal artwork by Jebriodo!

Sexy Supergirls Kathy Sara Altar Boy Thomas woman-handled musclegirls sexual positions Amazons Heaven Earth Unreal artwork Jebriodo

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Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 1) - PDF

Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Greg)

When the sexy young girlfriends of two high school brothers discover their families hard-fought secret (namely that their Mother is a strong, muscular Amazon who just LOVES to sexually dominate men) things will never be the same for Stevenson boys - or their budding musclegirlfriends as well! - Very sexy artwork by Greg!

sexy young girlfriends high school brothers families hard-fought secret Mother strong muscular Amazon sexually dominate men Stevenson boys budding musclegirlfriends sexy artwork Greg

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Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 2) - PDF

Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rom)

Daniel and David's Muscle MILF Diana is back, and this time she has spent the several months building up their girlfriend's budding young bodies to Amazonian proportions, training them how to use their newfound power-packed physiques on her sons, as she sexually dominates their young male friends with her own sexily muscular body! - Truly Amazing COLOR illustrations by Rom on this one!

Daniel David Muscle MILF Diana several months building up girlfriend young bodies Amazonian proportions training power-packed physiques sons sexually dominates male friends sexily muscular body Amazing COLOR illustrations Rom.

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Amazon Girls Sorority House - PDF

Amazon Girls Sorority House
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

Terri and Tina are just two of the many powerfully built, sexy as sin, college girls who love to lure (or caputre) men into their clutches, where they become helpless playthings for the assortment of beautiful young musclegirls! - Great artwork by a NEW AC artist, Carlos!

Terri Tina powerfully built sexy sin college girls lure capture men clutches helpless playthings assortment beautiful young musclegirls artwork NEW AC artist Carlos

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It Takes Two - PDF

It Takes Two
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Lucy (aka infintesilence))

Travel through the years of College Amazons Tiffany and Stacy's life, as they share their most erotic secrets and sexual exploits with YOU, from their initial realization that they are in Lust with Female Muscle, to their college years when these buff beauties realize they're in Love with one another! - Fantastic illustrations by Lucy (aka infintesilence)!

Travel College Amazons Tiffany Stacy erotic secrets sexual exploits Lust Female Muscle buff beauties Love illustrations Lucy infintesilence

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Online Amazons - PDF

Online Amazons
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Barracuda9999)

When flirtatious teenage musclegirls want to post sexy flexing video clips online, there's just no stopping them; something an older brother finds out all too quickly, as he learns a very Hard lesson about how NOT to treat your Amazon little sister and her equally buff BFF - Amazing artwork by another New AC artist, Barracuda9999!

flirtatious teenage musclegirls sexy flexing video clips online older brother Amazon little sister buff BFF Amazing artwork New AC artist Barracuda9999

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Can You See Me Baby? - PDF

Can You See Me Baby?
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

A Very personal story for me, written by my wife (DTV's Christa), before we were married, while living in seperate continents; one that deals with a beautiful musclegirl's loving words to her man, and all that she has planned for them when they are Finally together! - An Amazing story by my life-love, Christa, drawn by the utterly Unreal Jebriodo!

personal story wife Christa married continents musclegirl loving words man planned together amazing life-love drawn Jebriodo

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