Search Results for "King"


The Dominated Barbarian King - TEXT

The Dominated Barbarian King
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

In the barbarian world, Might Makes Right, and no one was mightier than King Onen! Such was his rule that he ordered the women of his tribe to fight for the "honor" of being his Queen, in the end Gladiatrix Alya emerging victorious - or so it would seem at first, as Onen then used and abused her sexually in cruel and vicious ways! Leading the already tall and powerfully built woman to seek assistance, doing so at the hutt of a witch, who offered not only the healing of her wounds, but also a Potion that would change Alya's life Forever!

barbarian world Might Makes Right King Onen rule women tribe fight honor Queen Gladiatrix Alya victorious sexually abused seek assistance hutt witch healing wounds Potion change life Forever

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From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 1) - TEXT

From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Mike Snow)

Mark clearly believes himself the luckiest man alive, while considering himself a good, decent man, he in no way felt he deserved a woman in his life like Kira - a breath-takingly beautiful girl, with an ultra-fit physique and the strength of a Goddess. Friends for a long time, it was only after an instance where the gorgeous Amazon girl saved him from harm (from her then boyfriend, no less) did their relationship take a new, more serious turn. From then on, Kira knew she could always be herself around Mark, not needing to hide her vast physical power, an attribute that never ceased to excite and arouse her loving boyfriend. Watch as their story, their love, unfolds, and they change from friends, to lovers, to so much more!

Mark luckiest man alive good decent man woman Kira breath-takingly beautiful ultra-fit physique strength of a Goddess friends Amazon girl saved boyfriend relationship serious turn physical power excite arouse love friends lovers.

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Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 1) - TEXT

Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

A sequel to our Nicolette Is My Girlfriend story, where we find our main man years later, alone and down on his luck financially (breaking up with Nicolette will do that to you); that is until he bumps into Amazonian powerhouse Judy again, who makes him an offer he just can't refuse - even if sometimes he wish he did! Making mixed wrestling videos for her website, shot by her beautifully buff sister Nancy, may help pay his bills but is it worth the continued beatings and batterings he undergoes while doing so??

sequel Nicolette Is My Girlfriend main man years later alone down on his luck financially breaking up Nicolette Amazonian powerhouse Judy offer can't refuse wish mixed wrestling videos website shot beautifully buff sister Nancy pay bills continued beatings batterings undergoes

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Once Upon A Time (Part 2) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

As we return to the real world, story writer extraordinaire Travis has big plans for his creation, the man-crushing Mistress Eleanor! That is until he realizes his computer is shot, and needs serious repair. Thankfully a store with computer whiz Jessie is nearby, who as she repairs his hard-drive realizes he's her favorite Amazonian author, unable to resist reading his newest story from his repaired PC (much to her erotic enjoyment). Unfortunately for Travis, an evening bowling session ends in a terrible beating from a vicious gang and its Muscle Biker Babe leader! Just inches from a life-time hospital stay, he's rescued by a blonde Amazonian beauty whose strength defies description, and whose muscles are unimaginably ripped and powerful! She then safely returns him home, giving him a very erotic muscle display, which due to his beating he thought was just a dream - that is until he returns to collect his fixed computer, noticing something very familiar about tech genius Jessie, her long blonde hair and her shapely, firm looking physique!

return real world story writer Travis creation man-crushing Mistress Eleanor computer shot needs repair store computer whiz Jessie hard-drive favorite Amazonian author reading newest story repaired PC erotic enjoyment evening bowling session terrible beating vicious gang Muscle Biker Babe leader lifetime hospital stay rescued blonde Amazonian beauty strength description muscles unimaginably ripped powerful safely returns home muscle display dream fixed computer tech genius long blonde hair shapely firm looking physique

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Danielle's No Bonus Bashing - VIDEO

Danielle's No Bonus Bashing
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rick Robbins)

When the ultra fit, super hot Danielle Rouleau confronts a business partner about his lack of paying her bonus, she lets her lush, hard body do the talking; something which all too quickly allows her to get her way from this once greedy (now in Pain) man. - another Incredible shot video clip from The Man, Rick Dobbins!

ultra fit super hot Danielle Rouleau business partner paying bonus lush hard body talking greedy Pain video clip Rick Dobbins

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Kim Winn Amazon Schoolgirl (Part 2) - VIDEO

Kim Winn Amazon Schoolgirl (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rick Robbins)

Amazon schoolgirl Kim is not happy with her newly received (and also expired) candy-bar, so she confronts the lecherous older man, demanding another one, with her thick, rippling, hard legs doing the talking for her. Her flirtatious flexing causes him much pain, but an equal amount of pleasure as well, as he seems to really be getting off having her muscle packed thighs squeezed tight around his head and chest - and really, who wouldn't. Another fantastic video clip from Rick Dobbins!

Amazon schoolgirl Kim candy-bar expired confronts older man demanding thick rippling hard legs talking flirtatious flexing pain pleasure muscle packed thighs head chest video clip Rick Dobbins

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Lyndsay - Massage My Feet - VIDEO

Lyndsay - Massage My Feet
Price: 6.00

These videos follow directly after Lyndsay crushes her husband with her thick, hard body, as she now asks like a purring kitten for a relaxing foot massage; after which time he enrages her by commenting on his warm beer, which brings her back into fighting mode, where some boxing and grappling begin, and which ends with her kicking him out of their house!

videos Lyndsay crushes husband thick hard body purring kitten relaxing foot massage enrages commenting warm beer fighting mode boxing grappling kicking house

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Brandi Mae - Missing Lover - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Missing Lover
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as super sexy, lusciously lovely, magnificently muscular Brandi Mae pines for her away lover, talking in a sultry, sexy, sensual voice about how she misses her man, and wants nothing more but to have him back home with her, so she could wrap her hard, shapely arms and legs around him, spoiling her man rotten in her Muscle Cuddle! An Amy's Conquest original video, shot Awesomely (in HD Quality) by Jersey Black!

super sexy lusciously lovely magnificently muscular Brandi Mae pines away lover talking sultry sexy sensual voice misses man wants nothing more back home wrap hard shapely arms legs spoiling Muscle Cuddle Amy's Conquest original video shot Awesomely HD Quality Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Missing Lover 2 - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Missing Lover 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

In Part 1, the lusciously buff Brandi is just aching for the return of her lover, missing him terribly while he was away, with incredibly erotic muscle talking, and lots of hard, powerful flexing. Well here in Part 2, her loving man has made a surprise return home, Thrilling Brandi to no end, as she jumps all over him, before leading him to their couch, as she sensually straddles his body, continuing with her mastery of erotic words and powerful flexes, before leading him off for some private alone time! An awesome video (the second of Many time come) shot in HD by Jersey Black!

lusciously buff Brandi lover missing terribly away erotic muscle talking hard powerful flexing Part 2 loving man surprise return home Thrilling Brandi jumps couch sensually straddles body mastery erotic words powerful flexes private alone time awesome video second Many time come shot HD Jersey Black

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Monix - Dating An Amazon Woman (Painful) - VIDEO

Monix - Dating An Amazon Woman (Painful)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

We've side the loving side of dating a power packed, sexily muscled woman like MuscleVixen, now we have the Painful Side! Watch as she dominates, scolds and manhandles her man with the unreal strength of her rock solid body; dressed to kill as she does so, her initial anger with him turns to enjoyment for her, of how easily her superior body can control her boyfriend's, laughing as she hurts and humiliates him with her incredible power, before walking him out like the dog that he is! Awesomely shot once more by Jersey Black here.

dating power packed muscled woman MuscleVixen Painful Side dominates scolds manhandles strength rock solid body dressed to kill anger enjoyment control boyfriend superior body laughing hurts humiliates power walking out dog Jersey Black

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Jenna Preston - Horny Amazon Wife - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Horny Amazon Wife
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Jenna is a gorgeous, statuesque, voluptuously shaped Amazon, and when her husband comes home from work, she lets him know that she Wants Him, BAD! Though a seemingly busy day has left him too tired to fulfill his wife's sexual needs, resisting Jenna's continually erotic attempts otherwise, which gets her thinking, is he getting his sexual fill elsewhere - which makes her very very angry! - Our first of a series of video clips from the Awesome Jenna Preston!

Jenna gorgeous statuesque voluptuously shaped Amazon husband work lets him know wants him bad busy day tired fulfill wife's sexual needs resisting erotic attempts thinking sexual fill elsewhere angry video clips Awesome Jenna Preston

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Jenna Preston - Jealous Amazon Wife - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Jealous Amazon Wife
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Jenna is back, and her once heavily aroused attitude is now replaced with anger towards her "cheating" husband (as why else would he not want to make love to Jenna after getting home), so she uses her vastly superior strength to squeeze and smother him helpless, often in combination with some sensual stroking of his cock, which causes him now to Beg for Jenna to fuck him, which she does in the end - getting what she originally wanted, as always! - Another Sexy video clip from Jenna Preston!

Jenna back heavily aroused anger cheating husband make love vastly superior strength squeeze smother helpless sensual stroking cock Beg fuck sexy video clip Jenna Preston

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Aleysha Muscledoll - I Can't Wear What?! - VIDEO

Aleysha Muscledoll - I Can't Wear What?!
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aleysha)

Aleysha is a sexy young muscle girl-next-door, who is just on her way out to a party with her boyfriend, though he seems to think her outfit is a bit too sexy to wear in public and wants her to change out of it; something that doesn't sit well with Aleysha, who then strips out of her clothes and wearing even Sexier lingerie she proceeds to flex her powerful muscles, while talking to him in a sexy, intimidating and threatening manner! - A first person video clip shot all too sexily by Aleysha herself!

Aleysha sexy young musclegirl-next-door party boyfriend outfit public change clothes lingerie flex powerful muscles talking intimidating threatening first person video clip shot Aleysha herself

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Aleysha Muscledoll - Jealous High School Girl - VIDEO

Aleysha Muscledoll - Jealous High School Girl
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aleysha)

Teenage muscle girl-next-door Aleysha is making a sexy video message for her boyfriend, who happens to be away at college, where she sensually flexes and tells him how much she is thinking of him - that and how Badly she is going to hurt him, break his bones, crush his head, make him scream, if she finds out that he's cheating on her while he's away! - Another all too sexy first-person video clip shot by Aleysha!

teenage muscle girl-next-door Aleysha sexy video message boyfriend away at college sensually flexes thinking of him hurt break bones crush head make scream cheating first-person video clip shot

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Jenna Preston - Sad Boyfriend - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Sad Boyfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When Jenna and her man return home from a night out, she notices he's feeling down, the reason for which is the assortment of guys that were teasing him for being shorter than his statuesque girlfriend, not to mention her effortless and harsh handling of these men afterwards. She goes on to tell him how it's her job as a true Amazon Woman to protect and take care of him, talking about past tales of her using her unreal strength to do so; all while allowing his hands and lips all over her bountiful breasts, as her own hands stroke his growing erection - I don't think this boyfriend will be sad for much longer! Very sexy "Strength Talking" here on this video!

Jenna man return home night out feeling down assortment of guys teasing shorter statuesque girlfriend effortless harsh handling men job true Amazon Woman protect take care past tales unreal strength hands lips bountiful breasts own hands stroke growing erection boyfriend sad sexy Strength Talking video

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Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom
Price: 6.00
(Artist: James Cook)

Emery visits the father of a boy who's bullying her young son, in the hopes that they can handle this situation like mature adults, though his borish, crude manner quickly lets her know that such tactics are wasted, and that she must use her other attributes (namely her super strong physique, thick solid muscles, and sexily dominant personality) to get him to see her way of thinking. No One bullies her son, and gets away with it! - Another Incredible video from James Cook here!

Emery father bullying young son mature adults borish crude attributes super strong physique thick solid muscles sexily dominant personality thinking bullies incredible video James Cook

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Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When lusciously buff and beautiful Brandi brings home her date for the evening, he thinks he's in for a night of untold pleasure from this super sexy Amazon; though such thoughts quickly disappear, when she lets him know that this whole date was a set-up, that she knows he was her little sister's abusive ex-boyfriend, and the only thing he's going to feel this night is Humiliation and Pain! Loads slapping, punching, kicking, ball-busting and smothering on this one! - Jersey Black once again lends his artistic talents here!

Brandi date evening pleasure Amazon set-up little sister abusive ex-boyfriend humiliation pain slapping punching kicking ball-busting smothering Jersey Black artistic talents

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Brandi Mae - Sensual Foreplay - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sensual Foreplay
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Power packed Brandi just Loves flexing her thick, meaty muscles for her man, and this case is no exception; as he lays on their bed, her lush Amazonian physique posing all over him in a Very Sexy manner, as her sensually spoken words only add more to the erotic appeal of this display. Her man is clearly in Muscle Heaven, that is until this loving couple hears a noise coming from another room, when Brandi insists on checking it out, protecting her man with a KO Chest Smothering, before rising up from his still body, ready to deal with whatever lies ahead! Another amazingly sexy Amazon action from Jersey Black here!

power packed Brandi loves flexing thick meaty muscles man bed lush Amazonian physique posing sexy sensually spoken words erotic appeal display Muscle Heaven loving couple noise another room checking it out protecting KO Chest Smothering rising up still body deal with lies ahead amazingly sexy Amazon action Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sensual Protection - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sensual Protection
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

As a direct continuation from our previous video, Sensual Foreplay, Brandi has left her darling man (after smothering him unconscious, for his protection), to investigate a noise heard in their house; though she doesn't return alone, bringing with her now a foolish intruder, who the voluptuously strong Amazon relishes in taking apart, using her hard, muscular body to man-handle this burglar, all for her, and her lover's, enjoyment! Once more, Awesomely shot by Jersey Black!

direct continuation previous video Sensual Foreplay Brandi darling man smothering unconscious protection investigate noise house return alone foolish intruder voluptuously strong Amazon taking apart hard muscular body man-handle burglar enjoyment Awesomely shot Jersey Black

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Jenna Preston - A Video Star Is Born - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - A Video Star Is Born
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When a super excited Jenna returns home from her latest gym-session, telling her boyfriend about how she was approached to be in a series of wrestling videos, his response is less than enthused, even to the point of forbidding her from particpating in this new offer! Well this doesn't sit well with the statuesque stunner, who then proceeds to convince her man to see things her way, using her long, lush limbs and ample chest to do the talking!

super excited Jenna returns home gym-session boyfriend approached series wrestling videos response less than enthused forbidding participating new offer statuesque stunner convince man see things her way long lush limbs ample chest talking

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