Search Results for "Husband"


The Black Burqa part two - TEXT

The Black Burqa part two
Price: 3.00

Sfiyah visited just now, and she was quite excited. "Ayesha, I have a task for you." Uh-oh, I thought, she wants me to bake a cake, and I'm a really rotten cook. But that wasn't it. "You know Jawaria?" "You mean the one married to Dawud?" "That's right," said Sfiyah. "Well I was with her yesterday, and she has a big bruise on her cheek." "How did that happen?" "She said she bent over and hit it on a tap, but I don't believe that's true." "Why would she lie?" "To avoid the shame of admitting that her husband beats her. You remember, you didn't tell anyone when Raafid was beating you." "So why is it your problem?" I asked. "It's a problem for all of us," she replied. "We are all sisters, and so we must care for each other." "Maybe he had a good reason to beat her?" I wondered. Sfiyah gave me a withering look. "Like Raafid had a good reason to beat you?" "Good point," I admitted. "So what do you want me to do about it?" "I think you should Raafid him. Do what you did to Raafid." "But that was different. He was going to marry off Maryam when she was only thirteen, and I just lost my cool at him." Sfiyah shook her head. "That was the trigger. But the real reason was all the abuse you took over so many years. Well, now Jawaria needs your help." "Why me?"

Sfiyah excited task bake cake cook Jawaria Dawud bruise tap husband beats shame sisters care reason Raafid marry Maryam abuse help

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Druktur, The Groom Of The Amazon - TEXT

Druktur, The Groom Of The Amazon
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

In order to keep the peace between his nation and the kingdom of the Amazons, powerful Duke Druktur must consent to wed the Duchess of their tribe. Though while the skilled warrior agreed to perform this task, he was completely taken back by the towering form of Duchess Drusilla! The regal red-headed woman was as beautiful as she was powerful, and her strength was capable of feats that shocked the young Duke to his core! Often times using the unreal power of her massively thick and rock solid muscles in a dominant manner (in the privacy of their bedroom, as well as in public), Drusilla always did so out of love, and in time the mighty Druktur learned to love her in return and accept his new life as husband to Amazonian royalty!

peace nation kingdom Amazons powerful Duke Druktur consent wed Duchess tribe skilled warrior task taken back towering form Duchess Drusilla regal red-headed woman beautiful powerful strength feats shocked young Duke core unreal power massively thick rock solid muscles dominant manner privacy bedroom public love time mighty Druktur new life husband Amazonian royalty

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 7) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 7)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

The years pass rapidly, though while A.J. himself ages normally, his super-enhanced wife Janey does so much, much slower....unfortunately, in time, leading to the passing of her loving, darling husband. Thinking back to more fun, lively times together (not to mention, erotic and sexual) Janey longs for more time with A.J., even though he had lived a very long, very happy life. Though something that helped him with his passing, a sudden surprise, once thought impossible, now instilling in him a joy, knowing that his wife would never, ever, be alone, again. The Final Chapter of this Epic Saga, written by a truly talented author, cannot be missed!

years pass rapidly A.J. ages normally super-enhanced wife Janey slower time passing loving darling husband thinking back fun lively together erotic sexual longs more time very long very happy life helped sudden surprise thought impossible instilling joy wife never alone Final Chapter Epic Saga talented author missed

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 6) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 6)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our story continues many years after the previous Chapter, A.J. miraculously being saved from the savage beating given to him by Janey's sister Nancy (which causes a massive rift between the protective amazon and her family to this day)! Janey now in her mid-50s, though like all women in this new world looks half her age, stunningly gorgeous, with breasts and brains to die for! Her experience in lovingly treating her darling husband through the years leads to her writing a best-selling book on how to love your man, inspiring the world, especially the Swedish Royal Family, who invite them to visit. These stunning regal females treat A.J. with the utmost respect and gentility, and invite Janey to participate in a private all-girl wrestling tournament, where the tall, nordic beauties test their power and skill against her (all for fun), to see which gets to claim their prize!

story years Chapter A.J. saved beating Janey sister Nancy rift protective amazon family mid-50s women new world gorgeous breasts brains experience husband best-selling book love man inspiring Swedish Royal Family visit regal females respect gentility private all-girl wrestling tournament nordic beauties power skill fun prize.

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The Transformation Of Barbara - TEXT

The Transformation Of Barbara
Price: 2.00
(Story: A.J. Brown)

When a beautiful mature woman decides she's had enough of her verbally abusive husband (which was soon followed by a violating mugging), she decides to change her life around, starting with her curvaceous form. Before long her hard hours in the gym transform her formerly luscious shape into that of a strong, muscular athlete! Though in addition to her body, her mind is being changed as well, no longer the weak willed woman she once was, she is now in full control of her life, and isn't afraid to let any male (from her new boss, to a recent date, to a chance meeting with an old "acquaintance") know she is in full control of herself - and them as well!

mature woman verbally abusive husband mugging change curvaceous form gym strong muscular athlete mind control male boss date acquaintance

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Carnal Couple To Thrilling Threesome - TEXT

Carnal Couple To Thrilling Threesome
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Raven has always been a large, powerful girl, being much stronger than any of the boys at school (or a group of them), so it was easy for her to claim an adorable little guy as her boyfriend. As the years went on, she grew to an incredible size, with beauty and strength to match, protecting her smaller man with ease, while allowing him to view her numerous threesomes with the sexiest girls around! Though such treatment came with a price, as while she loved her future husband dearly, it was definitely her way Or Else! Until one day when a stunning new woman entered their lives, one that seemed to have amazing control over the Gigantic Raven, one who would turn this couple into the most Thrilling Threesome Ever!

Raven large powerful girl stronger boys school group adorable little guy boyfriend years incredible size beauty strength match protecting smaller man ease view numerous threesomes sexiest girls treatment price loved future husband dearly definitely way Or Else stunning new woman entered lives amazing control Gigantic Raven couple Thrilling Threesome Ever

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