Search Results for "Female"


Windmills 2.2 - PDF

Windmills 2.2
Price: 6.00
(Story: FinQ, Artwork: MadMax)

'Kiss my calves.' I did so. Worshiping the hard muscles and running my hands along her smooth, waxed shins. We repeated the process for her hamstrings and her quads. I could not get enough of her powerful legs. The large muscles and the perfect, smooth skin being the absolute quintessence of female power and my wife total superiority to me. 'Yes, we have definitely found your talent now...' She grabbed my hair and gently led me, crawling, over to the sofa, where she sat down, hiking her short skirt up as she did and pulling my face in-between her thighs. She let me get very close to her panties, before crushing my head, brining my advance to an abrupt stop. 'You want it do not you Smith. You want to lick and kiss my sweet sex. Oh God I bet you would give absolutely anything right now for me to let you kiss me there. Tell me.' 'Yes Miss Jones. I would give anything to lick and kiss your sweet pussy' 'Then beg for it.'

kiss calves worshiping hard muscles smooth waxed shins hamstrings quads powerful legs muscles smooth skin female power wife superiority talent hair crawling sofa short skirt face thighs panties head lick sweet sex beg.

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Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2
Price: 8.00

The scene starts out with the two gorgeous young musclegirls giggling up a storm, both filled with unreal excitement as they get themselves ready for their first female muscle video clip. Something neither of them have ever officially tried before, yet something they would wind up doing with such ease and unreal skill (not to mention plenty of sexy, young, female muscle) that anyone watching would have thought they had been practicing this online art for many years now. Bouncing up and down on a nearby bed (which was barely large enough to support these two massively muscle packed young women, Amy and Jessica were dressed in very short, tight and revealing lingerie, as they playfully smacked one another with large pillows taken from the front of this very bed. A true "Amazon Girl Sleepover" fantasy come true, and this was only the first 15 seconds. "Hi all, we're back, did you miss us?" Amy spoke out in a girlish tone, lowering her soft pillow down to her side, as she jumped off this barely still intact bed, with her fellow musclegirl following suit. "Well, we sure missed you" Jessica giggled out, continuing their act of little girls, which wasn't too far of a stretch, since they themselves were only 18 years old. Though you wouldn't know that from their voluptuous physiques, which displayed a level of athletic shape, size and hardness that one would think could only belong to someone several years their senior. Yet as much as their bodies gave them the appearance of womanly age and maturity, their incredibly gorgeous and youthful faces made them look almost too young to be "enjoying" such videos and photos. As for their maturity, well girls will be girls, which goes double for those with rock solid, steel hard physiques, who were more than able to take virtually anything that they wanted\u2026\u2026or in this case, ANYONE that they wanted. "We hope you liked our pictures, we worked really hard on them for you all, almost as hard as our Big, Sexy bodies, I'd say" she continued to chirp out in her little girl's voice. "

scene musclegirls giggling storm excitement female muscle video clip unreal skill sexy young female muscle practicing online art bouncing bed massively muscle packed Amy Jessica short tight revealing lingerie playfully smacked large pillows Amazon Girl Sleepover fantasy first 15 seconds Hi all back missed girlish tone soft pillow intact bed fellow musclegirl 18 years old voluptuous physiques athletic shape size hardness womanly age maturity gorgeous youthful faces enjoying videos photos maturity girls will be girls rock solid steel hard physiques virtually anything anyone liked pictures worked really hard Big Sexy bodies chirp out little girl's voice

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Amy's conquest 2 redux part 1 - PDF

Amy's conquest 2 redux part 1
Price: 8.00

Though with such unreal physical statistics as near 17" biceps, 27" thighs, DD-cup breasts, and a full 6 feet in height, it wasn't long after she started her own personal page that people started calling her the very obvious Amazon Amy, and her OurSpace page was literally flooded with male (and even a good amount of female) admirers of young, sexy, hard, female muscle. Which eventually lead to her being introduced to a separate, very select and private grouping of young girls (ranging in age from 18 - 23) who like herself were strong, powerful super feminine hardbodies. These sexy young Amazons were always on the look-out for more girls like themselves, and in Amy they found one of the best, so it was a no-brainer in giving her an official invite to this very select group. It was in fact her idea to arrange for pictures of their various feats and conquests to be taken and downloaded onto their own pages, showing off not only to one other, but to the very select grouping of lucky male admirers of female muscle all over the world, who simply couldn't get enough of these strikingly beautiful, teenage Amazon girls. Exquisite artwork by legendary artist Jupiter 1.

unreal physical statistics 17" biceps 27" thighs DD-cup breasts 6 feet Amazon Amy OurSpace page flooded male admirers female admirers young sexy hard female muscle separate select private grouping young girls age 18-23 strong powerful super feminine hardbodies Amazons look-out more girls best no-brainer official invite select group pictures feats conquests taken downloaded own pages showing off lucky male admirers female muscle strikingly beautiful teenage Amazon girls exquisite artwork legendary artist Jupiter

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The ERG sorority - PDF

The ERG sorority
Price: 8.00

We were just gossiping about guys, as one does. I suppose guys gossip about girls, or maybe they just gossip about sports. I don't know. Boys just don't seem to be rational. Sex is the most important thing in the world, because sex leads to babies, and without babies, the human race goes extinct. Without baseball, the human race doesn't go extinct. Without football, the human race continues. And the same for basketball, cricket, soccer, golf and so on. Something we've all noticed is that there seem to be a bunch of boys that are turned on by female muscle, but there's also a bunch that are intimidated by us to the extent that they don't even appear on our radar. Judy said "I make money by dancing." And while she's dancing in her bikini, she shows off her thick muscles; the audience easily understands that she's stronger than any two of them. "They feel intimidated by my body, and even a bit scared. And when I suggest tips, they respond enthusiastically, with five and ten dollar bills. Sally reminisced about a jockstrap raid she'd been on. "It was great fun. We hit the ALE frat house. There were four of us, and the boys didn't put up any resistance, because they knew that they'd be knocked flat if they tried. So we smashed down their front door - it turned out that it hadn't been locked, but smashing it down set the scene. We barged into their dorm room and rummaged through their drawers, grabbing their most intimate garments - jock straps. They were a bit smelly, but we'd brought plastic bags to put them in. Then we marched out, past the boys who were still cowering in their living room.

gossiping guys girls sports rational sex important babies human race extinct baseball football basketball cricket soccer golf boys turned on female muscle intimidated radar money dancing bikini muscles audience intimidated scared tips enthusiastically jockstrap raid ALE frat house resistance knocked flat smashed front door dorm room drawers intimate garments jock straps smelly plastic bags marched out cowering living room.

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The plough girl part 2, illustrated - PDF

The plough girl part 2, illustrated
Price: 8.00

Mike measures Olga. 52 inch chest, so she explained that when she gets her sex life going again, everything will get bigger. She goes to a club and was refused entry, after a short altercation she steps over the bouncer into the club. Inside, some guy puts his hand up her skirt, so she brought her legs together, turned to face him, he didn't move quickly enough and his arm broke. The Olga finds a suitable dance partner; her idea of suitable means small and weak. She picked him up and took him to the dance floor, and held him close to her body as she fucked him then let him down to the floor; he was crying. When she got home, Mike was still awake, so she told him how she got mugged on the way home, and how she punished each of the would-be muggers. Then she took Mike to bed, her sixth sex of the evening. Next day, Olga tries to get a job. She was rejected as a waitress because of her size, she was rejected for heavy manual labour, because she's a girl, but she went back to the club and got a job there as a female bouncer. At the end of the evening, she stops a fight betwen two guys with a fist to the belly of each of them. She picked them up, one under each arm, and threw them out of the club. Superb artwork by Dracowhip.

Mike measures Olga 52 inch chest sex life bigger club refused entry altercation bouncer hand skirt legs together face arm broke suitable dance partner small weak dance floor fucked let him down crying home mugged punished would-be muggers bed sixth sex next day job rejected waitress size heavy manual labour girl female bouncer end of the evening fight fist belly picked them up threw them out club Superb artwork Dracowhip

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La Toro - PDF

La Toro
Price: 8.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyriek, Artwork ZGannero)

They call her "La Toro", because although she's female, she's built like a bull. She's six feet seven and 310 pounds, one hell of a lot of it is muscle. She demands submission from all men, but especially from her husband, who she tortures each day with her powerful muscles. And this is an account of one such day. One day in the life of the husband of La Toro Don't read this if you're of a weak or nervous disposition. Try to avoid any woman who becomes inspired by La Toro. But most of all, if she does one day kill her husband by going just a bit too far - do not volunteer to be his replacement. Excellent artwork by international artist ZGannero.

La Toro female bull six feet seven 310 pounds muscle submission husband tortures powerful muscles account one day life weak nervous disposition inspired kill replacement

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Revenge Of The Pig Party - PDF

Revenge Of The Pig Party
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Diego and Tom)

When a buff beautiful college girl is brought to a frat house party by her handsome new boyfriend, she meets several other girls, who like her are new dates from other frat brothers. Though when she looks around a bit, the muscular girl discovers the real reason for this party, one that insults the young females here, and enrages the Amazon herself! So she uses her superior strength to deal with these obnoxious frat jerks, later deciding this cruel tradition needs to end for good! This leads to her and her new female friends returning the following semester, all of them stunning young powerhouses, each exacting their own brand of well deserved revenge! Unreal illustrations on this story by Diego and Tom!

buff beautiful college girl frat house party handsome boyfriend girls dates frat brothers muscular Amazon superior strength obnoxious jerks cruel tradition end female friends semester stunning powerhouses revenge illustrations Diego Tom.

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An IFBB Visitor 3 - VIDEO

An IFBB Visitor 3
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Karl has called a bodybuilder for a session, but they don't agree on the terms of the session. Who do you think will prevail? In fact, poor Karl is like a puppet in Jana's arms, he's so small! So he will end his session, willingly or not... Jana is an awesome german bodybuilder, with 85kg and 171cm, 43cm biceps, and 66cm thighs. And she's cut, almost ripped! If you like a big female muscle, you will love her.

Karl called bodybuilder session agree terms prevail puppet Jana small end willingly awesome German 85kg 171cm 43cm biceps 66cm thighs cut ripped big female muscle love.

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An IFBB Visitor 2 - VIDEO

An IFBB Visitor 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Karl has called a bodybuilder for a session, but they don't agree on the terms of the session. Who do you think will prevail? In fact, poor Karl is like a puppet in Jana's arms, he's so small! So he will end his session, willingly or not... Jana is an awesome german bodybuilder, with 85kg and 171cm, 43cm biceps, and 66cm thighs. And she's cut, almost ripped! If you like a big female muscle, you will love her.

Karl bodybuilder session terms prevail puppet Jana small german 85kg 171cm biceps thighs ripped female muscle.

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An IFBB Visitor 1 - VIDEO

An IFBB Visitor 1
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Karl has called a bodybuilder for a session, but they don't agree on the terms of the session. Who do you think will prevail? In fact, poor Karl is like a puppet in Jana's arms, he's so small! So he will end his session, willingly or not... Jana is an awesome german bodybuilder, with 85kg and 171cm, 43cm biceps, and 66cm thighs. And she's cut, almost ripped! If you like a big female muscle, you will love her.

Karl bodybuilder session terms prevail puppet Jana German 85kg 171cm biceps thighs ripped female muscle.

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Monica Mollica 3 - VIDEO

Monica Mollica 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

We introduce Monica Mollica, a champion bodybuilder and awesome new female combatant. She's not a wrestler, but more than makes up for it with sheer size and good looks. This lengthy match was the first one for Monica and her male opponent is no slouch. But all the Mighty Mollica has to do is get her hands on him and envelope the Sessionee deep into her powerful muscles so she can squeeze and crush him until he can't take it anymore. This is a one sided struggle all the way.

Monica Mollica champion bodybuilder awesome female combatant wrestler sheer size good looks lengthy match first one male opponent Mighty Mollica hands on envelope Sessionee powerful muscles squeeze crush one sided struggle

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Monica Mollica 2 - VIDEO

Monica Mollica 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

We introduce Monica Mollica, a champion bodybuilder and awesome new female combatant. She's not a wrestler, but more than makes up for it with sheer size and good looks. This lengthy match was the first one for Monica and her male opponent is no slouch. But all the Mighty Mollica has to do is get her hands on him and envelope the Sessionee deep into her powerful muscles so she can squeeze and crush him until he can't take it anymore. This is a one sided struggle all the way.

Monica Mollica champion bodybuilder awesome female combatant wrestler sheer size good looks lengthy match first one male opponent Mighty Mollica hands on envelope Sessionee powerful muscles squeeze crush one sided struggle

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Monica Mollica 1 - VIDEO

Monica Mollica 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

We introduce Monica Mollica, a champion bodybuilder and awesome new female combatant. She's not a wrestler, but more than makes up for it with sheer size and good looks. This lengthy match was the first one for Monica and her male opponent is no slouch. But all the Mighty Mollica has to do is get her hands on him and envelope the Sessionee deep into her powerful muscles so she can squeeze and crush him until he can't take it anymore. This is a one sided struggle all the way.

Monica Mollica champion bodybuilder awesome female combatant wrestler sheer size good looks lengthy match first one male opponent Mighty Mollica hands on envelope Sessionee powerful muscles squeeze crush one sided struggle

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Sam Clench: Private Eye - VIDEO

Sam Clench: Private Eye
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Builtmore)

Directed by Sam M. Oldham. "Inspired by the classic LH-ART comic, this professional Amazon production with cartoonist and filmmaker SMO features the super-strong female detective played by Diamond of American Gladiators and her sleuth father as they solve a violent murder mystery filled with bone-crushing action and superior feats of strength. Erika Andersch dominates as the beautiful and muscular crime solver."

Directed Sam M. Oldham LH-ART comic professional Amazon production cartoonist filmmaker SMO super-strong female detective Diamond American Gladiators sleuth father solve violent murder mystery bone-crushing action superior feats of strength Erika Andersch beautiful muscular crime solver.

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My Muscle Honey Bitch 2 (Vintage) - VIDEO

My Muscle Honey Bitch 2 (Vintage)
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

I love my Muscle Honey who is such a BITCH at times! She loves to dominate me with her muscles and lift and carry me around. She loves to back me into the wall and knee kicks to my belly. OOOO it hurts sooo good! Then she throws me on the bed by my hair and pounces all her 180 pounds of pure raw muscle on top of me and holds me down so i cannot get up. Hey guess what . .. I don't wanna get up! Won't ya cum and watch how bad she is!!! Ms. Blonde Muscle Power continues her total domination over her honey by pinning him down on the bed with her huge and powerful physique of raw female muscle. He cannot even move! She sits on his face with her hard humogous glutes. She then flips him over like a ragdoll and belly punches him , then it's body scissors from hell that will crush your ribs, and finally she pulls him to the floor in a crushing bicep head lock. She exemplifies Raw Blonde Female Muscle Power!!!

Muscle Honey dominate muscles lift carry wall knee kicks bed hair pounces raw muscle 180 pounds pure Ms. Blonde Muscle Power total domination pinning powerful physique female muscle face glutes belly punches body scissors ribs bicep head lock Raw Blonde Female Muscle Power.

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My Muscle Honey Bitch (Vintage) - VIDEO

My Muscle Honey Bitch (Vintage)
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

I love my Muscle Honey who is such a BITCH at times! She loves to dominate me with her muscles and lift and carry me around. She loves to back me into the wall and knee kicks to my belly. OOOO it hurts sooo good! Then she throws me on the bed by my hair and pounces all her 180 pounds of pure raw muscle on top of me and holds me down so i cannot get up. Hey guess what . .. I don't wanna get up! Won't ya cum and watch how bad she is!!! Ms. Blonde Muscle Power continues her total domination over her honey by pinning him down on the bed with her huge and powerful physique of raw female muscle. He cannot even move! She sits on his face with her hard humogous glutes. She then flips him over like a ragdoll and belly punches him , then it's body scissors from hell that will crush your ribs, and finally she pulls him to the floor in a crushing bicep head lock. She exemplifies Raw Blonde Female Muscle Power!!!

Muscle Honey dominate muscles lift carry wall knee kicks bed hair pounces raw muscle 180 pounds pure Ms. Blonde Muscle Power total domination pinning powerful physique female muscle face glutes belly punches body scissors ribs bicep head lock Raw Blonde Female Muscle Power.

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Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie - AUDIO

Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie
Price: 5.00

When your beautiful, buff girlfriend sneakily joins you inside your sleeping bag during a friend-filled cabin holiday, you are clearly in Heaven! Her firm, solid, shapely body cuddling super snugly into you, her soft, sensual voice whispering erotically into your nearby ears! Clearly your cock throbs at such thoughts (which she can more than tell, it now being tightly inside her), though when her snuggling form gets tighter around yours, lusting arousal turns to fearful concern! Her words continue to coo breathily into you, as she reveals her recent discovery about your cheating ways - big mistake to do so to a girl who can deadlift your car! Her enveloping hold around you becomes more crushing, even her constrictive "inner most" muscles squooshing your entrapped shaft, as she decides to use you as her sexual plaything this night, for her pleasure only, nothing but punishing pain for you - and if your cries of agony wake up the friends sleeping around you, then it will get so much worse for You! JuicyPeach works her Super Sensual magic here, her whisper-like tone making this A MUST for female muscle and ASMR lovers alike! (17 1/2 minutes)

beautiful buff girlfriend sleeping bag friend-filled cabin holiday Heaven firm solid shapely body cuddling snugly soft sensual voice whispering erotically cock throbs tightly inside her snuggling form tighter lusting arousal fearful concern cheating ways big mistake deadlift car enveloping hold crushing constrictive inner most muscles squooshing entrapped shaft sexual plaything pleasure only punishing pain cries of agony wake up friends JuicyPeach Super Sensual magic female muscle ASMR lovers

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Superhero Down - AUDIO

Superhero Down
Price: 5.00

Imagine being a legendary hero, who even with all of your skills and abilities, have been easily captured by the Power of a Villainous Amazon! You awaken from your unconsciousness, trapped in a steel hard cage, as the sexy (yet vicious) muscle packed varlet goads and teases your vastly inferior form, your peak human male physique utterly useless compared to her superhuman female form! She soon enters your cage to join you, effortlessly bending the metal bars to do so, as she begins to use her beautiful, buff body to knock you senseless, doing so in a sexily teasing manner, a fitting punishment for thwarting her latest evil scheme! She then bursts from her outfit and decides to break you to pieces, while getting her own sexual thrill from your destruction! Erotic audio Legend JuicyPeach works her magic on this sexy story, as always, putting YOU in the action! (15 1/2 minutes)

legendary hero skills abilities captured Power Villainous Amazon unconsciousness steel cage sexy muscle packed varlet peak human male physique superhuman female form metal bars beautiful buff body senseless teasing punishment evil scheme outfit break destruction sexual thrill Erotic audio JuicyPeach action

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Blind Date Blessing - AUDIO

Blind Date Blessing
Price: 4.00

You return to the home of your blind date, a tall, shapely beauty, and things couldn't be going better - or could they! It's not long before she entices you further, quickly showing off much more of her voluptuous form, which you are Thrilled to see is filled with thick, hard, super strong female muscle! She loves your reaction to her Amazonian physique, as she gets more and more erotic with her words and displays of her superior power! It's not long before you are carried to her bedroom, where she then proceeds to introduce you to the Best Sex imaginable, that with a super sexy muscle girl! You will Absolutely Love the first of our upcoming series of audio clips (all of which putting YOU in the action), from some of The Best in the business of ASMR and audio erotica! This one performed by the Ultra Sensual voice and attitude of JuicyPeach Audio! (25 minutes)

blind date tall shapely beauty voluptuous female muscle Amazonian physique superior power bedroom Best Sex muscle girl audio clips ASMR audio erotica JuicyPeach Audio Ultra Sensual attitude.

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Amy's Conquest 5 part 1 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 5 part 1
Price: 6.00

When Amy heads off to college, she seeks to join a Very Special Sorority (along with some equally Amazonian friends), one that specializes in hard, sexy female muscle. The first part of their trails is to create the best Female Muscle calendar around, something they do to a T - with the help of the football team's "all too willing" players, of course. - Awesome artwork by FemForteFan!

Amy college Very Special Sorority Amazonian friends hard sexy female muscle trails create best Female Muscle calendar T help football team all too willing players Awesome artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest 6 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 6
Price: 6.00

When Amy and her fellow college musclegirls come across a woman whose cheating husband has a thing for female muscle, they decide to help her out by showing this foolish man that with hard, fit, buff girls comes unreal strength and power; all of which they use on his helpless form, all in their own unique fashion, to teach him a very valuable lesson! - Fantastic artwork (and a Load of incredible shots) by FemForteFan!

Amy college musclegirls woman cheating husband female muscle strength power buff girls lesson artwork shots FemForteFan

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The Best of the Weaker Sex - Part 2 - PDF

The Best of the Weaker Sex - Part 2
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Yatz)

Another compilation story filled with smaller tales of female physical superiority, from an assortment of sexy young Amazons - Superb artwork by Yatz!

compilation story smaller tales female physical superiority sexy young Amazons artwork Yatz

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Lori's New Play Toy - PDF

Lori's New Play Toy
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

An up to date reworking of one of our Oldest Illustrated stories, drawn now by the Unequalled, Edson! Here we have a tale of two sexy college musclegirls, Tina who adores cuddling with her loving man as he relishes her thick, muscular body, and Heather, a buff dominant girl that is not afraid to show her boyfriend the painful errors of his cheating ways! Loads of female physical superiority here, and no matter what type of sexy Amazon girl you like, this story has it ALL!

up to date reworking Illustrated stories Edson sexy college musclegirls Tina cuddling loving man thick muscular body Heather buff dominant girl boyfriend cheating female physical superiority Amazon girl

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It Takes Two - PDF

It Takes Two
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Lucy (aka infintesilence))

Travel through the years of College Amazons Tiffany and Stacy's life, as they share their most erotic secrets and sexual exploits with YOU, from their initial realization that they are in Lust with Female Muscle, to their college years when these buff beauties realize they're in Love with one another! - Fantastic illustrations by Lucy (aka infintesilence)!

Travel College Amazons Tiffany Stacy erotic secrets sexual exploits Lust Female Muscle buff beauties Love illustrations Lucy infintesilence

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The Separation - PDF

The Separation
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

When a woman finds her husband's secret stash of Amazon Erotica, she emotionally confronts him, concluding in their separation. One year later a surprise message for him to meet with her leads to a shocking revelation, and Lots of Female Muscle Fun! - Our latest story from Iconic DTV author, Intenseman!, with Fantastic artwork by FemForteFan!

woman husband secret stash Amazon Erotica emotionally confronts separation surprise message shocking revelation Female Muscle Fun Iconic DTV author Intenseman Fantastic artwork FemForteFan

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My Protector - PDF

My Protector
Price: 6.00
(Story: Intenseman, Artwork: Luis XIII)

When a man wakes up in the bedroom of a gloriously gorgeous and gigantic Amazon woman, after being viciously attacked by a group of men, he finds sexual joys with His Protector unlike any he had ever experienced. Female muscle bliss for them both at its best! - a Terrific story by the legendary Intenseman, with Amazing artwork by a NEW AC artist, luis XIII!

man wakes up bedroom gloriously gorgeous gigantic Amazon woman viciously attacked group of men sexual joys His Protector experienced Female muscle bliss Terrific story legendary Intenseman Amazing artwork NEW AC artist luis XIII

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A Mugger's Mistake - PDF

A Mugger's Mistake
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Luis XIII)

When a young Asian Amazon is attacked on her way home from the gym, this college co-ed (and Judo instructor) shows her foolish assaulter the real reason for her lush, voluptuous curves - that being layers of hard, strong, shapely Female Muscle! - Unreal illustrations by luis XIII!

young Asian Amazon attacked gym college co-ed Judo instructor foolish assaulter real reason lush voluptuous curves layers hard strong shapely Female Muscle Unreal illustrations luis XIII

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Sandi Stone: Muscle Mistress - PDF

Sandi Stone: Muscle Mistress
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Everton)

Sandi Stone claims yet another sex-boy-toy for her to play with, and she plays Hard! After watching her Destroy several men in the ring, a lucky male catches the eye of this teenage titan, who has him brought backstage for his first taste (of many to come) of hard, crushing, sexual female muscle! - a Great story from the Sandi Stone Collection, with Awesome artwork by another New Artist to AC, Everton!

Sandi Stone claims sex-boy-toy play Hard Destroy men ring lucky male catches the eye teenage titan brought backstage first taste hard crushing sexual female muscle Great story Sandi Stone Collection Awesome artwork New Artist AC Everton

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Pleasure And Pain (Part 1) - PDF

Pleasure And Pain (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork :Brezo)

In this series of shorter Amazonian inspired tales, we see an assortment of instances where super strong females dish out either Pleasure or Pain to the various men in their lives! - Awesome artwork by another New AC artist, Brezo!

Amazonian tales super strong females Pleasure Pain men lives artwork New AC artist Brezo

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Pleasure And Pain (Part 2) - PDF

Pleasure And Pain (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Everton)

More from this series of shorter Amazonian inspired tales, where we see an assortment of instances of super strong females dishing out either Pleasure or Pain to the various men in their lives! - Unreal pictures by Everton on this one!

Amazonian tales super strong females Pleasure Pain men lives pictures Everton

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Never Mess With An Amazon - PDF

Never Mess With An Amazon
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Rob)

When two arrogant gym rats start insulting a female gym-instructor, they get much more than they bargained for in return, as her (and later her equally buff girl-friend) mighty muscles make short work (not to mention, sex-slaves) of these two foolish male muscle heads! - Absolutely Awesome artwork by Rob here, on a Classic M.C. Story! !

arrogant gym rats insulting female gym-instructor much more bargained for return mighty muscles short work sex-slaves foolish male muscleheads Absolutely Awesome artwork Rob Classic M.C. Story

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Brian's Luck - PDF

Brian's Luck
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Pedro)

Good-hearted Brian, a long time muscle-loving man, is all set to give up his female muscle lusting ways after just one date with Cindy, a super shapely exotic beauty, pledging his heart and soul to her fully, not realizing that her lush physique hides a sexy secret, one that will ensure Brian never need give up such fantasies, ever again! - Awesome CGI artwork by Pedro here! ALSO INCLUDED: Many Bonus Pics that are easily as Sexy as the pics within this story!!

good-hearted Brian long time muscle-loving man give up female muscle lusting ways one date Cindy super shapely exotic beauty pledging heart and soul fully realizing lush physique hides sexy secret ensure never need give up fantasies awesome CGI artwork Pedro included bonus pics sexy story

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Superstrong Substitute (Part 1) - PDF

Superstrong Substitute (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Felicia is a no nonsense Ebony Amazon who is all about female superiority, and when you're super strong, statuesque, and sexy as all Hell, Superior is one thing that no man will ever dispute with you, especially those she encounters on her first day teaching at a new school, where her ultra muscular physique proves time and again just who the new boss is now! - Amazing artwork by Edson on this one!

Felicia no nonsense Ebony Amazon female superiority super strong statuesque sexy Hell Superior man dispute encounters first day teaching new school ultra muscular physique new boss Amazing artwork Edson

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Superstrong Substitute (Part 2) - PDF

Superstrong Substitute (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

The beautifully buff, Ebony Amazon Felicia, is back, once again to further dominate and intimidate her school's Principal (for daring to boss her around), then off to Sub an unruly class, where she teaches her own brand of Female Superiority, much to the dismay of her male students, and the delight of her classes teenage girls! - The Incredible skills of Edson return on this one!

beautifully buff Ebony Amazon Felicia back dominate intimidate school's Principal boss Sub unruly class teach brand Female Superiority dismay male students delight classes teenage girls Incredible skills Edson

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The Moth To The Flame - PDF

The Moth To The Flame
Price: 6.00
(Story: John Castle, Artwork: Leonardo)

When a muscle loving man (who thanks to an Amazonian babysitter when he was younger, has an Uncontrollable desire for crushing female thighs) sets up a meeting for the Ultimate Crush with the biggest, most muscular woman he could find, he gets Exactly what he asked for; unfortunately for him, as Perfect as this Fantasy Session is, it's a one time only event! - Leonardo's awesome color pics grace this incredible tale by John Castle!

muscle loving man Amazonian babysitter Uncontrollable desire crushing female thighs meeting Ultimate Crush biggest most muscular woman Exactly what he asked for Perfect Fantasy Session one time only event Leonardo's awesome color pics incredible tale John Castle

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Ultimate Amazon Folio - PDF

Ultimate Amazon Folio
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo, Everton, Max, Edson, Rob, Jupiter I, Jorge & Gianluca)

What do you get when you ask some of THE BEST female muscle artists around to draw THEIR take on what their Ultimate Fantasy Amazon is to them, well you get THIS, an Amazing folio full of images straight from the artist's mind, and right onto the page! - Incredible illustrations by such artists as Jebriodo, Everton, Max, Edson, Rob, Jupiter I, Jorge, Gianluca, and Many More!

female muscle artists Ultimate Fantasy Amazon folio images illustrations Jebriodo Everton Max Edson Rob Jupiter I Jorge Gianluca artists

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 1) - PDF

Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Allan)

Steve had always loved Amazonian women, that is until he started dating one, a towering tormentress that used and abused him time and again, causing him to swear off (aka fear) such women from then on; though when he finds that a possible new love is also a hard bodied female, will fear drive him away from her, or will be give love with an Amazon one last chance? - More Unreal illustrations by Allan on this one!

Amazonian women dating towering tormentress abused swear off fear hardbodied female love Allan illustrations.

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Pinky Has Some Fun (& More Fun) - PDF

Pinky Has Some Fun (& More Fun)
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Alphadawg)

When some peeping tom boys barge in on a group of sexy high school girls taking in some sun, it's up to the muscle-packed Pinky (younger sister to one of these girls) to set them straight, using her rock solid physique and superior strength to turn the intruding males into boy-toys for these teenage girls; while claiming the cutest one (who she happens to have feelings for) for herself, to have a bit of Female Muscle Fun! Both parts of this series from M.C. are here, illustrated awesomely by alphadawg!

peeping tom boys barge in group sexy high school girls sun muscle-packed Pinky younger sister set them straight rock solid physique superior strength intruding males boy-toys teenage girls cutest one feelings Female Muscle Fun series M.C. illustrated alphadawg

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Wayne's Worst Nightmare - PDF

Wayne's Worst Nightmare
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Fabio)

Macho, muscle head Wayne thinks it's his lucky day, when he spots a gorgeous female bodybuilder working out at his gym; though his luck turns sour when she begins to Utterly Dominate him (both on the weights, and on the mat), as she exacts a Harsh Vengeance on him for an unspeakable act he committed! Unreal COLOR artwork here by Fabio!

Macho muscle head Wayne lucky day gorgeous female bodybuilder gym Utterly Dominate weights mat Harsh Vengeance unspeakable act Unreal COLOR artwork Fabio

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Legs - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonLover, Artwork: Diego)

When a lusting office worker can't get enough of his co-worker's sleek, hard, sexy legs, he finally brings up this topic with her, which leads to an invite back to her place so they could be admired first-hand; though admiration quickly turns to pain and humiliation as he finds out just how Strong female legs can be, not just by her rock-hard thighs and diamond calves, but that of her bigger, buffer friend as well! Awesome artwork by Diego on this Amazon Lover story!

lusting office worker co-worker sleek hard sexy legs topic invite admired pain humiliation strong female legs rock-hard thighs diamond calves buffer friend artwork Diego Amazon Lover story

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The Artist - PDF

The Artist
Price: 6.00
(Story: Anonymous, Artwork: Diego & Everton)

When a young female artist wants to live out her Amazon fantasies, she hires two toweringly powerful and beautifully buxom 20-somethings to dominate an attractive male stripper. Will he survive their poses, or be demolished as their ultimate sex toy? Sexy color art by Diego and Everton on an anonymous classic!

young female artist Amazon fantasies hires powerful buxom dominate attractive male stripper survive poses demolished ultimate sex toy sexy color art Diego Everton anonymous classic

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White Gals Can Jump - PDF

White Gals Can Jump
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Just as a final game of basketball is about to end for a trio of cocky male jocks, in strolls the form of a curvaceous young woman, who is foolish enough to challenge all three to a game (with her heels, no less); though it's soon the males who are deemed the fools as they are overwhelmed on and then off the court, but this unbeatable female specimen! Fantastic artwork by Dracowhip on this Jack Straw tale!

basketball trio male jocks curvaceous young woman challenge game heels males overwhelmed court unbeatable female specimen artwork Dracowhip Jack Straw tale

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The Event (Discovery - Part 1) - PDF

The Event (Discovery - Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Dracowhip)

Something is happening in the world, something Amazing! It seems that women across the globe, of all ages, shapes and sizes, are being given superhuman strength; unbeknowest to even them, seemingly based on their size of their breasts! Watch as the beginning of our first chapter delves into a sample of these fantastic females, as they (and those around them) discover their newfound Power for the first time - though it surely won't be the last! More unreal artwork from Dracowhip on this one!

world amazing women globe ages shapes sizes superhuman strength breasts chapter fantastic females power artwork Dracowhip

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Rogue Genie (Part 2 - The Jungle) - PDF

Rogue Genie (Part 2 - The Jungle)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Rafael)

Kevin thought he saw it all, after unlocking a sexy genie who could fulfill his every desire - that was until he mysteriously woke up in the middle of a jungle, surrounded by Towering Amazons! His lust for powerful females now taking a backseat to his own safety, as these women use him for their own pleasure - until an unknown Gigantic Jungle Girl bursts in to claim him for herself, but is she Friend or Foe?! More awesome artwork from Rafael on this Puppetman story!

Kevin sexy genie desire jungle Towering Amazons powerful females safety pleasure Gigantic Jungle Girl Friend or Foe artwork Rafael Puppetman story

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The Boss' Daughter (Part 2 - The Party) - PDF

The Boss' Daughter (Part 2 - The Party)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Ronaldo)

Sexy muscle girl Bonnie is thrilled to show off her new boyfriend John at her friend's party, which is filled with young females who are physically superior to most any man! Though these girls treat their men with respect and love, all except the towering titaness Mona, who takes a strong liking to John, and claims him for herself! That is until Bonnie returns to the scene, punishing this bullying Amazon and re-claiming her man for some sexy time to follow! Puppetman's story concludes here, with Awesome artwork from Ronaldo!

Sexy musclegirl Bonnie boyfriend John party young females physically superior respect love towering titaness Mona liking bullying Amazon reclaiming man sexy time Puppetman story artwork Ronaldo

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Emancipation Of The Old Gym - PDF

Emancipation Of The Old Gym
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: R.M.G.)

When a local gym is overtaken by a vicious gang, it's up to a pair of gorgeous young Amazons to take it back! These foolish men don't know what they're in for, as they hurl lecherous calls at the two beautiful buff babes; that is until female muscles are exposed and their unreal power is displayed, and Untold Pain for these bullying brutes is unleashed! Fantastic artwork here by R.M.G. on this Jack Straw story!

local gym vicious gang gorgeous young Amazons take it back foolish men lecherous calls beautiful buff babes female muscles unreal power Untold Pain bullying brutes Fantastic artwork R.M.G. Jack Straw story

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Elimidate: The Aftermath - PDF

Elimidate: The Aftermath
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Lopo)

When a frustrated young man gets fed-up with the overabundance of strong, powerful girls on TV dating shows, he decides to join one himself and prove it's all Fake! Though power packed gymnast Cindy (from our previous Room Raiders story) has other ideas, as she shows him first-hand just how strong girls today have become, allowing him to see and feel from her rock solid form (and those of her Amazonian BFFs, Allison and Becky) just how powerful today's females truly are - and how futile fighting that fact is! Unreal color artwork from Lopo on this story!

frustrated young man fed-up overabundance strong powerful girls TV dating shows join prove Fake power packed gymnast Cindy Room Raiders other ideas first-hand rock solid form Amazonian BFFs Allison Becky powerful females futile fighting fact Unreal color artwork Lopo

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Beaten To The Punch - PDF

Beaten To The Punch
Price: 6.00
(Story: Brooksie, Artwork: Jupiter1)

When a super fit, powerfully built teenage girl has some fun putting her Mom's date in some ironclad holds (all done for fun, though still uncomfortably inescapable for him), it's up to this Muscle MILF to make her entrance, showing her date for the evening who is actually the stronger female in this house (for now, anyway), much to his delight! A fantastic story by Brooksie, drawn by the Iconic Jupiter I!

super fit powerfully built teenage girl ironclad holds Muscle MILF stronger female house Brooksie Jupiter I

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College Girl Muscle (Redux) - PDF

College Girl Muscle (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

An up to date reworking of one of our Oldest Illustrated stories, drawn now by the Unequalled, Edson! Here we have a tale of two sexy college musclegirls, Tina who adores cuddling with her loving man as he relishes her thick, muscular body, and Heather, a buff dominant girl that is not afraid to show her boyfriend the painful errors of his cheating ways! Loads of female physical superiority here, and no matter what type of sexy Amazon girl you like, this story has it ALL!

up to date reworking oldest illustrated stories drawn unequalled Edson tale two sexy college musclegirls Tina adores cuddling loving man relishes thick muscular body Heather buff dominant girl not afraid show boyfriend painful errors cheating ways loads female physical superiority type Amazon girl

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Luncheon In L.A. / Like Mother, Like Daughter (Redux) - PDF

Luncheon In L.A. / Like Mother, Like Daughter (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

Two Amazonian stories in One here! First, a gathering of young female friends, as gorgeous as they are muscular, meet up for a meal, where stories of how they "handle" their men with their incredible strength is always on the menu! Next we have the sexiest mother/daughter combo around, who decide to let loose their rock solid, super strong bodies on a group of loud, obnoxious young men and their party van as well! The Iconic R.M.G. returns to illustrate both of these stories!

Amazonian stories gathering young female friends gorgeous muscular meal handle men incredible strength menu sexiest mother/daughter combo rock solid super strong bodies group loud obnoxious young men party van Iconic R.M.G.

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Amy's Conquest: 2018 Folio (Amy's College Life) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2018 Folio (Amy's College Life)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Dracowhip)

Amy Hardstone is more than just a Sexy Musclegirl, shes a Sexy COLLEGE Musclegirl, and in this folio we see a sexy sampling of her university themed adventures! From using her amazing strength for her own benefits, or those of her fellow female classmates, not to mention to both allure and intimidate any college guy around her (teachers included), this Legendary Amazon proves she's got what it takes, in and out of the classroom! Awesome illustrations by Dracowhip on this one!

Amy Hardstone Sexy Musclegirl College University strength female classmates allure intimidate college guy teachers Legendary Amazon classroom illustrations Dracowhip

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A Marriage Made In Muscle - PDF

A Marriage Made In Muscle
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter1)

Here we view the all too sexy highlights of a wedding filled with female muscle! A gorgeous female bodybuilding bride, her equally Amazonian BFFs as her bridesmaids, all leads to an assortment of sexy scenes featuring these beautiful buff ladies showing off their ultra-fit forms, in a variety of wedding themed settings. Each sexy Supergirl with their own unique look, all girlishly excited to share the Big Day of one of their long time besties, and a night none of them will ever forget! Absolutely Incredible art from the Iconic Jupiter I on this one!

sexy highlights wedding female muscle gorgeous female bodybuilding bride Amazonian BFFs bridesmaids assortment scenes beautiful buff ladies ultra-fit forms variety wedding themed settings sexy supergirl unique look girlishly excited Big Day long time besties night incredible art Iconic Jupiter I

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Jessica's Tale - Amy's Side Story 5 - TEXT

Jessica's Tale - Amy's Side Story 5
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

This time it's Amy's best friend Jessica's time to shine, as she sexily pumps her body hard and strong for a long-time lusting crush (her brother's best friend David), though when she emerges from her basement gym to find he had just left, it's her brother John that gets Crushed, and in very naughty ways! Though it's not long before Amy pops in for a little fun of her own, and then a surprise return of someone who gets caught up in the action, and More Female Muscle than he ever imagined!

Amy best friend Jessica shine pumps body crush brother David gym John naughty fun surprise return female muscle

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Testing Your Faith - TEXT

Testing Your Faith
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a brainy, though physically diminutive, Catholic school boy needs a lesson taught to him about the equality of women, Sister Anna Maria Velasquez, her baby sister and another female star athlete, are there to lend a helping hand.....and arms, and legs, and chest!

brainy physically diminutive Catholic school boy lesson equality women Sister Anna Maria Velasquez baby sister female star athlete helping hand arms legs chest

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The Keys To Control - TEXT

The Keys To Control
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a powerful Amazon woman holds a class for other budding young musclegirls in the joys of Female Dominance and Control, their interest is Sealed after watching one of their own use her buff, hard, powerful physique to completely dominate (physically and sexually) a "willing" male participant, right before their eyes!

Amazon woman class budding musclegirls Female Dominance Control powerful physique dominate physically sexually willing male participant

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Rescued - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

When an adorable, yet physically weak, man is forcibly taken back by his Amazonian ex-girlfriend (who he had previously broken up with, running away from her, hoping to never see her and her abusive ways again) it's up to a newly met female friend, a thick, muscle packed, buff beauty, to save him from his ex's punishing ways!

adorable physically weak man forcibly taken Amazonian ex-girlfriend broken up running away abusive female friend thick muscle packed buff beauty save punishing ways

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Coffee Talk - Amazon Style - TEXT

Coffee Talk - Amazon Style
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

A businessman out for a cafe lunch can't help but stare at and eavesdrop on the sexy conversation of four beautiful young Amazon girls, three of them with their own female muscle stories to share with one another (and their uninvited, lust-filled listener), the last muscle packed beauty looking to make a brand new story of her own with the "lucky" admirer in the end!!

businessman cafe lunch stare eavesdrop sexy conversation four beautiful young Amazon girls female muscle stories uninvited lust-filled listener muscle packed beauty brand new story lucky admirer

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Homecoming - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

When a former weight-lifting champ, and very handsome alumnus, returns to his college gym for a visit, he meets up with a statuesque, voluptuously muscular young beauty, one who had idolized his previous feats of strength, who then proceeds to show him just how strong a girl can be - much to his delight - in more ways than one! - The first of Many Amazing female muscle stories, from this Incredible author!

former weight-lifting champ handsome alumnus college gym visit statuesque voluptuously muscular young beauty idolized feats of strength strong girl delight amazing female muscle stories incredible author

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The Event (Part 1) - TEXT

The Event (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM & John Castle)

Something strange is happening to women all over, something mysterious, something wonderful, something powerful; as this first of a new upcoming series shows various scenes of humanity discovering that the female sex is no longer what it once was, an Event that would change the way we live, Forever!

women mysterious wonderful powerful series scenes humanity discovering female sex Event change live Forever

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The Event (Part 2) - TEXT

The Event (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Several weeks have past since the world-changing Event occurred, as this continuation tale allows us to take a sneak-peak into the lives of a world full of super-strong females, from celebrity starlets to budding teenage girls, as they use their newfound power as they see fit. Some out for well-deserved payback, some out for sexy playful love, where some girls just wanna have some fun - all of them doing it Their Way!

world-changing Event super-strong females celebrity starlets budding teenage girls newfound power payback sexy playful love fun Their Way

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The Discovery Of The Century - TEXT

The Discovery Of The Century
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM & Demented20)

When a teenage boy uncovers that the Mother of a good female friend of his (one whom he has real feelings for) used to be a muscle flexing, body crushing, sex crazed, bodybuilder (finding an assortment of old video clips of her in her younger years online) he tries his best to keep such news to himself; though such a discovery simply couldn't be kept quiet for long, and once out, it changes the very nature of his entire group of friends, Forever!

teenage boy uncovers Mother good female friend real feelings muscle flexing body crushing sex crazed bodybuilder old video clips younger years online tries his best keep news discovery kept quiet long changes nature entire group of friends Forever

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The Castle Collection (Part 1) - TEXT

The Castle Collection (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

A new series from this unreal author, where we delve into various situations and storylines, each dealing with strong, shapely, sexy females and how they handle the men in their lives!

new series author situations storylines strong shapely sexy females men handle

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The Castle Collection (Part 2) - TEXT

The Castle Collection (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

A furthering of our new series from this unreal author, where we once more delve into various situations and storylines dealing with strong, shapely, sexy females and how they handle the men in their lives!

furthering new series unreal author delve various situations storylines strong shapely sexy females handle men lives

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Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 3) - TEXT

Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Our gathering of gorgeous young Amazons continue to tell one another their all too sexually oriented female muscle stories, this time focusing around a pre-FBB contest orgy with Both Cassandra and Brittany (and their all too lucky boyfriends), causing them all to get Highly Aroused; they and their nosy neighbor as well, who ends up getting just what he wanted - for now, that is!

gathering young Amazons sexually oriented female muscle stories FBB contest orgy Cassandra Brittany boyfriends Highly Aroused nosy neighbor wanted

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Mary The Meter Maid - TEXT

Mary The Meter Maid
Price: 2.00
(Story: M.C.)

A Brand New and Exclusive story from one of the Top Authors of Martial Arts Stories, M.C. returns with another tale of fighting females to arouse and excite! This time we follow the lovely young Mary, an 18 year old martial arts master, who just loves her summer job as a Meter Maid, especially as it allows her to use her unreal fighting skills to help apply the law whenever she can, not to mention allowing her to ensnare herself a hunking new boyfriend in the process!

Brand New Exclusive story Top Authors Martial Arts Stories M.C. returns tale fighting females arouse excite follow lovely young Mary 18 year old martial arts master summer job Meter Maid unreal fighting skills help apply the law ensnare hunking new boyfriend process

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The Interview - TEXT

The Interview
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When interviewing a strong, muscular woman for his firm, an executive quickly finds out that this gorgeous female before him is easily as much Brawn as she is Brains and Beauty; a fact he learns time and again, both in his office and her home, as she uses her superior strength to control him completely and utterly, leaving little doubt in the end who the Real Boss truly is!

interviewing strong muscular woman executive firm gorgeous female Brawn Brains Beauty office home superior strength control Real Boss

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One Magical Summer (Part 1) - TEXT

One Magical Summer (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Aero)

College girl Jessie is all set for another summer working at Sonic, though this year will be all too different, as a returning hire (a budding teenage bodybuilder) Peyton, comes on the scene to make her life a living Hell! Her abuse being both physical and then sexual, it seems Jessie is utterly helpless against the much stronger female - that is until one fateful night, after particularly harsh treatment from the cruel musclegirl, something magical happens, and Jessie (and her small, weedy body) will Never be the same again!

College girl Jessie summer Sonic returning hire Peyton teenage bodybuilder abuse physical sexual helpless stronger female fateful night harsh treatment musclegirl magical weedy body different

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The Change - TEXT

The Change
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

Sandy is a young housewife, who while happy with her life, wants more, especially in the physique department. So she visits her local Girls-Only Crossfit Gym, where she meets up with Alyssa, a 19 year old muscle-packed beauty, who takes Sandy under her wing, training her to reach physical (and sexual) levels she never thought possible; all the while their grouping of physically superior females grows into something truly amazing! Women, the weaker sex - not if they have anything to say about it!

Sandy young housewife happy wants more physique Girls-Only Crossfit Gym Alyssa 19 year old muscle-packed beauty takes under her wing training physical sexual levels never thought possible grouping physically superior females amazing women weaker sex anything to say

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The Change (Part 2) - TEXT

The Change (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

As Sandy and Alyssa head off to the Bahamas together for a much needed holiday (allowing them to not only get closer with one another, but also plan how best to introduce Sandy's husband into the mix when they return), events back home from the assortment of fit, athletic and physically superior females from their gym take center stage, as they take heart from Alyssa's rousing speech several weeks earlier, now relishing in showing off their superior strength and firm, shapely physiques in a variety of sexily stimulating ways!

Sandy Alyssa Bahamas holiday closer plan introduce husband return events home assortment fit athletic physically superior females gym center stage heart rousing speech weeks earlier relishing showing off strength firm shapely physiques sexily stimulating ways

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More Money, More Muscles, More Mangling (Part 1) - TEXT

More Money, More Muscles, More Mangling (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Athena's Acquiescence)

When female muscle loving Dave starts online chatting with fellow FBB admirer Mike and dominating Amazon Velda, he had no idea what lay in store for him! A meeting is soon arranged for them all, one which involves a video recording and a pot of prize money put up by the wealthy Mike; a stash which at first belongs to Dave, that is until Velda forcibly gets him to sign it over to her, dollar by dollar, dwindling his much needed pot of cash in order to save his continually demolished body!

female muscle Dave online chatting FBB admirer Mike dominating Amazon Velda meeting video recording prize money wealthy stash forcibly sign dollar by dollar dwindling pot of cash save demolished body

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Black Dress Tease - VIDEO

Black Dress Tease
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rick Robbins)

No words spoken for this one, and none are surely needed; just the sensuously moving, muscle packed form of super-sexy Lyndsay Dejager, who is an unequaled pro in the art of sensual muscle posing. Both in and out of her sleek, black evening dress, she moves and flexes her hard, rippling physique for your utmost enjoyment - and lover of female muscle or no, you WILL enjoy! Another great video clip from Rick Dobbins!

no words spoken sensuously moving muscle packed form super-sexy Lyndsay Dejager unequaled pro art sensual muscle posing sleek black evening dress moves flexes hard rippling physique utmost enjoyment lover female muscle great video clip Rick Dobbins

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Emery Miller - Bedroom Buff Babe 3 - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Bedroom Buff Babe 3
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

Emery returns one more time, with her unreal sensually spoken words and lush, flexing female form, all for her man; who is quickly thrown onto the bed, where she soon after straddles him, proving to him that she is his Superior in every way - especially in the Bedroom! Another fantastic video shot by Awefilms, for Exclusive Amy's Conquest use!

Emery sensually spoken words lush flexing female form man bed straddles Superior Bedroom video Awefilms Exclusive Amy's Conquest

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Megan Avalon - Birthday Surprise (Part 3) - VIDEO

Megan Avalon - Birthday Surprise (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Sexy Supergirl Megan continues to squeeze and crush her unwilling male victim, all for her boyfriend's birthday enjoyment, until she notices that her man is secretly video taping her birthday surprise; something that she doesn't appreciate at all, as she then KO's her current male play-toy to now focus her powerful female muscles on her foolish boyfriend, threatening him with a series of muscle crushing, while forcing him to worship her shapely, hard body! Jersey Black is back again for this one!

Sexy Supergirl Megan squeeze crush male victim boyfriend birthday enjoyment video taping surprise KO play-toy powerful female muscles foolish threatening muscle crushing worship shapely hard body Jersey Black

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Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen continues to show off her muscular, hard body for her evening's date, proving to him with sexy flexes and erotically crushing cuddles how Unreal it can be to be with a woman such as she; something he fully agrees with before too long, swiftly becoming a huge fan of powerfully built women, especially Monix (and her bouncing pecs)! - Another sexy female muscle clip shot by Jersey Black!

super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen muscular hard body evening's date proving sexy flexes erotically crushing cuddles Unreal woman fully agrees huge fan powerfully built women Monix bouncing pecs sexy female muscle clip Jersey Black

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Rapture - Talent Agent Trouncing - VIDEO

Rapture - Talent Agent Trouncing
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rapture)

When Rapture enters the office of an obnoxious, talent agent, with the idea of getting a juicy upcoming role, he takes one look at her portfolio and scolds her for wasting his time, as he feels her muscular physique is Not what women should look like! Well, the towering Titaness then locks the door, strips out of her already sexy outfit, and proves to him just How Sexy such women can be - by manhandling him with her much stronger arms, legs, and glutes (a feat that gets her a bit excited at that) while changing his mind about the Beauty of Female Muscle! The first of several new videos from Rapture, here on Amy's Conquest!

Rapture talent agent portfolio muscular physique Titaness sexy outfit manhandling stronger arms legs glutes Beauty of Female Muscle videos Amy's Conquest

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Jennifer Thomas - Bodyguard Beatdown - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Bodyguard Beatdown
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer Thomas)

We are lucky enough Again to be working with another Legend in the field of erotic mixed wrestling videos, as Jennifer Thomas now joins AC for several Brand New videos! In our first, the beautifully buff Jennifer enters the home of a crude, arrogant man, telling him that she's his new bodyguard, hired by his wealthy parents due to him getting into so many fights (because of his own cocky attitude). Well he refuses her services, demeaning her for being a woman; a big mistake to this extremely capable female, as she then manhandles him with ease, putting him in painful hold after hold, proving to him that he can easily defend him from all harm - though who will protect him from her?!

lucky working Legend field erotic mixed wrestling videos Jennifer Thomas AC Brand New videos beautifully buff enters home crude arrogant man bodyguard wealthy parents fights cocky attitude refuses services demeaning woman mistake capable female manhandles ease painful hold defend harm protect

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Miss Andrea Untamed - Webmistress Wife Domination - VIDEO

Miss Andrea Untamed - Webmistress Wife Domination
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Miss Andrea Untamed)

We are Thrilled to give you now a series of videos featuring one of the most Iconic and Dominant female wrestlers around, Miss Andrea Untamed! In this first clip, Andrea is doing what she does best, entertaining her legion of website fans with her strong, sexy body! That is until her foolish husband comes in and gives her grief for showing off her body online; though enough is enough as she then decides to not only continue such sessions, but to include her man in on them, specifically by manhandling, smothering, squeezing and overall dominating his wimpy ass! All to the enjoyment of her many fans, who tip her very heavily for this latest video!

Thrilled series videos iconic dominant female wrestlers Andrea Untamed clip entertaining website fans strong sexy body husband grief showing off online manhandling smothering squeezing dominating wimpy ass fans tipping video

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Dazzled By Dawn - PDF

Dazzled By Dawn
Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Young internet millionaire Dennis is utterly enraptured by the strong, muscular and gorgeous Dawn! Here he tells his story about his first meeting with the sexy muscle girl (after delving into his initial encounter with a stronger, fitter girl while in college, one who enjoyed humiliating him with her strength), a chance introduction with the dazzling Dawn, which quickly leads to lunch and then a meeting for some playful wrestling later on. Though her complete physical control of his weaker body, done in a teasingly sensual manner, soon turns into full blown sexual delights for them both, ending with the first of many erotic explosions to come for this female-muscle loving couple! Awesome artwork by Dracowhip here, on this classic AmazonFan story!

young internet millionaire Dennis enraptured strong muscular gorgeous Dawn story first meeting sexy musclegirl delving initial encounter college stronger fitter girl enjoyed humiliating strength chance introduction dazzling lunch meeting playful wrestling complete physical control weaker body teasingly sensual manner full blown sexual delights first many erotic explosions female-muscle loving couple awesome artwork Dracowhip classic AmazonFan story

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Warning Signs And Short Stuff - PDF

Warning Signs And Short Stuff
Price: 8.00
(Story: The Collector, Artwork: Edson)

This tale is filled with small scenes of various signs that You should be aware of, in order to help identify those of the fairer (yet so much stronger) sex! Whether you are a harsh boss barking at your female employees, a caring guy playing pranks on your girlfriend, a man taken by surprise of the strength from your new date's young daughter (and she herself), or a groom about to be introduced to the world of superior women by your bride at the altar; all of these scenes and more are displayed for both your enjoyment and as a warning - dismiss the unreal power of the women in your life at your own risk! Amazing artwork from Edson on this classic tale by The Collector!

small scenes signs identify fairer sex harsh boss female employees caring guy pranks girlfriend strength new date young daughter groom superior women bride altar warning power women life risk artwork classic tale The Collector

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Tales of the Young and Musclebound (Part 4) - TEXT

Tales of the Young and Musclebound (Part 4)
Price: 3.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

The Legendary author of Teenage Titans is back, with another anthology story filled with youthful powerhouses that have more than enough strength and muscle to do anything they want! From those helping out their family by earning big bucks with even Bigger Flexes, to those who surprise their college boyfriends for some sexy muscle fun only to then deal with his cheating ways, to girls who are powerfully persuasive about the sexy outfits they're wearing, to those who teach a lecherous father of her best friend a real lesson - heck, even Santa Claus himself gets involved in one of these super sexy stories! Like your female muscle tales plentifully short and sweet, then this one (and this series) is for YOU!

Legendary author Teenage Titans anthology story youthful powerhouses strength muscle big bucks Bigger Flexes surprise college boyfriends sexy muscle fun cheating ways girls powerfully persuasive sexy outfits teach lecherous father best friend real lesson Santa Claus super sexy stories female muscle tales short and sweet series

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Sara - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Tom & Diego)

When a young man starts his college years, he quickly befriends a powerful, thickly muscled girl named Sara, who luckily for him lives just down the hall. His lust for such physically superior females comes to fruition, as the sultry Supergirl lures him in with feats of strength, which quickly turn into erotic, muscle love-making between them! Sara continues showing off her strength in public, which always gets her man hot and bothered! Whether she overpowers the school's jocks in arm-wrestling, or batters about a large, muscular man in the gym, all of which ends with passionate sexual sessions, where she shows her physical superiority over her now boyfriend! An awesome story, with artwork by Tom and Diego here!

young man college years powerful thickly muscled girl Sara lust physically superior females sultry supergirl feats of strength erotic muscle love-making public strength hot overpowers arm-wrestling muscular man gym physical superiority boyfriend artwork Tom Diego

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Lilly Ice - Sign Please, Or Get Squeezed - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Sign Please, Or Get Squeezed
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

When Gym Expert Lilly enters the home of a man, asking him to sign a petition to allow a women's only gym (specializing in top female physiques) to be set up nearby, he chauvinistically replies with a No, stating that he's not into women being stronger than men. Fitness fanatic Lilly isn't one to take such a negative reply lightly, and proceeds to use her buff body to show him the "benefits" of having such physically powerful women in his area, and even in his own life! After a series of crushing squeezes, mangling limbs and body lifts, the once uncooperative male is quickly convinced that being the weaker sex isn't as far off a notion as he originally thought, and there isn't anything he can do to stop more strong, sexy girls popping up around him in the future!

Gym Expert Lilly man petition women's only gym female physiques chauvinistic strong women buff body physically powerful crushing squeezes mangling limbs body lifts weaker sex strong sexy girls

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The fight about the pronoun - TEXT

The fight about the pronoun
Price: 4.00

A UFC fighter identifies as a man despite having all the usual female equipment (boobs, uterus, vagina etc), because that's the only way he can fight in his weight class of 290 pounds. The pronouns used are "he, him". Nigel doesn't care, and refers to him as a girl, so he gets challenged. Nigel thinks that just because his birth certificate says "female", that's a permanent marker. The rest of the story is about how Nigel is destroyed, in detail. Not for the faint-hearted.

UFC Fight Female Fighter Boobs Uterus Vagina Nigel Girl

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Tori and the nephew - TEXT

Tori and the nephew
Price: 3.00
(Story: Sheila C.)

Tori is a caring auntie, who guides her nephew Mark to the adult age. Mark is doubtful about how to choose his dates, so Tori is willing to show him what should be taken into consideration. Taking him to the gym, dressed in a way that emphasizes her perfect shapely muscular sexy body, she uses a bunch of bullies to show her nephew the meaning of hot female strength. Those thugs are going to experience the wildest arousal of their lives, due to Tori's amazing use of her body and their cocky machismo. The ridiculous illusion of being stronger than women, in any case, will be a good chance for those men to learn a good lesson, while Mark will never see his aunt Tori with the same eyes again.

Tori caring auntie nephew Mark adult age dates consideration gym shapely muscular sexy body bullies hot female strength thugs arousal machismo illusion lesson.

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Chopper gang - TEXT

Chopper gang
Price: 3.00

Tori loves working out, being fit, in shape. Her body efficiency is beyond belief. A violent gang of bikers is about to discover her talents and her deep knowledge of the human body, as they try to harass and fondle her. Her female power will reduce the men's ego in smithereens, inducing the wildest cumshots they will ever experience, with no need to touch their proud cocks. Once they understand that her skills, strength, and hotness are just incredible, they'll collapse from the inside, becoming hydrants out of control.

Tori working out fit shape body efficiency gang bikers talents knowledge human body harass fondle female power reduce ego cumshots skills strength hotness incredible collapse hydrants control.

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 6) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 6)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our story continues many years after the previous Chapter, A.J. miraculously being saved from the savage beating given to him by Janey's sister Nancy (which causes a massive rift between the protective amazon and her family to this day)! Janey now in her mid-50s, though like all women in this new world looks half her age, stunningly gorgeous, with breasts and brains to die for! Her experience in lovingly treating her darling husband through the years leads to her writing a best-selling book on how to love your man, inspiring the world, especially the Swedish Royal Family, who invite them to visit. These stunning regal females treat A.J. with the utmost respect and gentility, and invite Janey to participate in a private all-girl wrestling tournament, where the tall, nordic beauties test their power and skill against her (all for fun), to see which gets to claim their prize!

story years Chapter A.J. saved beating Janey sister Nancy rift protective amazon family mid-50s women new world gorgeous breasts brains experience husband best-selling book love man inspiring Swedish Royal Family visit regal females respect gentility private all-girl wrestling tournament nordic beauties power skill fun prize.

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 4) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our story continues as we introduce Harper, a unique young woman known as a Superbig! Her amplified breasts are truly Massive, and with that comes physical power that makes other super strong females pale in comparison! Thankfully, she is completely loyal to A.J. and Janey, and would never hurt them (other than occasional erotically charged bits of discomfort), often acting as a protector for A.J. when his Amazonian wife isn't around - such as this very night, when a mature enhanced Doctor at a work conference gets too aggressive with him, and needs to be put into her place! This leads to Janey later planning a night of unbridled sexual pleasure for her special, loving man!

story Harper unique young woman Superbig amplified breasts Massive physical power super strong females loyal A.J. Janey hurt occasional erotically charged bits of discomfort protector Amazonian wife mature enhanced Doctor work conference aggressive put into her place Janey planning night unbridled sexual pleasure special loving man

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 3) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

During a business meeting where A.J. is about to be taken full advantage of by yet more vastly powerful super-women, he is taken back to a time when his growing relationship with Janey blossoms, though not without him paying the price for being sexually used by an older woman next door! Still, their bonding grows ever stronger, and the two young lovers get married, leading to a Caribbean honeymoon, where all of their sexual fantasies will be fulfilled - or so they thought! Unfortunately a meeting with some other superhuman females during dinner, leads Janey down a dark path, one she regrets whole-heartedly the next day, though one which causes potentially dire consequences for her darling A.J.!

business meeting A.J. taken advantage powerful super-women relationship Janey blossoms sexually used older woman next door bonding young lovers married Caribbean honeymoon sexual fantasies meeting superhuman females dinner dark path regrets consequences darling A.J.

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 1) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

The first part of what will be an Absolute Classic series, brings us to a world where (due to a meteor strike at the South Pole) the world's female population has been given superhuman power - predominantly in the form of enhanced breast size and vast physical strength! Here we see the early stages of A.J. and Janey's relationship, stud star athlete and beautiful girl next door - lifelong friends that were destined to be togther forever, though how she treated him when her powers first developed put that in serious doubt! Once an alpha male at his High School, A.J. is now a helpless plaything for not only Janey, but any other girl who wants him for her pleasure!

Absolute Classic series world meteor strike South Pole female population superhuman power enhanced breast size physical strength A.J. Janey relationship stud star athlete beautiful girl next door lifelong friends destined together forever powers alpha male High School helpless plaything pleasure

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Tales Of The Young And Musclebound (Volume 2) - TEXT

Tales Of The Young And Musclebound (Volume 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

Once again, this next volume is littered with smaller tales from different young women and their overpoweringly massive muscles! From teenage girls dominating for financial gain, to red-hooded fairy tale characters, to Amazonian foreign exchange students, to young female neighbours looking to out-box the older man across the street, to erotic wish-fulfilment, this next volume of this anthology series has it ALL! If youre into young and musclebound females, then this story is Definitely for you!

young women massive muscles teenage girls financial gain fairy tale characters Amazonian foreign exchange students neighbours older man erotic wish-fulfilment anthology series musclebound females

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Tales Of The Young And Musclebound (Volume 1) - TEXT

Tales Of The Young And Musclebound (Volume 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

In this first of a series from this iconic author, we have several different tales of muscle-packed girls and young women using their unreal strength and rock solid body for a variety of effects (all of them sexy and erotic)! These females know what they want and how to get it, and the assorted men in their lives are just too eager to give it to them (either by sensual persuasion, dominant muscle displays, or both)! If you're into a series of shorter stories, each with their own sexy supergirls showing off their thickly muscled forms, then this anthology series is for YOU!

iconic author muscle-packed girls young women unreal strength rock solid body sexy erotic females men sensual persuasion dominant muscle displays shorter stories supergirls muscled forms anthology series.

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