Search Results for "Ever"


Rapture - Private Dick Punishment - VIDEO

Rapture - Private Dick Punishment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rapture)

Watch Rapture play the part of a sexy, sultry P.I., who lures her latest mark back to her place under the pretense that he's getting Lucky with the Statuesque Supergirl; that is until she changes into a skin-tight catsuit and announces her plans mean a night of Pain, not pleasure, for this foolish man (who has been a serial cheater on his wife, who hired the Gorgeous Glamazon to demolish him, specifically his "manhood", which gets severely beaten and nearly ripped clean off)!

Rapture sexy sultry P.I. lures latest mark place pretense Lucky Statuesque Supergirl changes skin-tight catsuit announces plans night Pain pleasure foolish man serial cheater wife hired Gorgeous Glamazon demolish manhood severely beaten ripped clean off

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Jenna Preston - Psychotic Savior - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Psychotic Savior
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When an injured man wakes up in Jenna's bed after a horrible accident, he's more than a bit confused about how he got there, and what's happening. Jenna tries to sooth him with soft words and tender touches, though he insists on calling his family to let them know he's OK - something his shapely savior is Not happy about, as she crushes his hand, discards his phone and then proceeds to wrap her lusciously strong body around him, putting him in hold after hold, making sure he stays broken and helpless, making sure he stays in her care, Forever!

injured man Jenna bed accident confused family shapely savior crushes hand phone lusciously strong body hold broken helpless care Forever

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Layla Mikayla - Guy's Night (Knock) Out - VIDEO

Layla Mikayla - Guy's Night (Knock) Out
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Layla Mikayla)

In a role reversal of Layla's previous video, it is now her turn to head out for a night of fun with the girls, only to be confronted by her boyfriend who isn't happy about the amount of guy's numbers he's found on her cell phone. Not one to be challenged, or have her privacy be invaded, the sexy Supergirl then proceeds to use her fit, firm and powerful body to show him who's the boss in their relationship! Aggressively crushing and squeezing him to painful unconsciousness, as she then hits an assortment of sensually muscle flexed victory poses over his limp and defeated form!

role reversal Layla video night fun girls boyfriend numbers cell phone privacy supergirl powerful body relationship crushing squeezing unconsciousness victory poses defeated

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Big Red - Pre-Sex Proposal - VIDEO

Big Red - Pre-Sex Proposal
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Big Red)

The ultra muscular Big Red and her new boyfriend are cuddling in bed, ready to escalate their relationship to the next sexual level; though before this happens, she tells him that she has a rule for such things - that for him to have her sexually, he must first beat her in wrestling! Her man is shocked at this proposal, though his desire for her quickly wins out and he ready's himself to take her down; an act that is well beyond his physical levels, as her vastly superior strength man-handle him with near ease! Hold after hold she controls him utterly, squeezing and twisting his inferior form effortlessly, showing him how weak and helpless he is next to her, a fact the mighty muscle girl knew was never in doubt! In the end she decides to allow him to have his way with her, though Only because she desires it!

ultra muscular Big Red new boyfriend cuddling bed escalate relationship sexual level rule sexually beat wrestling shocked proposal desire ready take her down physical levels vastly superior strength man-handle ease hold after hold controls squeezing twisting inferior form weak helpless mighty muscle girl never in doubt allow have his way desires

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Big Legs At The Shoe Store - PDF

Big Legs At The Shoe Store
Price: 8.00
(Story: Calffan, Artwork: Diego)

For Tom, the calf-loving shoe salesman, there was no better customer than Kirsten. Massively muscled (especially her lower half) and loving calf worship as much as he did, the two hit it off immediately! After some impromptu public calf worship at his store, they agree to meet later where they can sate their mutual lust in private. Upon discovering their birthdays had just passed, the two trade "gifts" with Kirsten proceeding to give Tom his first ever calf-fucking! Then some muscle and calf worship, followed by some crushing sexual escapades, Kirsten makes sure that this is a late birthday neither of them will ever forget! Incredible artwork by Diego on this super sexy story from The Calffan!

Tom calf-loving shoe salesman customer Kirsten massively muscled lower half calf worship hit it off immediately impromptu public store meet later sate mutual lust private birthdays passed trade gifts first ever calf-fucking muscle crushing sexual escapades late birthday forget incredible artwork Diego super sexy story The Calffan

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Heather - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Everton)

Tom's first time meeting his new stepsister Heather came with a simple rule, stay away from the gym. But it was his house too, why should he listen to his taller, stronger stepsister, and her even larger friend Claire? His curiosity gets the better of him, unfortunately leading him to be spotted and caught by the two powerful Amazon girls, as the two then have some fun teaching him not to break their rules! A short beating, and some crushing holds later and Tom quickly finds himself forcibly being used for their pleasure! The rules have changed again, whatever Heather wants, goes! Fantastic illustrations here from Everton, on this story by the iconic AmazonFan!

Tom stepsister Heather gym house taller stronger stepsister friend Claire curiosity spotted caught Amazon girls beating crushing holds pleasure rules illustrations Everton AmazonFan

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Lilly Ice - I Can Handle Myself - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - I Can Handle Myself
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

When the gorgeous Lilly greets her boyfriend prior to a night out at his company's dinner party, he is shocked at her sexily styled outfit, stating that the guys he works with will be all over her, and demanding that she change. Though the stunningly sensual Lilly is proud of her body, and feels she should be able to show it off however she wants, which she then convinces her man by showing him what would happen if any guy at the party dared to get out of line with her! Proving time and again how easily she could put them in her place if they get rude or handsy with her, then using her superior strength on him specifically, proving she can more than handle herself, while also making sure he learns to Never order her to change outfits (or anything else) ever again!

gorgeous Lilly boyfriend night out company's dinner party shocked sexily styled outfit guys works all over her demanding change stunningly sensual proud body show off convinces man showing happen party dared get out of line proving time and again easily put them in her place rude handsy superior strength specifically handle herself making sure learns Never order outfits anything else ever again

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DTV Substitute Teacher - TEXT

DTV Substitute Teacher
Price: 3.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie)

It's fun being a substitute teacher - you never know what you're going to have to teach. And this particcular gig was perfect - I was supposed to teach them about the parts of the human body,and how they work together.

fun substitute teacher never know teach particular gig parts human body work together

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Respect all, fear nun - part one - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part one
Price: 3.00

I run an orphanage, but it's very different from the usual orphanages. I'm Fiona, a nun on loan from St Hilda. You'll remember St Hilda's, the convent with the motto "Nil bonum sine passione", which means "No pain, no gain" and denotes the way we use Septadecaherbis and heavy iron to build massive muscles. The ingredients for the seventeen herbs and spices of Septadecaherbis are, of course, a secret. For a St Hilda's nun, I'm less than the average size - my arms are only 21 inches. My best friend Mandy is 24, Nora is 26. But 21 is usually enough. Mandy says that "biceps aren't everything", and proves it by showing her enormous thighs. I don't have huge thighs, but I do have a useful brain. Anyway, back to the orphanage. Apart from the fact that it's run by nuns seconded from St Hilda, we're very focused towards the off springs. It's bad enough that they're orphans, and don't know the love that only parents can give. We do our best for them, but there's a limit to how much love three nuns can give to 24 off springs. It's not that we lack love. It's that there simply isn't enough time in each day to give them what they'd get from a family, from parents. But here's my clever idea. Dogs. As well as 24 off springs, we have 24 dogs. Dogs will give unlimited love, unconditional love, and will be constantly available playmates. Plus, each off spring has to care for his or her dog, so they learn how to give as well as take.

orphanage different nun St Hilda convent motto pain gain Septadecaherbis heavy iron muscles ingredients secret size arms best friend Mandy Nora thighs brain focused parents love nuns time clever idea dogs unlimited love unconditional love playmates care learn give take

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Respect all, fear nun - part six - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part six
Price: 3.00

We use 100 pound weights, because if you only use 50s, you get a very crowded bar. Hilde had four on each side, so she was pushing 800 pounds steadily up and down. And then I realised. She had meant kilograms, I did a quick calculation in my head - double it and add ten per cent, and the 450 came to - oh my giddy aunt! "Nine ninety," I told Nora, "she's topping out at 990 pounds. Not even you can do that." "Eight twenty is my current best clean and jerk," she said, "she's pushing a thousand." A thousand pounds, of course, is the hope and prayer of every St Hilda's nun. It's a nice round number - five disks on each side of the bar. Nora eyed her enviously. "I wonder what they use instead of Septadecaherbis", she mused, "and whether I can try it?" "Ask her," I grumped. Nora grabbed my rosary after compline. "We need to talk," she said, and showed me a small bottle. "What is it?" I asked, curiously. "She calls it Siebzehnkraut," Nora said. I sniffed it cautiously, it didn't smell like Septadecaherbis. "I'm going to try it," Nora announced. "Nora! You shouldn't! You don't know how it will react with you." Nora shook her head, and said "990 pounds. I'm so there." A week went by. Pray and lift, pray and lift. We were happy, the off springs were happy and the dogs were ecstatic - it doesn't take much to make a dog happy. Nora was dosing on Siebzehnkraut, and I was measuring her biceps every day. By the end of the week, she'd put on half an inch to 26 1/2, and her bench press had gone from 670 to 710. It looked like Siebzehnkraut was the real McCoy. I talked to Hilde. "Can we get more of your Siebzehnkraut?" I asked bluntly. "Ab naturlich," she smiled. "I will der mutterhaus schreiben." Well, that was easy. I thought I'd have to twist her arm a bit to get her agreement, and I was pretty sure that her arm was much too big for me to twist. And while we were waiting for the package from Germany to arrive, Hilde shared her own supplies with it.

orphanage different nun St Hilda convent motto pain gain Septadecaherbis heavy iron muscles ingredients secret size arms best friend Mandy Nora thighs brain focused parents love nuns time clever idea dogs unlimited love unconditional love playmates care learn give take

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Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part two - TEXT

Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part two
Price: 3.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. In part two of this series, I cover pain levels six, seven and eight.

people understand pain pain nurse purposes alert wrong too-hot plate rapid action damage everyone second purpose sensation transmitted damage site brain nervous system body actions fix problem healing part three series pain levels nine ten.

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Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part three - TEXT

Pain nurse - no pain, no gain part three
Price: 3.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. In part three of this series, I cover pain levels nine and ten.

people understand pain pain nurse purposes alert wrong too-hot plate rapid action damage everyone second purpose sensation transmitted damage site brain nervous system body actions fix problem healing part three series pain levels nine ten.

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Lysa Strata - TEXT

Lysa Strata
Price: 3.00

Lysa Strata They brought my sister Joanna to my home. They couldn't leave her at hers, she wouldn't be able to cope. Because Joanna was missing a leg. Lysa Strata decided to instigate a strike. A strike of women. No sex until the Forever War was ended.

Lysa Strata sister Joanna home cope missing leg instigate strike women sex Forever War ended

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Sophies Submissive Dominance - TEXT

Sophies Submissive Dominance
Price: 3.00
(Story: JavaBro)

In a playful and unconventional twist on their relationship, Sophie and her boyfriend engage in a dynamic role reversal that taps into her strength and athleticism. Sophie, who exudes confidence and possesses a robust physique, enjoys showcasing her power and dominance over her loving boyfriend by orchestrating a master/servant scenario. In this imaginative game, she permits her boyfriend to have the role of the "master," while she becomes the obedient "servant." With a playful glint in her eye, Sophie uses this playtime to remind her boyfriend who really holds the power. She carries her boyfriend on piggyback rides, effortlessly hoists him onto her shoulders, and gracefully navigates different positions at his "command." Amidst the laughter and lightheartedness, their unconventional role-play strengthens the bond between them, fostering trust and intimacy in a unique way, but netherthless reminding him of just who dictates the role he's actually allowed to play!

playful unconventional relationship Sophie boyfriend role reversal strength athleticism confidence robust physique power dominance master servant imaginative game obedient glint playtime power piggyback rides hoists shoulders positions laughter lightheartedness bond trust intimacy unique dictates.

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Julia (Part 2) - TEXT

Julia (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eric The Red)

Our story continues several months later, where Kyle and Julia have moved in together, their relationship growing stronger, just like the mighty muscles of the dominating Julia! Though with their increased romantic bond comes love and caring from the powerful Amazon girl, at least as much as a young woman such as she is capable of! She clearly on top, in all aspects of their relationship, promising to never truly hurt her darling man, as long as he obeys and trusts her completely! Their sexual escapades reaching new heights during this period, especially when her Aunt Lynn comes to vist! A towering, thickly built, Muscle Goddess, who shows Kyle how she became his girlfriend's inspiration, bringing their Sexual Domination sessions to the next level!

story continues several months later Kyle Julia moved in together relationship growing stronger mighty muscles dominating Julia increased romantic bond love caring powerful Amazon girl young woman capable on top all aspects promising never truly hurt darling man obeys trusts completely sexual escapades reaching new heights Aunt Lynn towering thickly built Muscle Goddess girlfriend's inspiration Sexual Domination sessions next level

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Julia - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Eric The Red)

Kyle (a fit, track and field athlete) has his life drastically changed when he comes across the Amazonian built Julia, who happened to be in the process of physically overpowering a larger male athlete at their school! Her shapely, solid body handling the other boy with ease, even doing so later that night against him and a few of his friends! This leads to her inviting the adorably cute Kyle back to her place, where she shows him just how she likes to dominate men, both in public and in the privacy of the bedroom! She instructs him on how to behave when with her, using her much stronger form to control every aspect of his being; bringing him to his limits of pain and panic, while also showing him pleasures undreamt of - as long as she Obeys her every command!

Kyle fit track and field athlete life drastically changed Amazonian built Julia physically overpowering larger male athlete school shapely solid body handling other boy ease night friends inviting adorably cute place dominate men public privacy bedroom instructs behave stronger form control aspect being limits pain panic pleasures undreamt of Obeys every command

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Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 2) - TEXT

Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Our story continues as Steve prepares for his world title fight against the seemingly unstoppable Amazon, Cara! Though the more of her videos he watches, the more concerned he becomes! How could a woman be so muscular, so powerful, yet So Sexy! Still he plans to push himself to his limits, and beyond, to hold his title and defeat his current contender and bully! Unfortunately when the match begins, it seems that Cara has the advantage, as she powerfully plays with him, doing so in a sensual and erotic manner - all of which sexually thrills Julie watching from her ringside seat, ready to quench her erotic desires with whoever wins this fight! Two endings of this story, a Good and Bad side, means there's something for Everyone on this one!

story Steve world title fight Amazon Cara videos concerned woman muscular powerful sexy plans limits hold title defeat contender bully match advantage powerfully sensual erotic Julie ringside seat quench desires wins fight two endings Good side Bad side something for Everyone

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 7) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 7)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

The years pass rapidly, though while A.J. himself ages normally, his super-enhanced wife Janey does so much, much slower....unfortunately, in time, leading to the passing of her loving, darling husband. Thinking back to more fun, lively times together (not to mention, erotic and sexual) Janey longs for more time with A.J., even though he had lived a very long, very happy life. Though something that helped him with his passing, a sudden surprise, once thought impossible, now instilling in him a joy, knowing that his wife would never, ever, be alone, again. The Final Chapter of this Epic Saga, written by a truly talented author, cannot be missed!

years pass rapidly A.J. ages normally super-enhanced wife Janey slower time passing loving darling husband thinking back fun lively together erotic sexual longs more time very long very happy life helped sudden surprise thought impossible instilling joy wife never alone Final Chapter Epic Saga talented author missed

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 5) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 5)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Living in the world of the New Paradigm is not an easy thing, if you're a man that is! A world filled with women who can snap bones like twigs and crush bodies to pulp without trying, adding in being treated like a total inferior, and being used (and abused) for any woman's enjoyment! Luckily, Janey treats her loving man A.J. like a prince, doing her best to protect him always - that is until her mother and older sister come to visit! Desperate to win their favor, Janey leaves A.J. at their mercy, which is one thing for her "relatively tame" mother Beverly, though sister Nancy has plans all her own, which result in the worst beating A.J. ever experienced!

living world New Paradigm easy man women snap bones crush bodies pulp treated total inferior used abused enjoyment Janey loving man A.J. prince protect mother older sister visit desperate win favor leaves mercy relatively tame Beverly sister Nancy plans worst beating experienced

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 2) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our Epic series continues, as supergirl Janey shows her love A.J. that her new physical enhancements are much more than just vast super strength and invulnerability; as she displays for him all the Amazing things her New Paradigm physique is capable of, doing so in ways that get them both Super aroused and Very sexually satisfied! She feels she has much to make up for over treating him so badly during the past several months, and she plans to let him know that she will Always pleasure, protect and love him; and that while he is now hers, that she is his just as much. A very loving and extremely sexual segment of this series here!

Epic series supergirl Janey love A.J. physical enhancements vast super strength invulnerability Amazing things New Paradigm physique capable Super aroused sexually satisfied make up for treating badly several months pleasure protect always love extremely sexual segment.

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 1) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

The first part of what will be an Absolute Classic series, brings us to a world where (due to a meteor strike at the South Pole) the world's female population has been given superhuman power - predominantly in the form of enhanced breast size and vast physical strength! Here we see the early stages of A.J. and Janey's relationship, stud star athlete and beautiful girl next door - lifelong friends that were destined to be togther forever, though how she treated him when her powers first developed put that in serious doubt! Once an alpha male at his High School, A.J. is now a helpless plaything for not only Janey, but any other girl who wants him for her pleasure!

Absolute Classic series world meteor strike South Pole female population superhuman power enhanced breast size physical strength A.J. Janey relationship stud star athlete beautiful girl next door lifelong friends destined together forever powers alpha male High School helpless plaything pleasure

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Carnal Couple To Thrilling Threesome - TEXT

Carnal Couple To Thrilling Threesome
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Raven has always been a large, powerful girl, being much stronger than any of the boys at school (or a group of them), so it was easy for her to claim an adorable little guy as her boyfriend. As the years went on, she grew to an incredible size, with beauty and strength to match, protecting her smaller man with ease, while allowing him to view her numerous threesomes with the sexiest girls around! Though such treatment came with a price, as while she loved her future husband dearly, it was definitely her way Or Else! Until one day when a stunning new woman entered their lives, one that seemed to have amazing control over the Gigantic Raven, one who would turn this couple into the most Thrilling Threesome Ever!

Raven large powerful girl stronger boys school group adorable little guy boyfriend years incredible size beauty strength match protecting smaller man ease view numerous threesomes sexiest girls treatment price loved future husband dearly definitely way Or Else stunning new woman entered lives amazing control Gigantic Raven couple Thrilling Threesome Ever

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