Search Results for "Crush"


The Moth To The Flame - TEXT

The Moth To The Flame
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

When a diminutive, muscle-loving, man has the chance to realize his deepest, darkest sexual fantasy, being lethally crushed by a powerful Amazon woman, he does whatever he can to make that fantasy a reality, even if it means he has to pay the Ultimate Price!

diminutive muscle-loving man chance realize deepest darkest sexual fantasy lethally crushed powerful Amazon woman whatever make reality pay Ultimate Price

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Gun Club (Part 2) - TEXT

Gun Club (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a helpless college interviewer has no choice but to set up his school's latest prospect (who just happens to be a young, muscle packed beauty) with a pair of wealthy twins, all for her to dominate, control and crush, for her own enjoyment, he himself is caught in the mix; all 3 men completely unable to resist this powerful young Amazon's physical abilities, not to mention those of a fellow interviewer, who is every bit as strong and sexy as her college counterpart here!

helpless college interviewer prospect muscle packed beauty wealthy twins dominate control crush enjoyment powerful Amazon physical abilities strong sexy counterpart

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The Discovery Of The Century - TEXT

The Discovery Of The Century
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM & Demented20)

When a teenage boy uncovers that the Mother of a good female friend of his (one whom he has real feelings for) used to be a muscle flexing, body crushing, sex crazed, bodybuilder (finding an assortment of old video clips of her in her younger years online) he tries his best to keep such news to himself; though such a discovery simply couldn't be kept quiet for long, and once out, it changes the very nature of his entire group of friends, Forever!

teenage boy uncovers Mother good female friend real feelings muscle flexing body crushing sex crazed bodybuilder old video clips younger years online tries his best keep news discovery kept quiet long changes nature entire group of friends Forever

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Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 1) - TEXT

Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottoms)

The Titanic Triplets from the classic Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts series are Back! This time, they're doing a little Breaking and Entering (emphasis on the Breaking) of a high class museum, dressed in skin tight black catsuits that hug each and every muscle-packed curve, doing so to steal a world class diamond, as they gleefully crush, snap and Break apart each and every security guard they encounter!

Titanic Triplets Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts Back Breaking and Entering Breaking high class museum skin tight black catsuits muscle-packed curve steal world class diamond gleefully crush snap Break security guard

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Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2) - TEXT

Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottoms)

The Trio of Colossal Cat-Suit wearing Crushers are back, as they continue their absolute annihilation of the museum's guards (using not just their unreal strength, but their unrivaled martial arts skills as well), in the end claiming their Prize - The Massive Wentworth Diamond - while leaving a trail of broken bodies in their wake, all for their own gleeful amusement. An all too sexy conclusion to this DustyBottums tale!

Trio Colossal Cat-Suit Crushers absolute annihilation museum's guards unreal strength unrivaled martial arts skills end Prize Massive Wentworth Diamond trail broken bodies gleeful amusement sexy conclusion DustyBottums tale

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest Side Story 4
Price: 2.00
(Story: Silentcrs)

It's the last days of high school, and Amy's ready to spend it the only way she knows how - dominating men! In her sights are a misogynistic teacher, some weakling male students and even the principal! Later, her muscle mom Elizabeth brings Amy's favorite teacher, Mr. Scott, back to the Hardstone beach house for some R&R, Amy and Jessica-style. The two teenage Amazons have their lustful ways with him, but what happens when Mr. Scott is threatened at a local club? Can Amy learn to protect and love, as well as crush and conquer?

high school Amy dominating men misogynistic teacher weakling male students principal muscle mom Elizabeth favorite teacher Mr. Scott Hardstone beach house R&R Amy and Jessica teenage Amazons lustful ways threatened local club protect love crush conquer

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Queen Of The Underground Ring - TEXT

Queen Of The Underground Ring
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

The Queen, as she is known as by her legions of fans, is the perfect combination of a world class fighter, with the physique of a champion bodybuilder, and the face of a fashion model! The Ultimate Amazon! Having her own fighting ring (as she was deemed too violent for professional leagues, even against the men) she Loves to batter and demolish any and all challengers. Though so one-sided are her matches that such men are few and far between - that is until massive powerhouse Ulysses Brock accepts her personal invitation, giving her the best fight of her career, though in the end proving little challenge against this man-crushing Queen!

Queen fans fighter physique bodybuilder fashion model Amazon fighting ring violent challengers matches powerhouse Ulysses Brock man-crushing

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Amy's Conquest 9 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest 9
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

The relationship between Amy and her true love David is suffering, as she fears her man-crushing ways will seriously hurt him, while he is worried his diminutive form isn't manly enough for her! Though after an emotional talk (and a fantasy night created by Amy for her loving man), their fears are put to rest, and their relationship emerges stronger than ever! Still, finding out the cause for his doubting mindset, a teasingly abusive co-worker Matt, cannot go unpunished; though as Amy vowed not to do so herself, that only means her sister-in-muscle Jessica needs to fill in for such duties. In the end using her dominant attitude and unreal strength to leave a lasting impression on Matt (and his apartment), one which oddly enough affects both him and Jessica in a way neither of them ever expected!

Amy true love David relationship man-crushing diminutive form emotional talk fantasy night fears stronger doubting mindset abusive co-worker sister-in-muscle dominant attitude unreal strength lasting impression apartment.

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The Tough Man Tamer - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Camila Kovac is as stunning in beauty as she is incredible in strength! Watch as she begins her quest to challenge any man in a test of physical power, whether it be buff gymrat, champion arm-wrestler, or towering masked wrestler, this amazing Amazon woman takes on each one of them, each time emerging victorious! Of course, after each win, Camila can't help but erotically claim each of these powerful men sexually as well, using her unreal muscular form to bring them to the peaks of orgasmic delight! What challenge next awaits this unbeatable man crusher, can anyone tame her physically or sexually? That remains to be seen!

Camila Kovac stunning beauty incredible strength quest challenge man test physical power buff gymrat champion arm-wrestler towering masked wrestler amazing Amazon woman victorious win erotically claim powerful men sexually unreal muscular form peaks orgasmic delight challenge unbeatable man crusher tame physically sexually remains to be seen

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Once Upon A Time (Part 2) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

As we return to the real world, story writer extraordinaire Travis has big plans for his creation, the man-crushing Mistress Eleanor! That is until he realizes his computer is shot, and needs serious repair. Thankfully a store with computer whiz Jessie is nearby, who as she repairs his hard-drive realizes he's her favorite Amazonian author, unable to resist reading his newest story from his repaired PC (much to her erotic enjoyment). Unfortunately for Travis, an evening bowling session ends in a terrible beating from a vicious gang and its Muscle Biker Babe leader! Just inches from a life-time hospital stay, he's rescued by a blonde Amazonian beauty whose strength defies description, and whose muscles are unimaginably ripped and powerful! She then safely returns him home, giving him a very erotic muscle display, which due to his beating he thought was just a dream - that is until he returns to collect his fixed computer, noticing something very familiar about tech genius Jessie, her long blonde hair and her shapely, firm looking physique!

return real world story writer Travis creation man-crushing Mistress Eleanor computer shot needs repair store computer whiz Jessie hard-drive favorite Amazonian author reading newest story repaired PC erotic enjoyment evening bowling session terrible beating vicious gang Muscle Biker Babe leader lifetime hospital stay rescued blonde Amazonian beauty strength description muscles unimaginably ripped powerful safely returns home muscle display dream fixed computer tech genius long blonde hair shapely firm looking physique

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14 pages140 records