Search Results for "Crush"


Big Red - My Latest Slaveboy - VIDEO

Big Red - My Latest Slaveboy
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Big Red)

Here we see the ultra shapely, super muscular Big Red enter her bedroom, where her newest boy-toy is laying in wait for her! She demands he begin worshipping her ultra curvaceous physique, touching her 29" thighs and caressing her near 18" arms, along with every other part of her body! All to bring her pleasure, though when this treatment isn't to her satisfaction, she switches from posing to Crushing, using her insanely strong body to teach this vastly weak and inferior man just how to worship an Amazonian Goddess such as she! Back and forth she goes, from admiration to domination, until she actually hurts him (for real), causing her softer side to emerge as she cuddles him into her thick, powerful form!

ultra shapely super muscular Big Red bedroom newest boy-toy worshipping ultra curvaceous physique 29" thighs 18" arms pleasure treatment satisfaction posing Crushing insanely strong body teach weak inferior man worship Amazonian Goddess admiration domination hurts real softer side cuddles thick powerful form

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Artist - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Artist
Price: 8.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Edson)

By day, she's a young student prodigy, winning local school awards for her artwork. By night, she is a muscular seductress, bending men with her body into sensual compositions for rich clientele. When a young man finds himself naked in an abandoned workhouse, he doesn't realize he's about to star in her latest abstract piece. Through a crushing forced hand job, an upside-down tit fuck, and an elegant (yet scissor hold-filled) dance on a flowing ribbon, she uses her muscles to create sexy - and completely unique - art pieces showcasing her overpowering dominance. The only question is how much her clients will pay to see her finish the job. The return of the Ultimate Power series by Silentcrs, illustrated by the awesome Edson!

young student prodigy local school awards artwork muscular seductress bending men sensual compositions rich clientele young man naked abandoned workhouse latest abstract piece crushing forced hand job upside-down tit fuck elegant scissor hold-filled dance flowing ribbon muscles sexy unique art pieces overpowering dominance clients pay Ultimate Power series silentcrs illustrated Edson

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Big Legs At The Shoe Store - PDF

Big Legs At The Shoe Store
Price: 8.00
(Story: Calffan, Artwork: Diego)

For Tom, the calf-loving shoe salesman, there was no better customer than Kirsten. Massively muscled (especially her lower half) and loving calf worship as much as he did, the two hit it off immediately! After some impromptu public calf worship at his store, they agree to meet later where they can sate their mutual lust in private. Upon discovering their birthdays had just passed, the two trade "gifts" with Kirsten proceeding to give Tom his first ever calf-fucking! Then some muscle and calf worship, followed by some crushing sexual escapades, Kirsten makes sure that this is a late birthday neither of them will ever forget! Incredible artwork by Diego on this super sexy story from The Calffan!

Tom calf-loving shoe salesman customer Kirsten massively muscled lower half calf worship hit it off immediately impromptu public store meet later sate mutual lust private birthdays passed trade gifts first ever calf-fucking muscle crushing sexual escapades late birthday forget incredible artwork Diego super sexy story The Calffan

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Heather - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Everton)

Tom's first time meeting his new stepsister Heather came with a simple rule, stay away from the gym. But it was his house too, why should he listen to his taller, stronger stepsister, and her even larger friend Claire? His curiosity gets the better of him, unfortunately leading him to be spotted and caught by the two powerful Amazon girls, as the two then have some fun teaching him not to break their rules! A short beating, and some crushing holds later and Tom quickly finds himself forcibly being used for their pleasure! The rules have changed again, whatever Heather wants, goes! Fantastic illustrations here from Everton, on this story by the iconic AmazonFan!

Tom stepsister Heather gym house taller stronger stepsister friend Claire curiosity spotted caught Amazon girls beating crushing holds pleasure rules illustrations Everton AmazonFan

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Lilly Ice - Surprise Reunion - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Surprise Reunion
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

A relaxing afternoon for Dante is given a sudden interruption by the super sensuous Lilly, who decides to pay him a visit after many years apart! Growing up, she was his best-friend's little sister, and she always had a crush on him then; though she knew he being into athletic, fit and strong girls, that her then skinny frame wasn't quite his thing. Though skinny no longer, she sexily reveals her body for him here, filled with lusciously hard curves and strong, firm shape! He is shocked by this reveal, clearly super aroused by her buff body, though still he resists her advances, as she is like a kid sister to him. Though Lilly has worked too hard on her body (all for him) to give him a choice, so she uses her superior strength and erotic wrestling skills to "convince" him to see things her way! He is going to be her boyfriend, whether he wants to, or not!

relaxing afternoon Dante interruption Lilly visit best-friend's little sister crush athletic fit strong skinny body curves shape reveal aroused buff advances kid sister worked hard choice superior strength wrestling skills convince boyfriend

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Lilly Ice - Gimme A Crush, Gimme A Squeeze! - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Gimme A Crush, Gimme A Squeeze!
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

When the sexily striking Lilly is in her room practicing her cheers for her school's squad, her obnoxious brother storms in and scolds her for making such noise, as well as laughing at her thinking cheerleading is a sport! She quickly shows him just how strong cheerleaders truly are, especially those on the base like Lilly who routinely lift other girls over her head! It doesn't take long for her to prove her point by squeezing and crushing him senseless, twisting and bending him helpless, sitting on and smothering him breathless, and lifting and throwing him around like the loser he is! A lesson is definitely learned this day, never doubt the strength of a sexy, solid, hard bodied cheerleader - or else!

sexily striking Lilly room practicing cheers school's squad obnoxious brother noise cheerleading sport strong cheerleaders base lift girls squeezing crushing twisting bending sitting smothering lifting throwing loser lesson strength sexy solid hard bodied doubt

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Lilly Ice - Babysitting Blunder - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Babysitting Blunder
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

College girl Lilly is patiently waiting for the father of children she is babysitting for to return home, though when he does she is shocked and annoyed at his lecherous proposal - earn double her normal fee for showing him more of her athletically shapely body! She isn't thrilled with his behaviour (especially as she has been sitting for him for years now) and refuses, though as he threatens to then not pay her at all, she decides to give him what he wants - and then some! Lilly strips to sexy lingerie, before unleashing her strong, fit physique on this foolish man, squeezing, crushing, lifting and bending him to pieces! In the end she gets her double fee from this newly battered man, doing so Her Way, as she threatens him with Worse if he ever tries such tactics with her again!

College girl Lilly waiting father children babysitting shocked annoyed lecherous proposal double fee athletically shapely body behaviour sitting refuses threatens pay sexy lingerie strong fit physique foolish man squeezing crushing lifting bending pieces double fee battered man Her Way Worse tactics

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The Trip (Part 5) - PDF

The Trip (Part 5)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Hud, Artwork: Max)

In this final chapter of the main Trip series, Megan and Allan are surprised with tickets for them to go back and see his parents, though before making this trip Megan decides to surprise Allan with a visit to LuAnn's house. There they are greeted by the short, though solidly muscled, young woman who asks her BFF for a favor, being able to have her sexual fun with Allan before they leave! Megan simply can't refuse her friend's request, and Allan has no say at all here, as LuAnn then shows off her even thicker muscle-packed physique, stunning the worried young man, before claiming him for her sexual pleasure! Of course, his own orgasmic delights are quenched as well along the way, as are Megan's, as she joins in to fulfil her own erotic enjoyment! Incredible artwork from MadMax on this fantastic series from Hud!

grad-school Allan parents family vacation Florida close friends daughter Megan physique fit firm strong crush strength illustrations Max classic series Hud

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Lilly Ice - Sign Please, Or Get Squeezed - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Sign Please, Or Get Squeezed
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

When Gym Expert Lilly enters the home of a man, asking him to sign a petition to allow a women's only gym (specializing in top female physiques) to be set up nearby, he chauvinistically replies with a No, stating that he's not into women being stronger than men. Fitness fanatic Lilly isn't one to take such a negative reply lightly, and proceeds to use her buff body to show him the "benefits" of having such physically powerful women in his area, and even in his own life! After a series of crushing squeezes, mangling limbs and body lifts, the once uncooperative male is quickly convinced that being the weaker sex isn't as far off a notion as he originally thought, and there isn't anything he can do to stop more strong, sexy girls popping up around him in the future!

Gym Expert Lilly man petition women's only gym female physiques chauvinistic strong women buff body physically powerful crushing squeezes mangling limbs body lifts weaker sex strong sexy girls

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Brenda - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story: Hatour, Artwork: Robolord)

When a young man reunites with his older sister's best friend (one he had a real crush on years earlier) he's amazed at how well they hit it off - not to mention of her vastly increased physical shape and size! After a meal out, they return to his family home, leading to him eyeing what is underneath her baggy outfit, namely thick, solid, sexy muscle! He tries to hide his interest, though her sexually erotic advances prove too much for him to resist! Soon they are "enjoying" one another to the fullest, while she shows off every inch of her hard, powerful form! First time AC artist Robolord lends his Amazing artwork to this Sexy tale by Hatour!

young man older sister's best friend crush amazed hit it off physical shape size meal out family home eyeing baggy outfit thick solid sexy muscle hide interest sexually erotic advances resist enjoying fullest shows off hard powerful form AC artist Robolord Amazing artwork Sexy tale Hatour

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