Search Results for "Crush"


Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 1) - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch and Listen as the gorgeously muscle-packed Brandi Mae talks about how she would protect you from the bullies, defend you from anyone who would harm you, using her thick, powerful muscles to crush, and squeeze, and beat up anyone who dared to attack you, all while sexily flexing her buff body, all while speaking in her amazingly erotic tones! Another fantastic clip from Jersey Black here!

watch listen Brandi Mae muscle-packed protect bullies defend harm powerful muscles crush squeeze beat up attack sexily flexing buff body erotic tones Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 2) - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as the beautifully buff Brandi, your own Amazon Girlfriend, teaches your older, bullying brother, a harsh and painful lesson on how Not to treat you any longer. A lesson he learns all too easily, thanks to her crushing thighs, squeezing arms, powerful punches, and stern (yet sensually spoken) words. Rest assured, your brother will never bully you again, nor will Anyone else, thanks to your protective girlfriend's thick, shapely, powerful body! An incredible clip from Jersey Black!

Brandi Amazon Girlfriend older brother bullying lesson crushing thighs squeezing arms powerful punches stern words protective girlfriend thick shapely powerful body Jersey Black

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Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen continues to show off her muscular, hard body for her evening's date, proving to him with sexy flexes and erotically crushing cuddles how Unreal it can be to be with a woman such as she; something he fully agrees with before too long, swiftly becoming a huge fan of powerfully built women, especially Monix (and her bouncing pecs)! - Another sexy female muscle clip shot by Jersey Black!

super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen muscular hard body evening's date proving sexy flexes erotically crushing cuddles Unreal woman fully agrees huge fan powerfully built women Monix bouncing pecs sexy female muscle clip Jersey Black

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Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 1) - VIDEO

Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Sexy Supergirl MuscleVixen is not happy at all with her boyfriend, who she proceeds to drag into her apartment and Demolish in a series of powerfully crushing holds from her rock solid body. Beg and plead as he does, she doesn't reply, her beating of him is silent, only his moans of agony can be heard about them; that is until one final line, when she squeezes him unconscious, does she let us in on why she is mangling her man - something he won't find out until he awakens, in Part 2! - Another Incredible clip by Jersey Black!

sexy Supergirl MuscleVixen not happy boyfriend drag apartment demolish powerfully crushing holds rock solid body beg plead beating silent moans of agony final line squeezes unconscious mangling man awakens Part 2 incredible clip Jersey Black

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Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Here MuscleVixen continues her harsh treatment of her cheating man, who when confronted vocally by his muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend, first denies his cheater ways, though then admits he did so to make himself feel stronger, something that causes Monix to laugh out, as she allows him to punch her pecs and abs (proving how weak he really is), before continuing to crush him to pieces! Another awesomely shot video by Jersey Black here!

MuscleVixen harsh treatment cheating man confronted vocally muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend denies cheater ways admits feel stronger Monix laugh out punch pecs abs weak crush pieces awesomely shot video Jersey Black

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Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 1) - VIDEO

Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as the beautifully buff, bikini clad Amazon, MuscleVixen, poses and talks sexily to her legions of online fans in the privacy of her bedroom via her webcam; that is until she spots a peeping-tom intruder lecherously spying on her, which causes her to close down her webcam, and open up a can of MUSCLE CRUSH on him! - Fantastic clip once again from Jersey Black!

beautifully buff bikini clad Amazon MuscleVixen poses talks sexily legions online fans privacy bedroom webcam peeping-tom intruder lecherously spying close down open up MUSCLE CRUSH Fantastic clip Jersey Black

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Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen continues to use her rock solid, super strong body to punish her newly discovered Peeping Tom, though before long she notices him really enjoying such treatment, which begins to turn her on as well, as she continues to crush him in a variety of holds, though more for the enjoyment of it - well, her's anyway! - Awesomely shot clip by Jersey Black here!

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen rock solid super strong body punish newly discovered Peeping Tom notices enjoying treatment turn on crush variety of holds enjoyment Awesomely shot clip Jersey Black

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Aleysha Muscledoll - Jealous High School Girl - VIDEO

Aleysha Muscledoll - Jealous High School Girl
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aleysha)

Teenage muscle girl-next-door Aleysha is making a sexy video message for her boyfriend, who happens to be away at college, where she sensually flexes and tells him how much she is thinking of him - that and how Badly she is going to hurt him, break his bones, crush his head, make him scream, if she finds out that he's cheating on her while he's away! - Another all too sexy first-person video clip shot by Aleysha!

teenage muscle girl-next-door Aleysha sexy video message boyfriend away at college sensually flexes thinking of him hurt break bones crush head make scream cheating first-person video clip shot

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Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom 2 - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: James Cook)

Gorgeous Muscle MILF Emery is back, proving she can use her lush Amazonian physique to Seduce as well as Squeeze! This time she pays a visit to one of the judges of her teenage daughter's beauty pageant, using soft sensual flexes mixed with her erotically spoken voice (with a bit of Crushing mixed in) to ensure that he casts his vote her way - Or Else! Powerful Persuasion at its finest! - Another Amazing video from James Cook here!

Gorgeous Muscle MILF Emery Amazonian Seduce Squeeze visit judge daughter beauty pageant sensual flexes erotically spoken voice Crushing vote Powerful Persuasion Amazing video James Cook

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Jennifer Thomas - Hands Off - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Hands Off
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer)

When gorgeous hardbody Jennifer is approached (in a very rude and crude manner) by a businessmen who wants to hire her, forcing himself on her in the process, her polite rejections quickly turn into power-packed punishment, as she uses her always Strong and Sexy body to twist, mangle, crush and punch this foolish man into oblivion; breaking his bones and ignoring his screams, showing him the error of his brutish, lecherous ways! Originally shot by, now exclusive on Amy's Conquest!

gorgeous hardbody Jennifer rude crude businessmen hire rejection punishment Strong Sexy twist mangle crush punch bones screams error brutish lecherous Amy's Conquest

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14 pages140 records