Dazzled By Dawn

Dazzled By Dawn
Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Young internet millionaire Dennis is utterly enraptured by the strong, muscular and gorgeous Dawn! Here he tells his story about his first meeting with the sexy muscle girl (after delving into his initial encounter with a stronger, fitter girl while in college, one who enjoyed humiliating him with her strength), a chance introduction with the dazzling Dawn, which quickly leads to lunch and then a meeting for some playful wrestling later on. Though her complete physical control of his weaker body, done in a teasingly sensual manner, soon turns into full blown sexual delights for them both, ending with the first of many erotic explosions to come for this female-muscle loving couple! Awesome artwork by Dracowhip here, on this classic AmazonFan story!

young internet millionaire Dennis enraptured strong muscular gorgeous Dawn story first meeting sexy musclegirl delving initial encounter college stronger fitter girl enjoyed humiliating strength chance introduction dazzling lunch meeting playful wrestling complete physical control weaker body teasingly sensual manner full blown sexual delights first many erotic explosions female-muscle loving couple awesome artwork Dracowhip classic AmazonFan story

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The Facility (Part Two)

The Facility (Part Two)
Price: 8.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Buffcake)

Genetically enhanced super soldier Felicia is back! Still being watched in her government issued cell, she is given a test from one of her scientists, one that gets her so sexually thrilled that she can't help but take our her erotic desires on the plexiglass barrier between them (not to mention he, himself)! Later, when the test begins, she lets loose using her superior speed and strength to demolish several large, armed men (all but one, which she has a bit of interest in)! Her main target is soon to be her next victim, he completely helpless as Felicia viciously abuses, and sexually uses, his utterly destroyed body! This SeldomLasts series continues, with more Unreal illustrations by Buffcake!

genetically enhanced super soldier Felicia back watched government issued cell test scientists sexually thrilled plexiglass barrier erotic desires later begins superior speed strength demolish large armed men interest main target victim helpless viciously abuses sexually uses utterly destroyed body SeldomLasts series Unreal illustrations Buffcake

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The Right Mix (Part 2)

The Right Mix (Part 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Vaalser4, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Marcedes is the Ultimate Amazon! Towering over most any man around, her unreal height is further emphasized by her massive, solid and super ripped muscles! Her loving man (who she simply Towers over) tells several stories of her Amazonian exploits here, which involve putting cocky, tough, macho guys in their place; whether by humiliating them in public, or giving them a little beating in private! Marcedes truly is the Right Mix of Any man's fantasy! Fantastic illustrations from alphadawg on this original story by Vaalser4!

Marcedes Ultimate Amazon towering height massive solid super ripped muscles loving man Towers over stories Amazonian exploits cocky tough macho guys humiliating public beating private Right Mix fantasy illustrations alphadawg original story Vaalser4

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Muscle MILF's Surprise New Client

Muscle MILF's Surprise New Client
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Nivilis)

When the hottest Mom on the block (make that Any block) does sexy muscle sessions, it's no surprise at how extensive her clientele is, so much so it's hard for even her to keep track! Though imagine her surprise when she greets her latest (and newest) client, only to find out he's her son's best friend! Stunned to see him before her, though the professional that she is, she invites him in, and after a bit of discussion where he confesses his adoration of her ultra muscular physique for many years now, the gorgeous Amazon decides to make due with her commitment and continue with this session - though just this one. Of course once may be all that this 18 year old could handle, as she shows off her muscle packed form in a variety of strong and sexy ways, for him as well as on him! So enthralled does he become that he just can't "control" himself in the end, though around such a woman as she, Who Could?!? Nivilis adds her Unreal illustrations to this original story!

hottest Mom sexy muscle sessions clientele surprise son's best friend professional adoration ultra muscular physique Amazon commitment session 18 year old muscle packed form strong sexy enthralled control woman Unreal illustrations

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Warning Signs And Short Stuff

Warning Signs And Short Stuff
Price: 8.00
(Story: The Collector, Artwork: Edson)

This tale is filled with small scenes of various signs that You should be aware of, in order to help identify those of the fairer (yet so much stronger) sex! Whether you are a harsh boss barking at your female employees, a caring guy playing pranks on your girlfriend, a man taken by surprise of the strength from your new date's young daughter (and she herself), or a groom about to be introduced to the world of superior women by your bride at the altar; all of these scenes and more are displayed for both your enjoyment and as a warning - dismiss the unreal power of the women in your life at your own risk! Amazing artwork from Edson on this classic tale by The Collector!

small scenes signs identify fairer sex harsh boss female employees caring guy pranks girlfriend strength new date young daughter groom superior women bride altar warning power women life risk artwork classic tale The Collector

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Beautiful Buff Babe Folio

Beautiful Buff Babe Folio
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Buffcake)

If you're a fan of pin-ups pictures showing an assortment of strong, sexy, muscular women in a variety of powerful and passionate poses, then THIS is definitely for YOU! This folio is filled with an array of Amazons unlike you've ever seen, from ultra horny giantesses and sensual Supergirl showing off, to enraged Muscle MILFs and savagely avenging mermaids, from fiercely protective girlfriends and passionately powerful prison guards, to sexy savage jungle girls to attackers picking on the wrong woman, this folio has it all! If you're a fan of a single Super Sexy picture telling a tale about Feminine Power, then Look No Further! Absolutely Unreal illustrations from the Awesome Buffcake on this one!

fan pin-ups pictures assortment strong sexy muscular women variety powerful passionate poses folio array Amazons ultra horny giantesses sensual supergirls showing off enraged Muscle MILFs savagely avenging mermaids fiercely protective girlfriends passionately powerful prison guards sexy savage jungle girls attackers wrong woman Super Sexy picture tale Feminine Power Look No Further Unreal illustrations Awesome Buffcake

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Back On Track (Part 3)

Back On Track (Part 3)
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: RagMan)

Several weeks pass since Josh's cowardly attack, and he is still hospitalized and unconscious! Mia is wracked with guilt for not protecting him in time, not to mention devastated that she may never tell Josh about her true feelings for him, all of which causes her to train her unreal physique with even greater intensity! Though her prayers are answered and Josh awakens, causing them both to share their feelings and their relationship to bloom! He's thrilled to return to her gym and see that it too has grown more popular, and after a heart-to-heart they begin their training once more, each of them reaching physical goals neither of them thought possible - concluding with Mia showing her physical love for Josh as only a sexy muscle girl can! An awesome conclusion to this series, with Fantastic artwork from Rag-Man here!

weeks Josh cowardly attack hospitalized unconscious Mia guilt protecting devastated true feelings train physique prayers awakens share relationship bloom gym popular heart-to-heart training physical goals conclusion series Fantastic artwork Rag-Man sexy muscle girl

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Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon)

Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Folio, Artwork: Tom & DJ)

Travel the globe with Amy and David as they share Amazing sights and locations during their world-wide honeymoon! Of course Amy isn't your normal newlywed bride, and her Amazonian physique always garners its share of attention! Whether appreciating the drinks and locals as they bar-hop in Germany or Russia, relaxing in the polar Arctic or the sandy beaches of Hawaii, or enjoying themselves cosplaying at the New York Comic Con or bungee jumping in New Zealand, there is simply no place on Earth these young lovers couldn't have The Best time at! Join them on their trip, and you're guaranteed to Enjoy yourselves as well! Truly Unreal illustrations from Tom and DJ on this Fantastic Folio!

Travel globe Amy David sights locations world-wide honeymoon newlywed bride Amazonian physique bar-hop Germany Russia Arctic sandy beaches Hawaii cosplaying New York Comic Con bungee jumping New Zealand young lovers trip Enjoy Unreal illustrations Tom DJ Fantastic Folio

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The Trip (Part 5)

The Trip (Part 5)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Hud, Artwork: Max)

In this final chapter of the main Trip series, Megan and Allan are surprised with tickets for them to go back and see his parents, though before making this trip Megan decides to surprise Allan with a visit to LuAnn's house. There they are greeted by the short, though solidly muscled, young woman who asks her BFF for a favor, being able to have her sexual fun with Allan before they leave! Megan simply can't refuse her friend's request, and Allan has no say at all here, as LuAnn then shows off her even thicker muscle-packed physique, stunning the worried young man, before claiming him for her sexual pleasure! Of course, his own orgasmic delights are quenched as well along the way, as are Megan's, as she joins in to fulfil her own erotic enjoyment! Incredible artwork from MadMax on this fantastic series from Hud!

grad-school Allan parents family vacation Florida close friends daughter Megan physique fit firm strong crush strength illustrations Max classic series Hud

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Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Tom & Diego)

When a young man starts his college years, he quickly befriends a powerful, thickly muscled girl named Sara, who luckily for him lives just down the hall. His lust for such physically superior females comes to fruition, as the sultry Supergirl lures him in with feats of strength, which quickly turn into erotic, muscle love-making between them! Sara continues showing off her strength in public, which always gets her man hot and bothered! Whether she overpowers the school's jocks in arm-wrestling, or batters about a large, muscular man in the gym, all of which ends with passionate sexual sessions, where she shows her physical superiority over her now boyfriend! An awesome story, with artwork by Tom and Diego here!

young man college years powerful thickly muscled girl Sara lust physically superior females sultry supergirl feats of strength erotic muscle love-making public strength hot overpowers arm-wrestling muscular man gym physical superiority boyfriend artwork Tom Diego

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