Sandi Stone: The Pick Up

Sandi Stone: The Pick Up
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sandi Stone, Artwork: Everton)

Watch as punishing powerhouse Sandi Stone picks up an unsuspecting male (who just happened to have recently beaten up her mother) back to her house, namely a special padded room, where she then unveils her super muscular physique, followed by a savage beating that this foolish man will Never Forget! - Fantastic pictures from Everton on this Sandi Stone story!

punishing powerhouse Sandi Stone male beaten up mother house padded room muscular physique savage beating foolish man Never Forget pictures Everton story

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Kitten's Revenge

Kitten's Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

When 18 year old Kate (aka Kitten) goes to her older sister's campus to confront her obnoxious jock boyfriend that just dumped her, she uses her fit physique and martial arts mastery to teach him a very embarrassing lesson, before bringing him back home for some more fun afterwards - with her sister's permission, of course! - Very cool pics on this MC tale from another new AC artist, Jorge!

18 year old Kate Kitten older sister campus confront obnoxious jock boyfriend dumped fit physique martial arts mastery embarrassing lesson fun sister's permission cool pics MC tale new AC artist Jorge

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Fantasy Island - Amazon Style

Fantasy Island - Amazon Style
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Stuart and Beth are a young couple in love, who each receive their truest wish when they arrive at this very special Tropical Paradise, as Stuart's previously hunky form becomes more diminutive, while Beth grows into a huge, powerful, muscle packed Amazon - one who relishes in showing off her new body's power and strength (in an variety of sexy, even protective, ways), with Total Fantasy sexual sessions for them both mixed all throughout! - Incredible artwork on this one from a brand new AC artist, Max!

Stuart Beth young couple love Tropical Paradise hunky form diminutive powerful muscle packed Amazon body power strength fantasy sexual sessions artwork AC artist Max

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Pizza Boy

Pizza Boy
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Rob)

When a young pizza delivery boy visits the spacious, up-scale home of Brenda and Bridget, two stunning and statuesque young Amazon twins, he gets much more than he bargained for, namely their thick, hard young bodies wrappng around him in both painful and pleasuring ways, Squeezing all resistance out of him, before making him Crave for more! - Amazing artwork once again from Rob on this AmazonFan tale!

young pizza delivery boy spacious up-scale home Brenda Bridget stunning statuesque Amazon twins much more bargained for thick hard bodies wrapping around painful pleasuring squeezing resistance crave amazing artwork Rob AmazonFan tale

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The Amazone (Part 1)

The Amazone (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Watch as Carmen introduces to her loving boyfriend Chris a little secret, her very own nightclub, a hot and happening locale focusing on strong, sexy hardbodied Amazons of every shapes and size; all to test him on how he would feel if she revealed her biggest secret yet - that she herself is the Strongest of them all! - Very cool illustrations by FemForteFan on this one!

Carmen loving boyfriend Chris little secret nightclub hot happening locale focusing strong sexy hard bodied Amazons shapes size test feel revealed biggest secret Strongest cool illustrations FemForteFan

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Dream Session

Dream Session
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Crisshapes)

When a muscle-lusting man sets up a meeting with a beautiful Amazon woman, his ultimate dreams and fantasies are realized to the fullest, as this sensual, sexy and Super Strong woman handles him in a way that no other could; bringing them both to the peaks of sexual pleasure, using her unreal strength and rock solid physique to show her new man that she is his Dream Girl come to life! - Drawn, and Written, by the Iconic Crisshapes!

muscle-lusting man meeting beautiful Amazon woman dreams fantasies sensual sexy Super Strong woman sexual pleasure unreal strength rock solid physique Dream Girl Drawn Written Iconic Crisshapes

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Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 1)

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Watch as sexy teenage Amazon Jessica Armstrong works out Hard, pumping her already massive muscles in her basement's gym, all the while fantasizing about her Sister In Muscle, Amy, as well as a long time crush, her older brother's best friend, who is just upstairs....or so he was, Jessica just missing him, she then takes her Sexual Frustration out on her utterly helpless brother! - Amazingly drawn COLOR pics from a new AC artist, Jupiter 1!

sexy teenage Amazon Jessica Armstrong works out Hard pumping massive muscles basement's gym fantasizing Sister In Muscle Amy long time crush older brother's best friend upstairs missing Sexual Frustration utterly helpless brother Amazingly drawn COLOR pics new AC artist Jupiter 1

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Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 2)

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Our story continues, with Amy doing what she does best (namely Sexily Muscle Crushing) on her BFF's older brother, that is until his best bud (aka Jessica's long-time Lust) returns to their house; as she and Amy swiftly hatch a plan to lure him into Jessica's trap, namely the embrace of her muscle packed physique, with more Muscle Fun to follow! - Incredibly drawn COLOR pics once more by Jupiter 1!

story Amy best Sexily Muscle Crushing BFF older brother best bud Jessica's long-time Lust house plan lure trap embrace muscle packed physique Muscle Fun Incredibly drawn COLOR pics Jupiter 1

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Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 3)

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Jessica's long time Crush (pun intended) has finally been ensnared by her full, hard teenage girl muscles, as both she and Amy have some teasing Muscle Girl Fun with his hopelessly overmatched body; using their massive power for both girlishly playful effects, as well as sexually quenching displays! - Jupiter 1 has ended this series with a Bang here!

Jessica crush pun ensnared full hard teenage girl muscles Amy teasing Muscle Girl Fun hopelessly overmatched body massive power girlishly playful sexually quenching displays Jupiter 1 ended series Bang

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The Mixer

The Mixer
Price: 6.00
(Story: Pac, Artwork: Max)

When a sweet young college boy (who lusts after athletically built girls) heads over to his school's Mixer and meets up with a tall, musclebound Amazonian beauty, sparks fly. as she shows off her unreal strength for him, both on the football field, and in the bedroom (along with a fellow towering college babe)! - Awesome artwork by Max, on this Pac tale!

sweet young college boy lusts athletically built girls school's Mixer meets up tall musclebound Amazonian beauty sparks fly shows off unreal strength football field bedroom towering college babe awesome artwork Max Pac tale

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